What can not be worn in a wallet: a list of things, an explanation

What can not be worn in a wallet: a list of things, an explanation

The things that you wear in the wallet do not always carry good. Let's learn about which items should be pulled out of your wallet.

Scientists suggest that the first wallets appeared in Lydia with the start of the production of gold and silver coins somewhere in six hundred forty years BC. Perhaps it was at this time that the first magic rites associated with wallets and the first concepts that could be worn about what is not worth it began to appear.

The modern world dictates its own rules and today we will try to figure out which items should not be worn in the wallet from a purely practical point of view and which objects there is no place in the point of view of energy and magic of attraction of wealth. It is not very important whether you really believe in magic - the content of the wallet must be reviewed for your good.

That you can’t wear in a wallet: tips for realists

There are objects that lose with a wallet (or, moreover), if the wallet is pulled out with you, means a lot of problems. Below we will talk about them.

Bank cards

In today's world, it is very difficult to find a person who has only one bank card. Credit, moronic, coppers, salary projects, pension cards-each of us has two, three, or even more. And of course I want everything to lie in one place and do not have to worry or look for anything with need.

But imagine the situation when your wallet with all the cards together is stolen. How many applications do you have to write? And if you had cards of different banks? How much will you have to go around, perhaps also paying for an unscheduled re -release of the card? And all this time you will not be able to use the means that are on your cards. And if you are on a trip or went on a long business trip? Introduced?

Do not wear cards
Do not wear cards

What to do?Keep only one card in your wallet, the one that you most often use. And yet - a little cash.


Another unreasonable habit of our people - by taking off the salary we are not inclined to leave part of her house, but wear it constantly with us. This happens with other large amounts that fall into our hands. Even if you imagine that your wallet was lost, and was not stolen - only a few of our fellow citizens will not be interested in its contents and will immediately begin to look for you, returning you a full wallet. Most often, a wallet, if located, is already without cash that lay in it.

The other side of this medal is when you have a large amount in your wallet, it is consumed much faster than if you had some money in your wallet. Immediately a temptation of unforeseen expenses appears and as a result, your budget is cracking at the seams.

What to do?If you have a habit of renting a salary from the card, teach yourself to leave most of the money at home, and take only exactly as much as you need for today - travel, lunch in a cafe, gasoline, if you drive a car. This will protect you from the risk of loss of money and from extra waste.

Pin-codes from bank cards

In the world where we are surrounded by so many numbers often remember the code for two, or three banking cards, it is not possible. And some of us came up with a way out-to store Pin codes in a wallet next to bank cards. This cannot be done, even if you are a very responsible person and never lost anything in life. As they say, there is a hole in the old woman, and a card with a pin code is just a gift for a thief.

And even if your wallet that found is not related to the thieves' environment, like a tidbit, he can be seduced. Your money will be withdrawn or with the help of your card some operations will be carried out before you understand that you do not have a wallet.

Do not wear
Do not wear

What to do?The best option is to remember the PIN codes to your cards. If you can’t do this, write them down on a mobile phone. Just do not need to record a card number or the name of the issuing bank nearby. By the way, today there are special programs for smartphones that will save your codes in order and safety.

Driver license

The small size of the driver’s certificate leads to the fact that he is often worn in a wallet, along with money and bank cards. It seems logical, because it is impossible to leave rights in the glove compartment of the auto equipment, and at home there is a risk of forgetting them. And if you lose rights with your wallet? You will have to apply to the bodies that issued the rights to you with a statement, before that you will need to announce the newspaper regarding the loss of rights and, as a result, also pay a fine for the re -release of the certificate. All this time you will not be able to use your auto tool. Introduced?

Do not wear rights
Do not wear rights

What to do?The ideal option is the organizer in the corridor in front of the mirror, in which your rights and other documents will be stored in sight, which are necessary only sometimes. When you need your car, you will easily find rights and calmly take them with you. Do not keep them in your wallet. The internal or external pocket, which is well fastened and in which you do not often lower your hand for anything, is quite suitable.


If you often use city vehicles and you have a ticket - it should also not be stored in a wallet. A registered travel card lost with him can be restored over time and you will not lose money on it, since they lie on a special account. But if the travel is unbearable - everything that you put on it will disappear with the wallet, which will also not be very pleasant.

The other side of this issue is that there are a lot of thieves in public transport, and, taking out a travel card from the wallet, every time you risk telling the thief where the treasure is buried.

What to do?Buy a special case for a travel card and store it in it. Do not make funds for the whole month in advance - when losing the card, you will stay with nothing.

Skip to work

It seems to be a trinket, and his loss does not threaten you. But, besides the fact that some enterprises take a fine from employees for the loss of pass, you will have to write an explanatory and encounter the fact that the leadership will decide that you are negligently related to your position. And if the name of the enterprise is written on the pass and thieves use it? How then will managers and colleagues look at you?

Do not wear a pass
Do not wear a pass

What to do?Skip to work can not be worn in a walletand you can wear in the same case as those that are now sold for travel or simply in the pocket of the jacket, to which you go to work or bags that you take with you to the office. When changing the bag or jacket, do not forget to shift and pass in the evening.

That you can not wear in a wallet, e lee you believe in its magical properties

From the first appearance of the wallet on our planet, magicians, sorcerers and psychics, as well as ordinary people, associate a large amount of beliefs with it, as well as their hopes for improving the financial situation. Thus, a large number of magical tips appeared that will help save and increase the contents of your wallet.

There is superstition about a wallet, which in different countries sounds approximately the same - so that there is always money in the wallet, it should be beautiful and quite spacious. But, according to folk sages and psychics, there are objects that should be thrown out of the wallet, despite its spaciousness.

Checks and receipts

New or old checks and receipts are a symbol of your expenses. They have no place in your purse, as they block the positive energy of the wallet and lead the money away from you.

What to do?It is known that receipts on the payment of a communal apartment or loans at the bank must be stored. Put them all in one file and store them with other home documents. Throw out the checks from the market or, if you follow your expenses - glue in a certain notebook for this or also store in a file.

Tickets for public transport, theater or cinema

All this also has a waste energy. And for some reason, many people like to wear it all in their wallet, thereby preventing the influx of finances in him.


What to do?If you go to the theater or cinema today, put tickets in your bags or jacket pocket. Throw the old tickets for transport, and find the place with the new place outside the wallet and teach yourself not to leave them in the wallet.

Recipes for medicines

Of course, it is very convenient to wear them in the wallet and, as soon as the opportunity is presented, to purchase the necessary in the pharmacy without looking for the recipe throughout the bag. But this is only a seeming good. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether the recipe is expired or valid - the energy of the wallet blocks positive energy, which should be directed to recovery, thereby making you hurt much longer. In addition, money will begin to go only for medicines.

What to do?Expensible recipes should be thrown away in general, but for those that are valid - to find a place in their bag outside the wallet. Ideally - immediately purchase a prescription medicine and get rid of an unnecessary prescription. If you often get sick and track the drugs that you have ever taken by recipes-make a file or notebook at home in which you can store your recipes.

"Easy money

With such a phrase, psychics determine the money that you found or won. This money can have completely different energy, which should not be mixed with the energy of money in your wallet - they can seriously affect the state of your affairs for the worse.

Do not wear a win
Do not wear a win

What to do?Keep this money somewhere at home, can not be worn in a walletthem. Remember that before leaving the money found at yourself, you need to pronounce a special conspiracy so that they benefit. Without a conspiracy, you should not leave them with you and keep them.


We all love that the photos of people dear to our hearts are always nearby. This is the main reason that we wear them in the wallet nearby. Mages and psychics believe that this can not only harm your financial situation, but also harm the health and happiness of a loved one. The fact is that photographs have the ability to block financial flows at the energy level.

And the money, in turn, absorbed the energy of a large number of people unfamiliar to you before they got into your wallet. And this energy is not always positive. A photograph laid in a wallet can become a bridge between the negative energy of bills or coins and your loved ones. Thus, the disease may come to their life, go financial problems.

And if in the wallet a photo of a person (even the most beloved), involved in any financial manipulations or the one who at one time was the cause of your financial problems-this photo will drive you into debt.

What to do?If you feel an acute need to carry someone’s photo with you, wear it in a diary, notebook or in another place in a bag where it will not come into contact with money. You can also make a bookmark for a book with a photo of a loved one, and it will always be there.

Do not wear photos and currency
Do not wear photos and currency

Different currency together

Our currency and dollars are not recommended to keep the wallet in one department. It is believed that money has the same national temperament as any of us, and it is difficult for them to understand each other. It may happen that the energy of the bills will “quarrel” and block you a financial flow.

What to do?Divide the bills issued by national banks of different countries in different departments of the wallet. It is desirable so that they do not come into contact with each other.

Business cards of other people

You will not surprise anyone with a visit today. Even a taxi driver whom you accidentally stopped, late for work at the end of the trip will definitely offer you a business card and ask you to call if necessary. But a business card is not only a way to meet that came to us from Western countries. This is a symbol of the success of another person and, of course, the bearer of his energy. Therefore, they tend to influence the completeness of your wallet if they are there.

What to do?Business cards that you will never use - throw away immediately, them can not be worn in a wallet And for the rest, get the business card and store them in it.

Credit cards and expired bank cards

Even if, when you issued a credit card, you did not need money acutely, this card at the energy level symbolizes poverty and outflow of money. It is impossible to wear it in a wallet next to money and a salary card - this is a certain energy abyss into which your money will fly away.

An expired card will also not bring anything good to your financial life.

What to do?We cut expired cards and throw it away, credit card - we take with us only as necessary. The rest of the time you do not need to keep them in your wallet.

Empty wallet

In no case should you leave the wallet empty, even if you are at home and, in principle, do not need it. The wallet works to replenish your finances only if there is at least something in it.

Should not be empty
Should not be empty

What to do?Always leave some happy bill or coin in your wallet. When counting in the store, never give everything to a penny. A pair of kopecks should always be in your wallet so that "money is found."

What can be worn in a wallet?

You can - the image of a person whom you consider a symbol of success - it will attract money to you. You can - cinnamon, a piece of red fabric, an image of a grape bun or any symbol of wealth.

In general, all the folk beliefs from all corners of the world come down to one - so that you have and not transfer money, you need to keep your wallet in order. Businesses must be laid out according to their face value in an increasing order, a penny to be in their place and the like.

Video: Koshelki Cash Magnet

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  1. If you can’t wear cash and cards for what is it needed?

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