What cannot be given and what gifts cannot be accepted for a birthday, wedding: signs. What gift is they given a coin for?

What cannot be given and what gifts cannot be accepted for a birthday, wedding: signs. What gift is they given a coin for?

It is difficult to make a good gift. To do this, you should know well about the desires of a person and observe important signs.

What gifts can not be given to a man, husband, guy, beloved?

Present - an important part in the relationship of people. They can be handed about and without reason. The gift symbolizes not only a sign of attention, but also a respectful attitude to a person. The size of the gift depends on the significance of the event: significant date or serious anniversary, for example.

Choosing a gift, be sure to you need to focus on the features Not only triumphs, but also for human preferences: what he loves, what he is fond of, what he prefers, and what he rejects. Some warnings relate to and The gender of a person, as well as his age.

Phrase "You can't give"rather, it suggests "It is better to choose something else". But, all people are different and because that which seems forbidden to one, the other can please. Nevertheless, over time, humanity was able to indicate signs worked out by experience and time, telling about unwanted gifts for men.

What can not be given to men, signs:

  • It is believed that if you give your loved one socks “He will leave you.”
  • Underpants - The gift will contribute to the fact that your beloved will change you.
  • Knives, scissors, needles (any sharp objects) - The gift will contribute to the “exacerbation” of relations.
  • Watch - A bad gift, since this thing is capable of not only “measuring time”, but also “count the minutes of life”, that is, to bring the time of death to a person. On the other hand, one can also consider a watch by approaching the rupture of relations.
What can and cannot be given to a man?

What is not customary to give a beloved man:

  • Something banal And, as they say, “not from the heart”: slippers, towels, notebook, another cup. Such things can “hint” a man about a measured old age, or show your indifference and disinterest in making a pleasantly loved one.
  • An adult wealthy man should not receive days as a gift Because, first of all, this is not a gift for him. Such a gesture will just be a sign of your indifference and inattention.
  • Uninteresting or unnecessary books "Sword" a man. The book needs to be given only when you know exactly that it will interest your loved one. This can be a book associated with professional activity, rarity, chic encyclopedia.
  • Bad tone - give alcohol to your beloved man. An exception may be a special bottle of wine or whiskey of high cost, as well as significance.
  • Such a gift as sports subscription. This will be your “direct hint” that you are not satisfied with the appearance of your loved one and it will upset him.

Video: "What can not be given to a man?"

What gifts can not be given to a woman, wife, girl?

Women are very superstitious, much more men. That's why a gift for a beloved woman should be chosen with a special trepidation And the desire to please. However, there are a number of gifts, according to the beautiful half of humanity, which unwilling and undesirable.

That you can’t give a woman:

  • Weightloss remedy.It doesn’t matter at all that it will be: a simulator or Tibetan plant pills. In any case, such a gift will be able to “hint” the woman that her figure is in a deplorable state and requires correction.
  • Cream from wrinkles or acne.At first glance, this is the right gift. However, he is able to tell the woman that her age and other skin problems are noticeable to others. In general, it is very difficult to give cosmetics, because you can always not please with the company or, trying to save, buy a budgetary product. Cheap cosmetics will not please any woman. It is best to give cosmetics of an elite class and universal use, for example: a moisturizing body lotion, hand cream or bath foam.
  • Subscription to a doctor or a cosmetologist.The decision on whether to visit a particular specialist or not should take each woman on her own. If you yourself begin to “push it” with your gifts to such an event, you risk ruining her mood and pick up the hope that she looks attractive to others.
  • Animal: a dog, a cat, a bird and so on.Such a decision must be made agreed and together. Such a gift should not be a surprise. This gift does not always “happen” calm and clean. The animal often requires 100% attention and reverent care.
  • Perfume.Perfume is, of course, a good gift. But, women are often impossible to please with the aroma: too sweet, stuffy, floral, wood and so on. Therefore, before presenting perfumes (preferably high -quality and expensive), it is necessary to clarify the desired brand and name.
  • Epalator.The thing is very necessary, useful for women. But, it is unlikely that the epalator will become a pleasant gift from a man. The only exception can be when a woman herself “orders” this thing.
  • Clothes or underwear.Even the most expensive set may simply not fit in size. Therefore, you can invite a woman to order clothes on the Internet, and you just pay her. Or, invite your beloved to go shopping. Another moment: the donated underwear can be too “vulgar”.
  • Fake.Not high-quality gifts and gifts-forces of well-known manufacturers can be negatively perceived by women who know a lot about brands.
  • Money.Often they can be perceived by women as a man’s reluctance to devote time to search for a really important gift.

Important: they are negatively perceived by both women and men, Unjustifiably expensive gifts: elite writing pens, notebooks, trifles and souvenirs.

What gifts can and cannot be given to women?

Video: "7 things that can not be given to a woman"

What gifts cannot be accepted: signs

There are a number of signs regarding gifts for any reason. It is believed that “forbidden” gifts can bring failures and problems. Folk signs, tested by hundreds of years and millions of people, have negative energy and that is why gifts "carry danger."

Unsuccessful gifts:

  • Knives -will contribute to the scandal and bad relations
  • Watch -“Shorten” life or “reduce” your good relationship.
  • Books -if they are given to the newlyweds, they are considered "the harbingers of treason."
  • Tableware -an empty donated dishes can lead to lack of money.
  • Wallet -he is able to cause lack of money so that this does not happen, just put the money inside.
  • Handkerchief -a thing that can "attract" tears and sorrows.
  • Pearls -this precious material is considered a “symbol” of widow and orphan tears.
  • Medical supplies -such a gift, which is somehow connected with diseases and pain, will not bring anything happy.
  • Money -the gift is frequent, but negative. It is believed that a person who gives money is “losing” his condition.
  • Mirror -the mirror accepted as a gift can bring failures to the family.
What can not be accepted as a gift?

What gifts cannot be accepted from mother -in -law?

Happy personal and family life often depends on how reverently people observe signs. One of them concerns gifts handed over by mother -in -law:

  • Tableware - A bad gift from the mother -in -law. This thing, as part of everyday life, can calmly give the parents of the bride (wife), since it is they who "are responsible for the dowry."
  • Glass from the mother -in -law - "to quarrels", cast iron and metal - To the noise and scream tablespoons and forks - To offensive words.
  • Bed sheets - A gift "with a negative note" for the daughter -in -law. This thing must be purchased independently, or receive as a dowry from parents. Lingerie donated by mother -in -law may affect the fact that the spouses will change each other.
  • Empty wallets and bags- A gift that can affect financial well -being negatively.
What can not be accepted as a gift from mother -in -law?

For what gift they give a coin: signs

Modern man found a kind of "loophole" allowing him take even forbidden gifts. Thus, the entered symbolic fee, "Pays off" a person from problems And the gift will not be able to harm.

Give a coin for a gift if you were handed:

  • Knives
  • Forks
  • Scissors
  • Mirror
  • Watch
  • Animal (to take root)
  • Icons
  • Indoor flowers (like animals to take root)

What gifts fail?

Some gifts bring great joy, while others contribute to increasing problems and “attracting” failures. If you are handed something listed from this list, do not accept such a gift:

  • Empty wallet - Bring you lack of money. If a wallet with money, and even red, is a good gift, which, on the contrary, will be able to “attract wealth”.
  • Beads (beads, beads) - This gift will bring you tears and sorrows.
  • Empty dishes and household accessories. We are talking about absolutely any objects: cups, pots, even basins and buckets. Such a gift can bring "void" to your house.
What gifts fail?

What are the gifts for parting, for separation?

According to people, some gifts have a very “notorious fame”. Certain things can even contribute to people to quarrel and part. Such gifts include:

  • Watch - "bring" the time of your parting
  • Comb “He will be able to contribute to the fact that you cannot hold back the words and quarrel with a person.”
  • Casket - It will be able to contribute to the fact that a person will hide secrets from you and this will become the cause of quarrels.
  • Sharp objects - “Cuts” your relationship and contribute to their break.
  • Alcohol - It is believed that if you can’t drink it right away, it will ruin the human health and his attitude towards you.
  • Gloves or mittens - “Bring” quarrels in your relationship and contribute to their break.
  • Scarves and towels - “harbinger” of partings and quarrels.
  • Roses with sharp spikes They are considered a gift bringing “knuckles” and scandals to life.
  • Icons, religious things and "sad" paintings (portraits, utopia, destruction) - will bring people a lot of negative emotions and spoil the relationship between those who receive a gift and those who present it.

Important: accept or not accept such gifts - the personal file of each person. Nevertheless, if suddenly a person does not want to accept the thing, so to speak, from the "black list", do not insist on this. Just take the gift back and promise to replace it soon with another. Or, offer to “buy” this gift for a symbolic low fee: a trifle or minimum bill. The purchased thing will not be able to harm if, in fact, exchanged for money.

what gifts fail?

What will happen if you give a doe doll made by yourself:

Dolls - enough doubtful gift. Most often, they are given to children. And what does a doll, donated to an adult, and even also made by yourself? Here the value is dual.

Since ancient times, there has been a doll, both a talisman for a person and a source of evil. This one depended on the one who presented such a gift and what he meant. Moms weaved Mobanga (the first homemade dolls) for children to protect. At the same time, envious people and people engaged in magic spoke homemade dolls and made lining for illnesses.

Important: pay attention to the appearance of the doll, if you are not sure of the person who gave it to you. If you immediately feel negative emotions, refuse a gift.

What is the doll give for? What does the gift mean?

Why can't you give towels?

It turns out that such a simple and common gift as a towel is also it has its own signs. The most popular of them reads: A towel is a gift for trouble. It has long been thought because this thing was actively used in Russia in burial rites: a towel hung out in the window meant that someone died in the house, the doors were not closed, but tied with a towel, a coffin was lowered into the ground on towels.

Important: modern people consider a towel a “negative” gift because it portends quarrels, illnesses and parting.

Is it possible to give a scarf? Scarf: gift signs

Scarf - an unusual and very popular gift. He characterizes the giving person from the best side, showing how reverently and attentive to beloved people. The people's sign says that a scarf is a gift with a “favorable meaning”.

Important: such a gift will be able to “tie” people to each other: to rally and improve their relationship. This property is also present in other “encircling” gifts: belts, rings, bracelets.

Why can't you give an empty wallet?

Empty wallet, perhaps, the worst and most unpleasant gift. The fact is that he is capable of directly influence the financial viability of a person: An empty wallet will be “empty” in the future. It is necessary to give and accept only that wallet in which there is at least symbolic money. It is desirable that this bill is red (red color attracts wealth).

Why can't you give socks to a man?

One of the most popular signs regarding gifts for men reads: giving socks is bad. This can contribute to the fact that a man will leave you. But, despite this, women often buy and present this “item of wardrobe” to their chosen ones for small holidays.

What gifts have negative significance?

Is it possible to give shoes to a man?

Despite the fact that shoes are important and necessary for humans, She can be a bad gift for a man:

  • Quarrel among themselves friends and beloved people
  • To promote separation and separation (i.e., a person simply “leaves” you).
  • You can not give slippers. It is believed that slippers are shoes leading a person to the "afterlife".

Why can't you give pearls for a birthday?

One of the oldest signs suggests that it is impossible to give pearls for a birthday and any other holiday. This happened because his assue with tears. Therefore, to give pearls - to give an occasion for tears and sadness.

Why can't you give a cross?

The cross is an ambiguous gift. Someone will say that it is simply impossible to give him. There must be a reason for this - baptism. Nonetheless, The church does not prohibit handing such a present, on the contrary, encourages. The cross will protect a person from evil, it is recommended to consecrate it in the church.

Why can't you give a handkerchief?

Handkerchief - A personal thing. Moreover, she associated in a person with tears and losses. That is why such a gift is considered a “harbinger” of problems, quarrels and partings.

What gifts have negative significance?

Why can't you give mirrors?

The mirror has long been considered a mystical object and an adapter in the other world. In addition, the mirror is able to accumulate various information, both positive and negative. That's why do not give a mirror to a loved oneTo save him from sadness, problems, experiences and bad events.

How many roses can not be given?

Give flowers it is only necessary in odd quantities. The sign took its beginning in antiquity. It was customary to say: "The trouble does not come alone." That is why to give two and other even number of colors - not nice.

What does an even number of colors in the bouquet mean?

You can bring even a number of colors only to the funeral, since this is not a holiday and not a celebration. You can give bouquets with even number of colors only if field flowers: They are small and cannot be counted.

Why can't you give yellow roses?

Yellow donated roses can be interpreted in different ways:

  • Yellow attracts attention and therefore a bouquet can, as if speak: "Caution!"
  • On the other hand, the yellow color is also considered the color of the disease, hatred, shame and even madness. That is why it is often used in expressions, for example, the “yellow press”.
  • A bouquet of yellow roses can "Hint" to a person about indifference And ambiguous attitude towards him.

Important: a long -standing legend tells the story of a prophet who has gone on a campaign. The wife promised to keep him loyalty, but immediately upon his return, the man decided to check it. He asked to dip a rose into the water and if she retains her red color, then the woman did not lie to him. Rose turned yellow. Since that time, color has become considered a symbol of betrayal.

Flowers: Gift value

What is the soap for: sign

It turns out that even such a useful and desired gift as soap may have signs. Unfortunately, negative signs:

  • Soap can negatively affect, well -developing, working affairs.
  • Soap "brings" troubles
  • Soap - a gift giving tears and troubles
  • A gift can contribute to the fact that conflicts and quarrels will not subside in your family.
  • Get soap as a gift - find yourself in a "slippery" situation

Important: from a psychological point of view, the donated soap is a hint that a person is not clean or it smells poorly.

Is it possible to give a blanket and pillows for a birthday?

Pillows and blankets - a gift associated with heat and comfort. This is a good present for birthday, housewarming and anniversary. Nevertheless, in any company there can be an overly suspicious person who will say: pillows and blankets for diseases! It is important to clarify in advance in a person how superstitious he is, or to present him a gift in another setting.

Why can't you give money?

Money is the most common gift only because "they are always not enough." Close people want to please a person with a gift and often simply do not have much time to tremble a gift. However, there is a negative sign about this: giving money, you risk losing “your condition”.

What gifts to give?

Can I give coins for a wedding?

The coin can serve for the newlyweds amulet. The coins have long been laid in the foundation during the building of the house, rushed in wallets, lay down under the threshold. Modern wedding organizers also offer to mint a special personal coin that will be "Protect" a young family.

Is it possible to give dishes for a birthday, a wedding?

Any dishes donated to the celebration, should not be empty: Services, pots, glasses and so on. They are required It should be filled with somethingSo that the young people have a “full” in the house. To do this, you can use sweets, coins, money, cards.

Why can't you give animals?

An animal is a gift often desired by children and adults. But to give it unexpectedly is a risky business. The fact is, any kitten or puppy, a person must “feel” in order to find contact and harmony with him.

In addition, before taking a puppy as a gift, a symbolic fee should be given for it. Such an action contributes to the calmness of the animal and that it "takes root" in the new house.

Is it possible to give an animal?

Why can't you give sharp objects?

Sharp objects (knives, needles, scissors, files, forks) is not accepted to give the fact that they can contribute to the fact that your relationship with a person will deteriorate And they will literally "on knives." You can change the action of signs using the “revenge”. Offer to buy a gift for a symbolic fee.

Is it possible to give a bag: a sign

The bag, like a wallet, can be a bad sign. It depends on what you give the bag: complete or empty. Put something symbolic inside: sweetness, keychain, or at least a postcard.

Is it possible to give gloves: sign

Gloves or mittens They are considered not the most favorable gift. Such a present can to contribute to squabbles and quarrels between two people. The “ranging” for a symbolic fee will help to correct the situation.

Give a portrait: bad omen

Portrait - a gift that can carry negative energy. He may simply not like it, he can highlight all the shortcomings of a person. One of the signs claims that the portrait will contribute to a quarrel between the giving and receiving a gift.

Is it possible to give a salt shaker: a sign

Salt has long been shrouded in mysticism and signs. Nevertheless, to give, to occupy and scatter salt is bad. Given Solonka It will help not only “save” salt, but also to warn a person from problems.

Why can't you give the donated?

Give what was once awarded to you, bad sign. It is believed that you are just give your energy to another person And direct it into the wrong direction. Even the most unpleasant and unnecessary gifts must be found so that your business is going along, you are not persecuted by the negative.

What is the pen for: omen

The pen is an ambiguous gift. A high -quality expensive pen is a gesture showing respect for a person. At the same time, it helps to “make decisions for you, sometimes against your will.

Video: “What to give? Fast ideas "

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