What does the word "dude" actually mean?

What does the word

The origin of the word "dude."

The word "dude" is currently not as common as it was before. Basically, it gained wide distribution in the seventies of the last century. In this article we will talk about the origin of this word.

What does the word "dude" actually mean?

It is worth noting that in the seventies of the last century they tried to fight with this expression, and already in the late eighties the word went into a passive stock of young people. They began to use it much less often. Despite the fact that this word arose for a long time, it is not known exactly about its origin. There are several versions, not one of which is confirmed at the moment.

Options for the origin of the word "dude":

  1. Perhaps from the gypsy “chavo”, this is translated from a gypsy language means a guy, respectively, a chuvikha is the wife of a gypsy or the wife of a guy. Although it was previously believed that the Chuvikha meant a prostitute.
  2. Another option for the appearance of a word is jargon, which was common among musicians. They say that people who play a pipe or wind instruments for a long time, at first it is quite difficult to pronounce words. Accordingly, instead of a person, it turned out to be a “Chevek”, then accordingly it was reduced to “dude”. Thus, a dude simply means a person.
  3. Some scientists do not quite agree with this, they suggest that the word “dude” could have occurred since the time of Wednesday, which was distributed among thieves, and then gradually passed into youth slang in the fifties. Meant the word "friend of the thief."
  4. This word was popular among dudes, people who appreciated all American and Western. The word meant "a person respecting great American culture." It was a kind of decoding of the word.
  5. There is also an opinion that the word "dude" means a castrated camel or a ram. But there is no confirmation of this at the moment. Where did this version come from is reliably unknown. Now it means just a person or as a colloquial one: “Hey, come here, a cool guy or a man”, “Come here.” It is used to attract the attention of a man and call him to him.
  6. The most interesting thing is that many generally associate the word “dude” with chvyvyaks are deep galoshes that help to climb the mountains. Comes from Kabardino-Balkarian. But at the moment it is not known how mountain galoshes belong to a person or man. Therefore, this option is not on Wikipedia.
  7. There is an option that the rural "chuvikha" means straw, which is located under pets. Perhaps that is why the word once meant a litter or a prostitute. Many believe that just the word "dude" was not initial. Initially, the word “chuvikha” arose, and “dude” became a derivative, that is, a friend of a prostitute or a thief.
The village of Chuvaki
The village of Chuvaki

We advise you not to use this word in colloquial speech, because it belongs to excessive expressionism. The word is quite sharp, not every person will like what is called that. As for distribution in culture, as well as in music, indeed, starting from the seventies, this word constantly appears in songs.

In the nineties, this word is also often found in films and is used in translation from English. What does each other or another. In the seventies, this word was also used in several feature films, one cannot fail to note the film “Operation Y”, which uses the word “chuvikha”. This is an episode about the study of English among prisoners.

Video: The origin of the word "dude"

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  1. “In the seventies, this word was also used in several feature films, one cannot fail to note the film“ Operation Y ”, which uses the word“ chuvikha ”. This is an episode about the study of English among prisoners. ”
    In the case, by chance, with the "gentlemen of good luck"?

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