What can not be eaten before the flight, in the plane, after the flight: important tips

What can not be eaten before the flight, in the plane, after the flight: important tips

The flights have become so mundane and convenient that many no longer imagine their lives. Let's find out important aspects about the nutrition on the plane.

Although flights today are common, nevertheless, we are still worried and worried: will it be successful, how will we feel in the plane, and most importantly-is it possible to avoid problems with well-being in some way? It turns out you can!

The reasons why people feel bad during the flight

The fact is that the time of take -off, landing, and the flight of the pressure occur. In addition, the air in the salon is much dry than the one we are used to, so there is a certain dehydration of the body. As a result, blood thickens to some extent.

And this, in turn, leads to the fact that impaired microcirculation is affected by turning hands, lowering the temperature. The brain is worse supplied with blood, which can even end with a stroke in the presence of some factors. With a predisposition, thrombosis is not excluded, which can also threaten the occurrence of complications.

There is also the concept of “high -altitude flatulence”, i.e. Increasing the volume of gases in the intestines with an increase in height. To avoid all these risks, you need to think in advance about how to minimize them, including the correct putings on the plane.

Food before the flight: what is possible and impossible?

We have already found out that in flight the blood thickens somewhat, so we need to take care to enrich it with oxygen in advance.

  • A few days before the upcoming flight, make sure that cholesterol -containing products, such as fatty varieties of meat, fish or lard, do not appear in your diet.
  • No need to flavify the food with butter, refuse milk and cream. Instead, give preference to vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits, use vegetable oil when cooking.
We pay attention to the menu
We pay attention to the menu
  • In the morning on the day of the flight, have breakfast without meat in general - it is better than low -fat fish. You need natural antioxidants contained in vitamins C and E, therefore, eat salads from vegetables, bake them, use fruits. To prevent severe dehydration, drink more, only in no case alcoholic beverages - blood microcirculation from them will only worsen.
  • Do not have unfamiliar foods or any exotic food before the flight. The best choice is chicken or fish with rice. Great selection is vegetable soup. Before going to bed, it is better to limit yourself to kefir, fermented, or yogurt, which will facilitate the functioning of the intestines.
  • Fried or smoked is not the best food before the flight, otherwise the load on the digestive system and pancreas cannot be avoided. In order not to take gas, you should abandon carbonated drinks, legumes, rye bread, fast food. For the same reason, you should not consume those fruits and vegetables that can cause swelling: cherries, apples, cabbage, etc. We cross out onions and garlic from the pre -flight diet due to a specific smell.
Not the best choice before flight
Not the best choice before flight

And one more important point: be sure to eat it easily in a half to two hours before the flight, so your body is easier to adapt. Yes, and the probability of motion sickness will decrease.

What can be eaten in flight?

To begin with, think about free shoes that will not squeeze your legs so that your capillaries work freely, without difficulty. Now you can talk about putings on the plane. Say in advance by phone with the airline your menu - you can familiarize yourself with the list of dishes on the corresponding site and choose what you need. This can be done a day before the flight.

Food on the plane

Take an interest in whether free drinks are provided for passengers at any time or are they provided only a couple of times. If there is no constant provision of drinks, do not regret the money to buy it when you need it. Give preference to juices (best - tomato and all types of citrus fruits) and tea with the addition of lemon.

Putings on the plane - adrinking or not drinking?

Alcohol has the ability to lead to dehydration, which is already enough at the height. Therefore, the maximum dose that you can afford is up to 150 g of wine, preferably white, because Tanins contained in red can provoke attacks of headache.

Do not overdo it
Do not overdo it

It is better not to take strong drinks at all, or up to 30 g. An additional load of the cardiovascular system, otherwise, cannot be avoided.

How to eat after a flight?

The first thing to do after the flight is to restore the liquid balance and make the blood circulate in normal mode. To do this, drink tea, as well as eat a small amount of juicy fruits or vegetables. With a return to the usual diet, it is worth it to wait until the composition of the blood is completely restored.

If you have problems with the intestines, it is better to be safe and 2-3 days before the air transfer periodically for prevention to take drugs that reduce bloating. Before the flight, you can use several tablets of activated coal, and just in case, stock up on no-shpa, smecta, etc. just in case.

Video: menu in airplanes

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  1. Good advice, but for myself I realized that alcohol is not needed at all. And so I always begin to be nervous in the plane, and after alcohol it is even more covered with panic. Now the truth has begun to relate to flights, but still there is a jolly and anxiety appears to prevent a tripophane formula for drinking, and helps well without harm to health.

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