What to wear in the fall, how to make a basic and perfect wardrobe for autumn for a woman 30 - 40 years old, for a girl 20 years old, for a man, a stylish guy? What to wear pregnant in the fall, young mother?

What to wear in the fall, how to make a basic and perfect wardrobe for autumn for a woman 30 - 40 years old, for a girl 20 years old, for a man, a stylish guy? What to wear pregnant in the fall, young mother?

What things should be included in the autumn wardrobe? What colors will be in fashion this fall?

With the arrival of autumn, we have to hide our beautiful summer things into the closet and get more practical outfits from there that can protect our body from cold and dampness. But, trying to insulate as well as possible, sometimes we forget to follow how our outfit looks.

Indeed, most often, choosing a wardrobe for ourselves for autumn, we prefer practical dark things that are easy to clean. But if you spend a little more time than usual, then you can be able to choose a basic autumn wardrobe, consisting of warm, but at the same time bright and fashionable things.

And what material should be sewn autumn clothing: types of materials

Fabrics for sewing autumn clothes

Probably, to every person it is clear that the fabric from which clothes will be sewn for the cold season should contain the maximum number of natural threads. This will allow your clothes to be well preserved, without violating the natural heat transfer.

If you decide to buy a suit or jacket sewn from synthetic material, be prepared for the fact that you will be cold even on a relatively warm day. Therefore, if possible, choose outfits sour cotton, flax, wool and silk. In this case, you can definitely be sure that your outfit will be convenient and beautiful.

Types of materials:

  • Anjur. This material has a very soft, pleasant structure and rather rich selection of colors. It is made of cotton, woolen or silk yarn
  • Angora. A warm enough fabric that is used for sewing autumn knitwear. Make it from the wool of rabbits and goats of a certain breed
  • Velvet. It is considered the best option for sewing evening outfits and trouser suits. There is such a type of velvet in which there is a small amount of stretch threads. It is used for sewing jacket and leggings
  • Buklle. Pretty thick fabric, which is made of shaped yarn with small knots. Most often it is used for sewing coats and women's costumes

Basic and ideal wardrobe for autumn for a woman

Ideas for the basic women's wardrobe for autumn

If you want to look perfect at home, at work, and visiting, then select the basic wardrobe so that all things in it are perfectly combined with each other.

Moreover, this rule should be applied not only to clothing, but to shoes and accessories. Therefore, choosing outfits for yourself, look not only at their brandedness, but also at universality.

Basic wardrobe trends for autumn 2016:

  • Skirt. It is not necessary to be long and thick. If it is convenient for you, then it may well be sewn and from whatever thin fabric. Just in this case, pay more attention to the color. Brown, chocolate and muffled yellow shades are most suitable for autumn
  • Cardigans and sweaters. Since a cardigan is usually combined with rather dark trousers and skirts, it should have a brighter and more saturated color than the rest of the clothes. It can be dark blue, burgundy, bottle-green and even red. Choose sweaters with a high throat and interesting ornament. They will make a daily image more interesting, having a little freshness and lightness in it
  • Coat. This part of the women's wardrobe has been the trend for quite some time. Therefore, this fall, you can safely wear a classic coat of medium length. If possible, buy yourself two different models at once, a plain neutral color for work and business meetings, and slightly enlarged and bright for walking with friends and visiting holiday events

Basic and ideal wardrobe for autumn for a man Men's base wardrobe

Basic wardrobe for a man

Modern men contrary to all stereotypes also try to always be in trend. And although representatives of the stronger sex have much less choice of models than women, with the right approach, even from a small number of correct things, you can create a fashionable basic wardrobe for the fall.

Men's autumn fashion trends:

  • Knitwear. There is an opinion that knitted things greatly spoil the visual perception of fashionable onions. In fact, if you correctly guess with color and styles, they can quite calmly become the most favorite element of the wardrobe. Try to not choose too baggy sweaters and ragans if possible, let them repeat the bends of your body. Such a trick will help you emphasize the advantages of the figure and distract attention from its shortcomings. If we talk about color gam, then it is better to select it to the color of the eye
  • Shirts. There should be at least three of them. In the wardrobe of each man there should be a shirt sewn from light fabric and also several models in a cell. A plain light shirt can be worn under classic trousers, and the other two will be perfectly combined with jeans
  • Outerwear. Men, unlike a woman, can not limit a coat. Therefore, in addition to him, in their wardrobe, a jacket must be properly due, which can be dressed in the country or on meetings with friends. It can be sewn from leather or velvet

Wardrobe of a stylish guy by autumn to like girls

Basic wardrobe of a stylish guy

It so happened, but men do not really like to go shopping. Even those who seek to look stylish in all life situations go for purchases very rarely.

Therefore, it is extremely important that the man, going beyond the newspaper, imagined in advance what he needs to look for on store shelves and with what he can combine this from the available wardrobe.

The wardrobe of a stylish guy should consist of:

  • Pants. This part of the wardrobe plays a huge role in the visual perception of fashionable onions, for this reason we must strive for the trousers to sit as well as possible on the figure. If we talk about the style, then in this case it is best to give preference to classic trousers, slightly narrowed down. According to the same criteria, you need to choose jeans. If you really want to look original, then in no case do not buy jeans with a low waist or too catchy decor
  • Turtlenecks and sweaters. The color scheme of such products should be as calm as possible. They can have a dark blue, gray, muffled-burgundy or dark green color. But in order for the turtlenecks and sweaters to look elegant, it is necessary that they are sewn from high -quality thin material. Therefore, if you want to hit your soulmate in a fashionable way, then give preference to products sour cotton and viscose
  • Cardigans, vests of jackets. Since these things are very universal, you can easily combine them with trousers and jeans. The only thing you should remember when choosing this part of the wardrobe is that it should be designed in the same style as all other things. If you have already bought classic trousers and shirts, then a vest and a cardigan should be the same

Basic and ideal wardrobe for autumn for a woman 30 years old from Evelina Khromchenko

The ideas of the autumn wardrobe from Evelina Khromchenko

This fall, Evelina Khromchenko offers thirty -year -old women for some time to lay in a closet very bright acidic color of things and turn their eyes to the calm classical outfits.


  • Classic suit. Choose a model with narrowed and slightly shortened trousers of dark blue or black color. The costume jacket should also be shortened, but not very fit. This will allow him to combine with blouses and thin sweaters
  • Cloak-trench. This part of the wardrobe will help make the female image more sophisticated and mysterious, and will also be able to protect you from changeable autumn weather. The color scheme of this clothing should be as restrained as possible. Therefore, try to find for yourself a raincoat of beige, cream or brown
  • Dark blue jeans. A model made in a classic style will be well combined with glamorous sweaters and with sports shirts. And if you complement jeans with a jamper made of thin wool, then you can quite calmly go in such an outfit even to work

Basic and perfect autumn wardrobe for a girl 20 years old

Set of clothing for everyday life

Young girls, unlike older ladies, can afford to complement plain things with brighter and more colorful models. Their young age allows them to look less strict and restrained.

All that they need to do when choosing a basic autumn wardrobe is to refuse outfits with translucent inserts. In the cold season, such models will look inappropriate and slightly vulgar.

The rules for choosing a wardrobe:

  • Top. If the figure allows you to wear multilayer outfits. For example, dress a dark blue blouse, a vest with delicate embroidery and a shortened leather jacket. If you like cardigans, then feel free to wear them and just instead of turtlenecks and blouse supplement them with bright T -shirts, shirts sewn from thin material
  • Bottom. In this case, the choice of clothing can be completely diverse. It can be skirts, trousers and even breeches. They can be sewn from jeans, velvet or thin wool. If you wish, you can choose models that have a rather bright finish and volumetric drapery.

Autumn wardrobe for women 40 years old

Universal autumn wardrobe for forty -year -old women

If you think that the wardrobe of a forty -year -old woman should be as conservative as possible, then you are deeply mistaken, because even at this age a woman may look gorgeous and sexy. The most pleasant thing is that if the lady is able to choose the right autumn outfit, then visually she will younger for at least five years.

Therefore, if you are striving to get a difficult to receive, and also a sexy outfit, then pick up sweaters, trousers and dresses in such a way that they emphasize your femininity and natural beauty.


  • Blazer. If the years have not spoiled your body, then try to choose for yourself a jacket with a small basket. It will advantageously emphasize the thin waist and beautiful breasts. The color scheme of this part of the wardrobe may not be very dark. If you are light tones, then give preference to beige and pastel shades
  • Skirt. Depending on the type of your figures, it can be straight or flared. If we talk about the length, then at this age it is better not to wear too shortened models. The best option will be the skirt below the knee long
  • Sweets. It is best to give preference to models sewn from thin wool. The color scheme of the sweater can be very bright. With their help, you can place color accents. Therefore, if you have a desire, then replenish your autumn wardrobe with models of red, blue or green. But remember, if you choose a bright jacket, then it should be monophonic, prints and volumetric patterns will make it very screaming

What to wear pregnant autumn?

Fashionable clothes for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the future mommy should feel as comfortable as possible, because her emotional state is envious of the well -being of the future person. For this reason, choosing a wardrobe for a woman in an interesting position, always remember that he should bring her only positive emotions.

Choose for her things sewn from natural fabrics and preferably not very bright colors. Acid shades will be very striking and if a woman will contemplate them for a long time, then she may have unreasonable irritation.

Autumn clothing that should be in the wardrobe of a pregnant woman:

  • Classic jeans with a special belt
  • Knitted jumper and turtlenecks of calm pastel colors
  • Leggings and tunics set
  • Knitted dress with high waist
  • Cardigan with a smell and belt

Basic wardrobe of the autumn wardrobe of a young mother

Clothing for autumn for a young mother

After childbirth, women strive to return to their former form as quickly as possible and start wearing their favorite fashionable things. But sometimes in pursuit of fashion, young mothers forget that their former wardrobe is not very suitable for their new status.

After all, if earlier a girl could afford to wear short enough dresses and skirts, enlarged T -shirts and sweaters, then with the birth of a baby she should begin to dress a little differently.


  • Jumper and sweaters (can be quite bright), sewn from thin wool
  • Black or dark blue pants in the style of casual and sport, city chic
  • An elongated cardigan with a belt (it can be worn with sleeve dresses and light blouses)
  • A fitted black dress. You will use this outfit for publication

How to pick up clothes by the fallout for autumn?

Clothing for women who belong to the color type Spring

Quite a lot of women know about the existence of such a term as a color type, but at the same time they don’t even try to find out what it is. They do this, of course, in vain. After all, it is the color type of appearance that helps to create fashionable images that are distinguished by special naturalness, femininity and impeccability.

Shades that are suitable for a certain color type:

  • Winter. Women with this appearance are raspberry, emerald, graphite, sky blue and gray colors
  • Summer. Such representatives of the fair sex should wear outfits of gray-blue, dark brown, pink, muffled lemon, cherry color
  • Spring. Girls having such a color type can afford the clothes of peach, apricot, pale corral, coffee, turquoise color
  • Autumn. Such a type of women should pay attention to dark red, orange, dark green, plum and herbal shades

With what to wear jeans boyfriends in the fall?

How do boyfriends wear?

Boyfrand jeans are quite popular among the fair sex. But since they are quite rude and baggy, it is extremely important to be able to smooth out their expressive appearance.

If you can choose the right top to such trousers, then they will look appropriate even at the holiday.

Boyfrands jeans can be arranged with:

  • Volumetric sweaters with rough viscous (option for owners of a fragile figure)
  • Sweatshots with a bright pattern (suitable for street walks)
  • Suede, leather and denim jackets
  • Club jackets and blazers

What to wear a long skirt in the fall?

Long skirt on the floor

Long skirts are not only beautiful, but also very convenient. In them, a woman can feel protected in any weather. Elongated skirts adore ladies who do not like warm trouser suits. After all, such a wardrobe detail allows them to feel light and feminine even in the fall.

Wear such skirts must be with:

  • Free or fitted sweater (shortened)
  • A jacket with a sleeve of three quarters
  • Turtleneck of bright contrasting color
  • Fur cape
  • Leather jacket (classic)
  • Women's vest

What to wear leggings in the fall?

How to wear leggings?

Leggings are an ideal option for creating a trending female image. But if you plan to wear them in the fall, then choose models with a minimalist print or, in general, plain.

Ideally, they should be black, dark gray or brown. Autumn legins can be sewn from any warm fabric that stretches slightly. But the most fashionable this year I will be considered models made by their suede and skin.

But still, if you still could not resist and bought bright leggings, then for the top try to pick up something as calm and soft as possible. So you can smooth out the brightness of the whole onion a little and make it more restrained.

You can wear leggings with:

  • Knitted dress
  • Tunika
  • Flared shorts
  • Elongated sweaters
  • Horny coat
  • Mini-skirt

What to wear in the fall with?

Shorts on tights

Some fashionistas love shorts so much that they do not refuse them even with the onset of autumn. Just so that even in cold weather it is possible to flaunt in ultramoded shorts they buy models sewn from tweed, wool or velvet.

And so that this part of the wardrobe does not knock out from the general style is supplemented with dense tights of the same shade as the whole fashionable onion.

As a top to shorts, you can wear:

  • Warm shirts
  • Feminine blouse and vest
  • A shortened jacket
  • Fur vest
  • Diver or jumper

What to wear a denim dress in the fall?

  • If you liked the jeans dress of a shirt -looking look, then just pick up an original belt and dark opaque tights for him, and feel free to go about your business. If the street is cold and rainyly complement this onion with a short leather jacket and an elegant feminine umbrella
  • A denim dress can be an excellent office outfit. In this case, you need to choose for yourself a model with a skirt with a bell and a shortened sleeve. Such a dress can be supplemented with a meek with a sweaty with a black or brown color, or a feminine vest designed in dark colors
  • A sundress -type dress looks best with turtlenecks or fitted sweaters made and wool or Angora

Choose shoes for autumn wardrobe

Fashionable autumn shoes

Shoes, like all other components of the outfit, plays a huge role and visual perception of fashionable bow. If it is not combined in style, color and style with the rest of the clothes, it will delay all the attention. Therefore, both male and women's wardrobe should stick shoes for dry and wet weather.


  • Shoes for women. For warm days, purchase dark -colored closed shoes on a thick square heel. They will be well combined with dresses, with skirts, and with trousers. In colder and rainy weather, complement your outfits with sophisticated ankle boots and classic boots slightly below the knee
  • Shoes for men. If you move around the city exclusively by car, then at first you can do with classic shoes and insulated sneakers. Over time, when it starts to cold, select elegant loafers and boots to your autumn wardrobe. If you very often get out of the suburb, you can get fashionable rubber shoes. If possible, select for yourself a model of black or brown without any pattern

How can you diversify the autumn wardrobe?

Bright accents and original accessories will easily turn the most boring outfit into a fashionable onion. For this reason, if it seems to you that your autumn wardrobe looks too boring and dull, then try to diversify it with interesting details.


  • Scarf. Give preference to bright models on which there is a print consisting of 3-4 colors. So with one scarf you can refresh several onions at once
  • Hat. Such a part at first glance may seem very extravagant. But in fact, it is with warm autumn clothes that the hat looks the most cute. Just choosing this accessory, be sure to measure the models with thin and wide fields. So you can understand which option is most suitable for you
  • Brooches. This part of the wardrobe can be pinned on a coat, and on a jacket, and on a hat. You can also use a brooch as an original clamp for a scarf or belt

Video: Basic autumn wardrobe - TOP 10

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Comments K. article

  1. Interesting article. I especially liked men's panties in the basic wardrobe. Interestingly, women did not enter the basic wardrobe ... I didn’t find any photo.

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