That the tonal cream or powder is better in summer and winter for dry, oily, combined, problematic and age -related skin: cosmetologist tips

That the tonal cream or powder is better in summer and winter for dry, oily, combined, problematic and age -related skin: cosmetologist tips

From this article you will learn what is better, foundation or powder.

All women want to look beautiful, but not everyone has a flat, matte shade skin. But what about girls who have acne and redness on their faces? There is a solution to the question - to use a foundation or powder. What to choose? We find out in this article.

What is more harmless or harmful in summer and winter: powder or foundation?

Tonal cream is better to apply in winter, powder in the summer

Both powder and foundation protect our skin from the harmful effects of the sun, wind and dust. In addition, both drugs mask the deficiencies on the skin. As for the harmfulness of funds, the foundation is more harmful in the summer: it clogs the pores of the skin of the face, and then acne and pimples appear on the oily areas of the dermis.

Advantages of foundation:

  • Sold in convenient packaging of different shades (bottles, jars, tubes)
  • Well paints on the face of small redness, freckles, traces of acne, dark circles under the eyes, makes the skin even in tone
  • Has a caring effect on the face
  • When applying day cream, it can change the shade

To the disadvantages of the foundation can be attributed:

  • Small shelf life
  • Does not mattress the skin and cannot eliminate oily shine
  • Not always after applying it, the face looks natural
  • Inconvenience of use when necessary

Advantages of powder:

  • It is convenient to use at any moment and everywhere
  • With a subtle application of powder on the face invisible
  • Gives the skin of a matte color and velvety

Disadvantages of powder:

  • Does not mask noticeable defects on the face: acne, black dots, scars, inflamed areas

Tonal cream and powder are complemented by each other. But it happens that both funds cannot be used together. If normal skin of the face, then in the summer, in the heat, is better and easier for the skin - powder, and in winter - a foundation, it will protect the face from frost. And if only a small greasy shine interferes with flawlessly, then you can apply a light transparent powder.

That the tonal cream or powder is better in summer and winter for dry skin: Cosmetologist tips

With dry skin, tonal cream is used

With dry skin, sprinkled with powder face is not recommended. She will dry her face even more, and besides, she will be bad to stay on the skin, crumble. In this case, it is better to resort to the use of a moisturizing foundation.

There are currently various foundations. Dry skin can become invisible if you apply a foundation in which there are vitamins A, E, nutrient oils with other additives. In summer, you can choose a foundation that protects the skin from active sunlight.

Important. With dry skin, it is advisable to smear the foundation with a small sponge or finger on the face.

That the tonal cream or powder is better in summer and winter for oily skin: Cosmetologist tips

For oily skin, powder is used

It is good to sprinkle oily skin on the face before going out into the street. It absorbs the remnants of fat, remove an unnecessary shine from the skin. And if sometimes you want to tint your face with a tonal cream, then you need to choose the one that is easily absorbed, it is the least fat, and approaches such skin.

Important. With oily skin on the face, you need to rub less and massage it. Rubbing the skin, you stimulate even more fat excretion.

That the tonal cream or powder is better in summer and winter for combined skin: cosmetologist tips

If the skin of a combined type, then cream pores are suitable

If you have some areas of the skin (forehead, chin) oily, and the rest of the face is dry, there is also your approach to such skin in the modern arsenal of decorative cosmetics. For skin, consisting of several combinations, cosmetologists came up with a cream powder-a foundation and powder together. Immediately after spreading, the cream pore looks like a foundation, and drying, turns into powdered powder.

The cream-pores acts in the same way as the tonal cream and powder taken together: after it, the skin is even and smooth, slightly matte, oily glimpse is not noticeable.

That the tonal cream or powder is better in summer and winter for problem skin: cosmetologist tips

Girl with problem skin before and after makeup

Problem skin can become with time, and dry and oily. This does not last long or for a long time - until the problem is eliminated with creams and special means.

Problems of dry skin:

  • Excessive sensitivity
  • Redness
  • Peeling
  • Dark spots
  • Freckles

Cream pores with antiseptic components can improve the dry skin of the face, and it tints the place on the face that is distinguished from the general tone, and at the same time treats skin imperfections.

Problems of oily skin:

  • Expanded pores
  • Rashes and pimples
  • Black dots
  • Inflammatory manifestations

To eliminate the problems of oily skin, antiseptic powder with ingredients is available, which soothe and heal damage on the face. Using such a powder, you can quickly eliminate all skin problems. You can also apply a cream poodle with silicone oils that soothe allergic manifestations and redness on the face.

That the tonal cream or powder is better in summer and winter for age -related skin: cosmetologist tips

Woman after 40 BC and after makeup

For women, after 40, tonal creams are produced, in which anti -aging serum is added. Creams not only level the skin tone on the face, but also make aging skin more elastic.

There are now on sale special powders with reflective components that soften the contours of the face, and the effect of rejuvenation is created.

So, now we know that not all women are suitable for foundation and powder, for each skin type there are their preferences.

Video: powders and foundation creams

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