What needs to be prepared for dyeing hair at home? How to dye your hair yourself: roots, tips, curls along the entire length, gray hair? How much to keep paint and how to wash it off correctly? How to dye your hair with henna and basma? How to dye your hair yourself: tips

What needs to be prepared for dyeing hair at home? How to dye your hair yourself: roots, tips, curls along the entire length, gray hair? How much to keep paint and how to wash it off correctly? How to dye your hair with henna and basma? How to dye your hair yourself: tips

In this article, we will consider how to dye your hair. And also give some recommendations on how to avoid common errors when dyeing hair.

If you have a desire to change the color of the hair, but I do not want to devastate the wallet for hiking in the hairdresser, then there is a different way out in this situation. You can try to independently change the color or adjust the old one. After all, painting at home does not take much time and does not differ in the complexity of the process itself. And we will tell you how to do this correctly, and give not only detailed instructions, but also sensible tips.

What needs to be taken into account before dyeing hair: preparatory stage

Of course, the first thing you need to choose the paint itself. We will not go into the price category, because everyone has their own financial capabilities. And we do not exclude the fact that there is no universal paint that suits everyone. Even if it is an expensive and well -known brand.

Pay due attention to the choice of color and buying paint

  • The selection of the correct color of the house is very difficult. It is better, of course, to consult on this issue with a specialist. After all, you need to take into account three indicators - the color of the hair, eyes and skin.
  • Our advice - do not change your hair color radically. The maximum can be changed by 2 colors darker and 1 tone lighter. Do not forget that nature always creates harmony in everything.
  • If you need a persistent option, then sparing troublemic paints are not suitable. After all, they are washed faster, and they are not so well grabbed on gray hair.
  • But on the other hand, ammonia paints affect the health of the hair much worse. Therefore, choose your side of the medal - shiny hair with frequent painting, or a rare adjustment with a dull tint.
  • A regularity is also noted that curly hair does not wash off their paint as straight curls.
  • Never forget about the rule that dark colors add age!
  • The choice of company is already your choice. But do not be guided only by the price. It is also not advisable to choose unknown brands. It is in such products that you can often find harmful components.
  • Cold shades are easier to realize independently than warm colors. But it is precisely the cold colors that few are suitable. And it’s hard to catch their correct selection. Remember - they are contraindicated in the autumn type, and the spring representatives need to very subtly “catch” this desired shade.
  • But warm colors will suit them. By the way, if you want to create the effect of “bunnies in your hair”, then go through light highlighting on curls.
  • And, of course, consider your hair length. One package is enough for soft hair, medium length. The longer they are, the more paint is needed. But, if you have a short haircut, then choose paint with the possibility of separation by twice.
Consider your color type when choosing paint
Consider your color type when choosing paint

Necessary tools for dyeing hair at home

You will definitely need:

  • ceramic tara For mixing paint, which can be replaced with a glass plate. In no case do not take metal containers. The reagent reaction occurs in them, so the final color will change. Sometimes modern paint options provide for the presence of a special dispenser;
  • clamps For hair, which will simplify the fixing of curls. And they will not be confused at hand when you work with a certain area;
  • old towel or special kit on the shoulders. Do not forget that painting of things is also possible;
  • watchto trace time;
  • brush or at least a toothbrush to carry out paint;
  • wooden wand For mixing paint. The brush itself will not work so carefully to the procedure. Moreover, the paint will absorb a brush, and the “mistakes” may turn out;
  • comb Preferably with rare teeth. Otherwise, hair with paint will be confused. And combing will help the best distribution of paint over all the strands;
  • any fat cream, you can even for hands;
  • gloves Often they come with paint. Do not ignore their need. There are paints, especially light tones, that white spots on the skin can leave. Yes, they will pass. But why do you need to spoil the beautiful manicure. And dark colors, by the way, can leave dark spots on their hands for a while.

On a note: At home, it will greatly simplify and accelerate hair dyeing over the entire length of the correct container. Now you can purchase special bottles with combs or dispensers. If you have not found such a device, then make it from a regular plastic bottle. To do this, make several small holes in a simple lid. The paint will be much more convenient to apply to the head.

Now you can even purchase whole sets for independent hair dyeing
Now you can even purchase whole sets for independent hair dyeing

Hair preparation for coloring

  • Well -groomed hair is approved before painting. After all, then staining will bring the expected effect: the color will be rich and persistent, and the hair will remain strong and healthy. What is there, damaged hair not only can distort, but also damage even more. Therefore, put them initially in order. We recommend do several masks the day before.
  • Well, if the hair is slightly fat. Yes exactly a little dirty curls with a thin layer of sebaceous discharge (sebum). This is what will help protect the hair and scalp from the harmful effects of the paint.
  • It is important not to wash your hair just before painting, but Comb well. Thanks to combing, you will get rid of the dust and remnants of cosmetics (for example, varnish), and also distribute the necessary fat from roots to the ends of the hair.
  • If the hair is very contaminated, then it should be washed very tenderly and dry thoroughly. And do not even wash, but only refresh a little.
  • Protect the skinSo that they also do not be painted. Agree, the spotted forehead does not go to anyone. Small the cream with a small layer along the contour of the hair. And don't forget about your ears. They very often touched during painting. Yes, and an independent method.
  • Divide the hair into 4 parts. To do this, you first need to make a parting in the center of the head - from the forehead to the back of the head, and from one more ear to another. Each of the four sections is fixed with a clamp.

Important: Before applying paint to the hair, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test. Even if the product is well known to you, and you use it regularly. Since the scalp is very sensitive to external stimuli. To do this, apply a small amount of paint to the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe bend of the elbow, and after a few minutes rinse and wait about an hour. If during this time there is no allergic reaction (rash, burning or itching) during this time, you can easily start dyeing hair.

Hair should be a little dirty before painting
Hair should be a little dirty before painting

Prepare the paint and workplace correctly

  • No matter how carefully you carry out this procedure, but the insurance will not be superfluous. Watch, if possible, an old bedspread or a section of the tablecloth on the floor. Especially if you conduct an operation on a coloring floor, for example, on a tree or linoleum.
  • Do not forget to remove the carpet.
  • On the table also Cover polyethylene. Do not forget that the paint has the ability to get drunk. Therefore, getting rid of unnecessary spots will be problematic.
  • Also try to dye your hair away from home upholstered furniture. The reasons for the explanation are not required.
  • Mix paint in a strict proportion and in the right sequencewhat is indicated in the instructions. In principle, manufacturers highlight the necessary dosages. Some recommend adding a cream to soften the harmful effects of paint. But be prepared that this will change the color and general resistance a little.
  • Cooked paint in a short period of time begins to oxidize. That is, it changes color and loses its properties. Therefore, we recommend breeding it for long hair in two stages.
  • If the entire paint is not used, then do not store it. She will not only lose her coloring properties, but also become select harmful substances. Even in troublemakeings, not the safest composition.
Paint must be used immediately
Paint immediately must be used

How to dye your hair yourself: staining process

After each preparatory stage is performed, you can proceed to the painting itself. By the way, do not forget about good lighting. After all, the quality of painting will depend on it.

Coloring hair roots

  • Comb and divide the hair into parts, as described above. And only after that apply paint. First of all, roots are painted. After all, they, as a rule, are youngest and healthy, and therefore more resistant to chemical elements.
  • Wet and grab a small amount of paint with a brush. It is better to do several identical procedures. After all, a large stain of the dye will simply close most of the hair, not allowing the pigment to evenly be distributed.
  • You need to start with the center. But not from the front, but from the side of the back of the head. It is there that the hair is darker, it is not so burned out and absorb the pigment worse.
  • Walk well at the overgrown roots, capturing 1-2 cm. In no case, do not rub the paint into the scalp!
  • Next, take the painted strand to the side. Walk on it from the other side. Now stain a new curl in a divided square.
  • Pass the hair in the opposite direction from the movement of painting. This procedure must be done with each section of the head.
You need to start with roots
You need to start with roots

How to distribute paint along the entire length of the hair?

  • Only after thoroughly repainting the roots can you start distributing the dye along the entire length of the hair. Keep in mind that in the same order you need to go through all the strands in order to paint them evenly.
  • Some, in a hurry, simply apply the rest of the paint on their heads, rubbing it around the entire perimeter. This is not recommended to do this, because then the color will turn out uneven!
  • After you applied the paint and on the curls, you need them comb well. This is another step to the distribution of paint. Be prepared that the hair will be confused. For some reason, under the influence of paint, they are not so good about this procedure.
  • Gather your hair in a bunch, and for convenience, fix it with a brush or clip. Many out of habit put on polyethylene on their heads. The quality of painting will not improve from this! Yes, and you cannot lie down to rest. Therefore, you can safely skip this step.
  • But give it again attention contour. Try to paint even lines and minimally go beyond the hair zone.
  • It is worth mentioning staining using a bottle or special dispenser. By the way, it is very convenient to paint over the remaining curls after processing the roots with this technique. It is enough to simply water the paint on the curls and evenly distribute it with your hands.
    • You can do even easier - tilt your head as much as possible over the bathroom and start watering the paint on the occipital part of the curls. You can even miss a step with the roots. But in such a situation, it is better to choose latex gloves, since it will be more convenient to work in them. And already with your fingers, carefully help the paint evenly paint over each hair.
    • Then just count your hair well.
Do not forget to comb your hair well
Do not forget to comb your hair well

How to dye the ends of the hair?

Girls who want to create an ombre effect resort to this method of coloring. But this is not the only technology for dyeing the ends of the hair.

  • You need to stock up on foil and divide the hair into the required 4 areas. Now each area break into a few more strands, but it is not necessary to make them too small.
  • Place each strand on a piece of foil and stain on the desired length. Close and move on to the next strand according to this principle.
  • If you want to create ombre effectThen, after ten minutes, open the foil and apply the paint slightly higher. Literally by 4-5 cm. And after the same period of time, repeat the similar procedure. Yes, the process is long, but the result will certainly please you.
  • By the way, now there is still a simplified version of dyeing the ends of the hair - style balayazh. To do this, divide the curls into several bundles. And after that, each separately simply “crush” with a brush. And roll it into a lobby.
  • If you like bright colors, then "DIP-DYE" It is for you. True, the ends will need to be discolored preliminarily, and then apply bright paint at its discretion. The strands also do not need to be made too small, just assemble them in 2-4 bundles. It all depends on the natural thickness of the hair. But each strand must be wrapped in foil.
The current hair dyeing methods allow you to easily cope yourself, for example,
The current hair dyeing methods allow you to easily cope yourself, for example, "DIP-DYE"

Coloring gray hair

  • Start with those places where the gray hair is more. It is very important to remember that the paint on the basal hair is mastered quite poorly. Since the hair there is new and very strong. It is difficult for chemical elements to penetrate the structure of the hair, which is why it is worth apply paint at least twice.
  • Carefully make sure that you do not apply excessive dye on the ends of the hair, since they are the most vulnerable and very easily stained. Make sure that the color is uniform both with the roots and on the ends.
  • Do not forget about a thorough and uniform hair coating with a small amount of dye. To this end, divide the hair of the head into many small strands, evenly applying paint.
  • After applying paint do not cover your hair with a film, and do not bind them tightly. For a full effect, it is important to give chemical elements the ability to interact with air.
Start with that part of the head where there are more gray hair
Start with that part of the head where there are more gray hair

How much to keep paint?

  • After that you should detect time. But there are some nuances here:
    • in the case of regular staining, the paint must be kept on the hair in the roots for 20 minutes. But the exact time is indicated in the instructions. Then only apply paint to the ends and the rest of the strands for another 10 minutes. But this is suitable for those who regularly use one color;
    • if the hair is dying for the first time, then first apply the product to the roots, and then immediately to the tips. And wash off after 30 minutes all the curls at once;
    • when staining the ends, you need to take away 10 minutes from the specified time. That is, on average, it will be 20 minutes;
    • but the Balayage technique provides, on the contrary, extension up to 30-45 minutes.
  • We calculate the time of holding the paint from the moment of full application of the product. In the case of regular staining, separately calculate it for overgrown roots and ends, and in the case of the first staining - immediately for all hair;
  • Do not extend the time recommended by the manufacturer, as the paint loses its properties. But this is not even the point, you yourself destroy your hair structure. The reduction in time, in turn, can lead to a less saturated color.
Do not keep the paint longer than the time
Do not keep the paint longer than the time

How to wash off the paint right?

  • Now we move on to an equally important process - washing the paint:
    • previously, you need to rinse the hair with a small amount of warm water. And then make massage for 2-3 minutes to form foam, which additionally enhances the staining effect. It will also facilitate the washing of the paint itself;
    • then thoroughly rinse your hair, massaging the scalp. Pay special attention to each part of the head! You need to wash it until then until the water becomes clean and stops foaming;
    • if an additional balm goes with the paint, then be sure to use it.

Important: It is not particularly desirable to wash your hair even with delicate shampoo and, especially, moisturize with balms and lotions. This will worsen the setting of the pigment with hair scales. You can only use homemade vinegar balm. They will strengthen the paint and strengthen the roots. By the way, take care of the correct caring line for dyed hair. But apple cider vinegar, in a composition with any baby cream, can be used after each shallow of the head.

It is better to rinse the hair with a vinegar balm
It is better to rinse the hair with a vinegar balm

How to dye your hair yourself with henna and basma?

Natural dyes have long been known that even strengthen hair. True, here to play with flowers will not work. As a rule, they only do a little hair darker.

  • The most important thing is to dilute the paint correctly. In no case do not fill it with cold water, only hot! Stir carefully until there are no lumps left.
  • Keep in mind that the container must also choose ceramic or glass. And do not interfere with the paint with a metal spoon.
  • Natural paint should brew for 15-30 minutes. Then the particles will have time to swell and open the pigment.
  • But here she can cool during this time. That's why put a bowl in a saucepan with hot water.
  • You can add 1-3 drops of any aromatic oil or a few other natural coloring components, which will complement the main color. For example, coffee or cinnamon.
  • You also need to start with the occipital part and paint each strand evenly on both sides. Again, first go through the roots, and then paint the curls along the entire length.
  • Do not try to comb your hair! Otherwise, you will be left without them. Henna and Basma consist of insoluble grains that will envelop your hair.
  • Therefore, the option is allowed when the mixture is placed on the head and is thoroughly mixed on the hair. Or you can even just wave the strands into it.
  • Here it is already required polyethylene cap. The paint flows, and it is revealed from heat. Therefore, the head is also needed insulate scarf or scarf.
  • The exposure time takes 40 minutes or 2-3 hours. The longer, the more saturated the tone will come out. Do not worry, it will not cause harm to the hair. It can even be used simply to treat hair using colorless pigments.
  • But it will need to wash it off as much. The fact is that these grains are very poorly washed off from the hair. Therefore, we will leave a lot of time, and extraneous help will not interfere. Then rinse with vinegar solution (in a ratio of water 1: 1) to fix a new color.

Important: After henna or basma, it will be possible to paint with chemical paints only after 2 months. Although ideally, you need to grow hair completely from henna or basma. Otherwise, you can get an absolutely unexpected effect. For example, green hair instead of brown strands, and blond will appear with a purple tint.

But it is not so easy to wash off folk colors
But it is not so easy to wash off folk colors

How to avoid common mistakes when dyeing hair at home: Tips

  • Remember the time, which is indicated in the instructions of this product. An increase in staining time is very harmful to the scalp and the hair itself. You can injure quite strongly and get burns.
  • But relatively gray hair, on the contrary, withstand 5-10 minutes more, because in them the pigment is worse fastened with scales.
  • It is better to put aside the color procedure if there are wounds, scratches or rash on the head, until a complete cure.
  • Modern colors have a thick consistency and do not spread on the skin. Therefore, refuse the old -fashioned venture to insulate dyed hair. In order to more with an air reaction, the paint is more resistant.
  • Work quicklySo that the consistency does not lose its functions, and the color is plain.
  • When using any drugs, be vigilant, since some of them can affect the hair reaction when coloring.
  • In no case do not add shampoos or balms to paint. These are different components that work in opposite directions. You not only spoil the color, but also the paint itself. On her hair, she can lead herself completely unpredictably.
  • On critical days, it is also better to abandon the undertaking to change the color of the hair. Since hormonal changes can affect the quality of the final result.
  • It is not recommended to use caustic colors. They contain toxic substances that cause serious inflammatory skin processes.
  • Also do not forget about the gold rule: painting and chemical curls-friends only after 20-25 days!
Do not try to dye your hair after a chemical curling
Do not try to dye your hair after a chemical curling
  • If you eventually got a slightly different color, then wait from 12 to 15 days. Do not carry out the staining procedure earlier for the reason that it affects the skin quite strongly and spoils the hair.
  • After painting do not dry your hair with a hairdryer!
  • And, moreover, give up various styling tools. And even better-do not apply balms and varnishes for 2-3 days.
  • Take the hair care series to maintain color. But the shampoos from dandruff, on the contrary, are very detrimental to the color.
  • If you go outside, where sunny and hot weather, apply thermal protection.

As you can see, dyeing hair at home is not so difficult, all the more, it comes out much more economical. True, it is better to arouse the help of a girlfriend, although sometimes the mirror is good for the mirror. Indeed, in some places it is not always convenient to dye the hair evenly. And most importantly - follow and take care of your curls. Do not forget the old proverb "A girlish braid is her beauty." And in the modern version, this is a reflection of the grooming and accuracy of the girl.

Video: How to dye your hair yourself?

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Comments K. article

  1. There is nothing good in hair dyeing. In general, I am negative about this ... Most do it, of course, to paint the gray hair. For me, the best prevention of its appearance is copper. I buy Elovarovskaya in a lentite uniform, it is best absorbed and, moreover, the packaging is profitable, for more than 3 months there is enough. Hair without a single gray hair, although I am already many years old.

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