What can not be done before sex, during sex and after sex? 6 things that cannot be done in sex

What can not be done before sex, during sex and after sex? 6 things that cannot be done in sex

Relations in bed between two lovers - special magic and a whole cosmos of pleasant things to spoil which can be very simple. If you know about all the intricacies of behavior during sex and after it, you can spend the time together and give a friend a lot of impressions together.

What must be done before having sex?

Sex is exactly the lesson that requires compliance with some norms in order to get the maximum pleasure from it and leave the most positive impressions. If you carefully plan your sexual intercourse, then be sure to know about the most important things that are desirable before intimate relationships:

  • Follow hygiene.It is necessary to accept and understand that “dirty” sex has never been welcomed. The adoption of a bath, soul or banal washing is an important part of preparation for sex. During sex, two partners should by no means bother extraneous smells, sticky skin and insufficiently well -groomed appearance
  • Fresh breath.It is important to brush your teeth in order to want to kiss and not be distracted by negative factors: the smell of tobacco or food, for example. Fresh breathing will allow you to feel all the colors of passionate kisses and decorate any sexual intercourse
  • Choose a fragrance for sex.We are talking about the aroma in general. It can be a perfume for the body or aromatic candles. They contain essential oils that subconsciously act on a person, relax him and set up on positive emotions, as well as arouse sensuality
  • Do not overeat.The severity in the stomach and too satisfying meal is able not only to make you a less energetic partner, but also to reduce sexual function. Before sex, it is recommended to eat light food, preferably containing aphrodisiacs and then the whole act will go high quality and give a lot of pleasant sensations
  • Walk out of his sobriety.No matter how ridiculous it sounds, but an excessive amount of alcohol drunk can negatively affect not only well -being, but also on sexual function, or rather its dysfunction. In addition, if a person feels intoxicated, he receives much less pleasant sensations from sex
  • Prepare a place for sex.Of course, this wish is desirable and not necessarily. But if you admit honestly, it is much more pleasant to have sex on clean and fresh bedding, have clean towels or sheets in stock and do not flush crumbs and garbage from different parts of the body
  • Remove excess hair.This wish concerns not only women who are required to do their legs and other parts of the body (here if desired). Thick male stubble often brings a lot of negative impressions, leaving irritations, scratches and redness with burning on sensitive female skin
  • Take care of sex aesthetics.Here we are talking about the fact that not every person likes to have sex in the light or vice versa with complete darkness. If you plan an act in advance, you need to think over some points, such as: clothes (robes), clean sheets, a place to release a condom used
what must be done before having sex

Intimate relationships, what can not be done before sex?

Intimate relationships and sex are always a secret and special world in which two people are able to dissolve. There are certain norms of behavior in sexual relations. Focusing on wishes during sex can draw conclusions about what categorically should not be drawn before sex, namely:

  • Do not smoke.Everything here is quite simple: firstly, nicotine adversely affects the erectile function of a man, and secondly, even the most expensive smoked cigarette leaves an unpleasant loop of smell that can discourage the desire to kiss and even breathe towards a partner. Sex without passion and delicate relationships may not be so sensitive and pleasant
  • Follow the amount of alcohol drunk or not drink at all.Of course, the glass of wine will never harm and even relax you in order to get maximum pleasure from sex. But in a fit of greed or very worrying, you can drink excess and earn a sexual dysfunction - a maximum or minimum of your partner will be unpleasant to breathe your fume and it will be less predisposed to pleasure
  • Do not overeat before sex.A full stomach gives a feeling of fatigue and severity thereby repulsing the habit of having sex and making your movements “less maneuverable”. If you planned dinner, then you have two ways: either make it light, saturated with aphrodisiacs (which is very useful for sex), or after a delicious dinner, take a walk and give me food to digest
  • Calm down and not be nervous.Too emotional excited state of the psyche is able to influence the desire to enter into sexual intercourse and even reduce male sexual function, so in any situation it is necessary to “pull yourself together” and own your emotions
what should not be done before having sex?

All of these factors are able to influence human libido, like female and male, reduce an erection, reduce excitement, worsen the quality of sex and not even give pleasure.

Nice sex, what can not be done during sex?

It turns out that even if you conducted a thorough preparation for sex and everything did the right situation can get out of control even during intercourse. Therefore, it is important to know what categorically should not be done when two people are sexual:

  • Do not "kill" the initiative.During sex, any of the partners can show a certain initiative: caresses, positions, sex toys and other entertainment. “Cut in the root” all the wishes of his partner should not, if only because this will affect his very desire and reduce excitement. If you are located, try to diversify sex with certain fantasies, if not, try to put it softly and find a replacement for them
  • Learn to "control" the sound. In this case, we are talking about passionate groans and sighs. Someone believes that this needs to be done in bed, someone is shy. In any case, you should not do too obvious accents on this. Women show emotionality during sex is more characteristic than men who are in turn all the time only concentrate on their process
  • It is normal to respond to all situations.No one is safe in bed from the fact that at any second of the partner, overwork, muscle cramp, headache or pain in any part of the body will overtake. Unpleasant sensations during sex should not endure and talk about them in a soft form to a partner. Another important remark: the bed is not a place for laughter, so whatever happens - hold yourself in your hands, do not humiliate your partner and then any awkward situation, he will be able to correct you to bring you to a frantic orgasm
  • Do not force your partner to feel awkward.Some particularly careful “clean” after sex immediately run into the shower to wash off all the traces from the partner. Relax and release the situation, have an extra sheet or towel next to get rid of unpleasant “humidity”. Talk and talk with a partner, give him tenderness and affection, just put it together and only then you can go to the bathroom if you wish ... and even together!
what should not be done during sex?

What is categorically not worth and cannot be done after sex?

What happens to two partners during sex is a special magic that can easily be ruined by incorrect actions. In order to leave the most favorable impressions from the time spent together, it is necessary to use important tips and wishes:

  • Pay attention to the partner and take an interest in how he feels after sex: what is worried, whether he enjoyed and what should be done next time to get more pleasure
  • After sex, it is categorically impossible to immediately turn away and immerse yourself in sleep. This will only show that you have not emotionally survived this connection and for you it had only physiological significance
  • Do not rush to do other and everyday business immediately after sex, let your partner relax. Sex is as exhausted as any physical work. Think not only about yourself, but also about the partner
  • Do not say that sex left behind "dirty traces." Generations during sex are a completely natural phenomenon that should neither be afraid, nor shy, nor disdain it. Try to show the most adequate reaction and, if you wish, go to the shower together or take the bathroom
  • Give your partner warm hugs. Most likely, this is exactly what he needs at the moment. Arms will show your partner that you are attached to him emotionally and sensually
  • Do not leave the partner away to another room, even if you have accumulated many responsibilities or affairs, you must be at least for some time together and do it with a desire
  • Talk about how wonderful you have gained experience, what experienced emotions and sensations. Thank your partner for everything that he does for you and for opening your body to you
  • Do not be shy of your nudity and knife, do not try to hide under the blanket pretending to be shy about your partner or have just made “something dirty”
what is better not to do immediately after having sex?

What is desirable to do together after sex?

Sex unites two people, gives them special sensations, joyful emotions and sensuality. To leave only the most pleasant impressions and extend the pleasure of the time spent together you need to do a few joint business:

  • Relax and get sex again, it is quite real and moreover - it's nice. It is scientifically proven that the second sexual intercourse gives stronger experiences because overexcitation, tension and neurosis disappears. The body is relaxed and capable of concentrating only on sexual pleasures
  • Take a joint bathroom or shower that will help not only relax, but also wash off the remnants of the discharge after having sex. In addition, you can always light a couple of aromatic candles, make each other a massage and continue caresses
  • Prepare dinner and deliberately “mark” your sexual connection. If food is not desirable before sex, then after sex - very even. The body gets tired, spends many calories and requires their restoration
  • The simplest and most important thing to do after sex is to tell the partner “thank you” and praise him for any advantages: beauty, dexterity, experience, ability to give pleasure, tenderness
what needs to be done after sex to leave only pleasant impressions?

Video: " 10 things that should not be said after sex "

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