What can be done from ice cream sticks? Crafts from ice cream sticks with your own hands with children-a frame for a photo, bird feeder, a loser box, a doll house: description of work, photo

What can be done from ice cream sticks? Crafts from ice cream sticks with your own hands with children-a frame for a photo, bird feeder, a loser box, a doll house: description of work, photo

Crafts for ice cream sticks

  • The closer the summer, the more often we buy ice cream. Both adults and children love him, which means that the treat is bought for the whole family.
  • Do you know that from Eskimo sticks they make interesting crafts? We can say that the problem of early and not only early development of children will be resolved with minimal costs. We offer a selection of interesting ideas on creating crafts with children from improvised materials.

Crafts from ice cream sticks with children: description of the work

What can be done from wooden ice cream sticks? It is more difficult to come up with what they will not fit! Crafts can be interesting, creative and even practical!

Interesting crafts from ice cream sticks
Crafts with children from ice cream sticks

We offer you not to collect sticks all summer, but to purchase a package immediately. This amount is enough to create small masterpieces with a child for the whole summer.

Crying stick decorations
Crying stick decorations

How to make a craft of ice cream sticks - a frame for a photo?

We will need to make a frame:

  • ice cream sticks - 13 pcs
  • ice cream sticks are short - 4 pcs
  • acrylic glue (without smell), but another can
  • colored paper
  • acrylic paints (if you paint the frame)
  • various jewelry (they can be purchased in Handmade stores)

The process of manufacturing the frame:

  • We glue 4 long sticks in pairs. We take two more sticks and glue them across those that connected two in the previous step.
  • To make a kind of stop in the lower part of the frame (it will prevent overturning the frame), we take a short stick and fix it with glue on the lower pair of sticks. At the corners of vertically located sticks, squeeze out a drop of glue.
  • We go to the inner sticks of the lower row. We glue two long sticks on them on the back.
  • Having shown a little to the center, we glue two more long sticks vertically. We should form the inner window of the frame.
  • We leave our future frame dry. We proceed to the manufacture of a stand. We take 3 long sticks and glue them together. Short 3 sticks glue on top. We should get a design, as in the photo.
  • We send a stand for drying and, when everything is securely fixed, install the frame on top.
  • Now you can choose a picture and decorate as you wish.
How to make a frame of ice cream sticks
How to make a frame of ice cream sticks
Frame from ice cream sticks
Frame from ice cream sticks
How to decorate a frame
How to decorate a frame
Another option for making frames
Another option for making frames
How to decorate the frame
How to decorate the frame

Video: photo frame from ice cream sticks

If you like the decor made in a marine style, then the finished frame can be decorated with shells from the sea, pebbles, choose additional elements. And if you like the panel made of natural materials, then here you can show imagination and make a sophisticated, cute, adding cozy notes to the surrounding environment.

Look at our selection of photos and select the optimal option for your interior.
A panel of ice cream sticks can decorate both a wall or shelf in the kitchen. Such a craft will look very original.

Crafts from ice cream sticks with children
Crafts from ice cream sticks with children
Panel to the kitchen from ice cream sticks
House of ice cream sticks

Crafts from ice cream sticks with children:

Owl from ice cream sticks
Owl from ice cream sticks

Penguin from ice cream sticks
Penguin from ice cream sticks
Wolf from ice cream sticks
Bear from ice cream sticks
How to make a aircraft from ice cream sticks
How to make a aircraft from ice cream sticks
Aircraft made of ice cream sticks
Aircraft made of ice cream sticks

How to make a bird feeder from ice cream sticks?

  • Block material, which are ice cream sticks, can be turned into a beautiful bird feeder. She looks quite picturesque. But this is not the only plus of the use of sticks for the manufacture of the feeder.
  • Look at the photo: in addition to aesthetic appearance, the feeder has dense walls through which the grains do not wake up. If desired, you can make a miniature feeder. But if you like observations of loud bird companies, it is better to make a larger feeder.
Bird feeder from ice cream sticks
Bird feeder from ice cream sticks
How to make a feeder of ice cream sticks
How to make a feeder of ice cream sticks
Bright bird feeder
Bright bird feeder

Simple crafts of ice cream sticks: photo, description

  • If you are more interested in the question of the development of fine motor skills and memory of the child, then make a funny puzzle out of the sticks from ice cream: print an interesting picture and stick on the sticks from ice cream.
  • It remains only to divide the puzzles with the help of a clerical knife and invite the child to fold the picture. On the back of each puzzle, a small magnet can be fixed. Then the puzzles can be collected on a vertical surface.
Puzzles from ice cream sticks
Puzzles from ice cream sticks
How to make puzzles from ice cream sticks
How to make puzzles from ice cream sticks
Puzzles from ice cream sticks
Puzzles from ice cream sticks
  • If in a box with children's toys there is a children's train, then from ice cream sticks you can collect rails for the railway. Such a lesson will captivate a child 2-3 years old.
Railway from ice cream sticks
Railway from ice cream sticks
Another option for making a railway from ice cream sticks
Another option for making a railway from ice cream sticks

Video: ideas of crafts from ice cream sticks

Video: I ate ice cream - saved the world! Crafts from ice cream sticks!

Video: a duffer in the form of a wooden pallet

How to make a casket-sunger of ice cream sticks?

Children's first jewelry or miniature toys of a child can be stored in a regular cardboard box, or you can make a real treasury - an original miniature craft.

For work you will need:

  • PVA glue or for wood
  • Ice cream sticks (short and long)
  • Scrapbooking wipes with an interesting print
  • Decor for decorating the cover of the casket
  • Dense cardboard
  • A little patience and a little accuracy!

Production process:

  • We lay two sticks in parallel. It will be the bottom of the box. We cover the sticks with glue and cover them with sticks, placing them in a row. We should get a rectangle of ten sticks. Leave for drying.
  • We proceed to the manufacture of the walls of the box. By the principle of the casket, we will lay two sticks on each side alternately, and repeat until we get the desired height of the wall. In places of connection of sticks, apply a drop of glue.
  • We make a lid. We do the same manipulations as in the first step.
  • For decoration, we use everything that the soul wants.
How to make a casket from ice cream sticks
How to make a box of ice cream sticks
  • With a girl older than 4 years of ice sticks, you can make a casket for storing rubber bands or shirts. You can decorate such a practical little thing with flowers made in the quilling technique, ribbons or simply cover with paint and give texture using a sheet of paper crumpled into a lump.
  • To do this, a lump of paper is applied to the front side of the walls of the box. The paint is gradually applied over the entire surface. The lid can be made removable. And what to store in such a beautiful “casket” is to decide the little housewife.
  • The lid can be left without jewelry, or glued several flowers with leaves on it. Only use liquid glue better for this. With the help of PVA glue, the fixation will not be very reliable. You can replace the glue with bilateral tape.
Casket of ice cream sticks
Ice cream sticks

Video: Clock Cream Casket Casket

Video: program "Casket of Mastery": a house from wooden sticks

Useful crafts from ice cream sticks: photo and description of the work

The method described in the previous section can also be used to make a real lamp from ice cream sticks. How to do it? Watch the video.

Video: DIY Cream Step of Ice Cream sticks

  • A finished cup or jar covered with ice cream sticks will easily turn into a pencil, a small vase for fruits or candy.
  • The craft can be decorated. Such a decor will be more expressive.
VAZ made of ice cream sticks
VAZ made of ice cream sticks
Pencil of ice cream sticks
Pencil of ice cream sticks
Options for manufacturing a pencil of ice cream sticks
Options for making a pencil of ice cream sticks
Pencils of ice cream sticks
Pencils of ice cream sticks

From the sticks for ice cream, original bookmarks are obtained.

Bookmarks from ice cream sticks
Bookmarks from ice cream sticks
Original bookmarks for ice cream sticks
Original Ice Cream stick bookmarks
Original bookmarks for ice cream sticks
Original Ice Cream stick bookmarks

Video: How to make a vase of ice cream sticks?

Video: how to make a napkin from ice cream sticks

Crafts from ice cream sticks: house

  • You can create wooden houses from ice cream sticks. Large, miniature or medium - it all depends on how much the material you have and whether you have a desire to devote time to such a creative occupation.
  • To begin with, it is better to choose a model just a house. And if you like the process of its manufacture, then it will gradually go to the manufacture of more complex multi -storey structures with stairs and terraces.
  • For the manufacture of a house from sticks, a cardboard workpiece is used. Select a suitable template (it can be found on the Internet) and print on thick paper, cardboard. All details are then glued with ice cream sticks.
House of ice cream sticks
House of ice cream sticks
House of ice cream sticks
House of ice cream sticks
House from ice cream sticks with attic
House of ice cream sticks with attic

The walls of the house can be decorated with decoupage technique, glue the finished flowers, birds or do something with your own hands.

How to make a house for a doll from ice sticks?

Instead of an expensive plastic design, a doll house can be invited to a child with joint efforts to make a house made of natural materials - wooden sticks. The design can be invented independently, use the finished template from the Internet. We offer you not to waste time in search and immediately start creating a house according to our master class.

For work you will need:

  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Ice cream sticks
  • Fabric and filler to choose from (for example, holofiber)

Production process:

  • We come up with the design of the house and transfer its contours to the paper.
  • Now we need to calculate how many sticks we need for each part.
  • Each wall and floor of the house presented in our master class were made of 14 sticks.
  • Put 12 sticks on a flat surface. Apply glue on the side sides of the sticks and glue them among themselves.
Cook the walls of the house
Cook the walls of the house
  • We glue two sticks perpendicular in addition to a more reliable fixation of the structure.
  • We repeat all the manipulations with other blanks. There should be only 7 of them. We fix the two blanks with three sticks, not two.
  • After the blanks are dried, we take one of them, put on the newspaper. We put the sticks from the sides and, lubricating all three sides with glue, fix the three walls of the future house.
  • We take those blanks, the design of which is fixed with three, not two sticks. We form a triangle from them. We glue a wand on one workpiece so that it protrudes half. It will be the attic of the house.
  • After the first workpiece dries, we fix the two remaining with the triangle. To make a staircase inside the house, you need to cut a few sticks and glue them.
  • Now we proceed to the most interesting: we will sew a pillow, a rug and a bed for a doll from the fabric.
We make a roof
We make a roof
We sew a pillow, rug
We sew a pillow, rug

Video: How to make a house from ice cream sticks?

Video: Vase from ice cream sticks. Creative skill

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