That it is better to answer the guy if the girl asked him - who are you, what you do, you are fond of how you are, what are you new, what you tell, how you are doing, what you like, what you are doing, why do you need me, why you love me, what you want?

That it is better to answer the guy if the girl asked him - who are you, what you do, you are fond of how you are, what are you new, what you tell, how you are doing, what you like, what you are doing, why do you need me, why you love me, what you want?

The article will teach you the basic rules of flirting with girls, as well as offer answers to the most exciting questions that can be used for pleasant communication.


What is better to answer the guy if the girl asked him - “Get to know”?

The relationship between a man and a woman is always a magic that is “tied” from the first minutes of acquaintance. Therefore, it is important to understand for yourself some “basics” of flirting in order to interest your interlocutor and make it clear to him that you are an interesting person.

If the girl wants to get acquainted with the guy, he should show special self -confidence and show all her positive qualities: intelligence, sociability, sense of humor, sexuality.

How to answer the guy to the girl’s offer to “get to know”:

  • You can, only carefully. They say that acquaintance with me is “addictive”.
  • We are already familiar with you. I think I saw you today, while I was sleeping.
  • Can! And you even need! I feel that we need to talk vital!
  • Are you sure that we have not met you before?
  • Can! I think you are an interesting interlocutor!
  • I will be very glad if today I will have an acquaintance with you.
  • Acquaintance with you is my dream!
  • More than, I'm ready to be friends with you!

What is better to answer the guy if the girl asked him - “Who are you, what are you doing, are fond of”?

If a girl is interested in the country of activity of a young man, he should describe only her positive qualities. It should be said clearly, confidently, inspiring hopes for a promising future: achieving successes, the possibility of career growth and great earnings. Great prospects have always attracted and attract women.

What to answer the girl to the question "what are you doing":

  • At the moment I am doing my career, I want to succeed.
  • I work and do not lose the opportunity to study, I am never ashamed to learn.
  • I am engaged in what a man should do: I work, I think about prospects and strive for a good life.
  • I study and engage in self -development. I try to realize myself in creativity and connect it with my profession.
  • I work on weekdays, and on weekends I am engaged in my favorite things for the soul.

What is better to answer the guy if the girl asked him - “How are you, what's new, how you are doing”?

To this question, the main thing is not to give negative answers, like: “nothing”, “nothing”, “nothing new”, “nothing happens”, even if everything is just like that. Your answer should interest the woman so that she understands how much life is interesting and unpredictable with you.

What to answer the girl to the question "How are you?":

  • Good and even great!
  • You won’t believe it, but just wonderful!
  • Oh, great! Thank you for asking!
  • I feel good, but it will be even better if your business is also beautiful!
  • Thank you for asking. My affairs are beautiful and I am very happy!
  • Everything is good for me as never before!
  • Thank you, after you asked, my affairs became even better!

What to answer the girl to the question "What is new?":

  • New prospects, affairs and opportunities. Everything is fine!
  • A lot of new ones! I have practically a new life!
  • New every day, and everyone is just amazing!
  • I have new opportunities and I use them!
  • New ideas, new inspiration, new dreams!
  • I don’t even know where to start, it surprises me every day!
How to start talking to a guy with a girl? How to answer questions about dating?

What is better to answer the guy if the girl asked him - "How is you doing, what are you doing?"

When a girl asks a young man similar to a question, she clearly wants to start a communication with him, which will be based on flirting. A man should be really interesting to her, because she wants to know about his spiritual world (mood) and leisure (which, perhaps, she can brighten up).

What to answer the girl to the question "How the mood":

  • I miss (perhaps for you).
  • The mood is good, I can share.
  • Everything is fine with me, but the mood sings with happiness.
  • Good mood, do you want you to raise it?
  • The mood is romantic, now and then I want romance!
  • My mood is changing per monstrous, then after your question it rose.

What to answer the girl to the question "What are you doing?":

  • Resting, a day off - time to relax after work.
  • I do not do anything, but do you have suggestions?
  • I miss, do you want to brighten up my loneliness?
  • I think what to occupy yourself, there are suggestions?
  • I plan my leisure time
  • I was just thinking about you
  • I am engaged in boring business, it is much more interesting to talk to you!

What is better to answer the guy if the girl asked him - “What will you tell”?

When asking this question, a woman wants to start a conversation with a man and at the same time show that she is interested in them.

What to answer the girl:

  • In life, so little happens when you do not feel that you are in love.
  • I work, dream, I think about you. That's all my leisure.
  • I miss you, I can’t do anything about it.
  • I am engaged in the fact that I constantly think about you.
  • What do you think, be bored for you is a lesson?

What to answer the girl to the question - “What do you want”?

If a girl is by chance interested in a man about what he would like, she clearly hopes to find out about his secret fantasies and is good if she "is present in them." To start a conversation with flirting. You should give your answers the “sexual” subtext.

What to answer the girl to the question "What do you want?":

  • I would really like to meet you.
  • I really want to hug you, allow you?
  • Now that you asked, I understand what I received, what I wanted.
  • I want to talk with you about a lot, let you allow?
  • It's good that she asked. I just wanted to invite you somewhere.
  • I want to drink a glass of wine in a good company, will you give me such a pleasure?
  • I want to spend interesting time, are you interesting?
  • I want to: see nearby, hug, feel.
  • I want you to ask me this question every day.
  • If I say, will you help me get it?
Flirt: Communication Rules, how to answer guys to “interesting” questions of girls?

What to answer the girl to the question - "What do you like, why do you love me?"

Such questions can be heard very often from girls. The reason for this may be self -doubt or insufficient attention of a man. So that your beloved is satisfied and you can not offend her, you should know a few “winning” answers to such questions.

What can be answered:

  • You are the most incredible girl in the world and for that I love you very much.
  • I love you because every day you give me inspiration and the feeling that I am special.
  • I love you for all your qualities: kindness, tenderness, desire to take care and, of course, for beauty.
  • How can you not love you? You are the best girl in the world!
  • This is a difficult question, because I love with my heart, not my head.
  • I like you with every part and line of the soul, and therefore it is difficult for me to give one answer to this question.
  • I love you not “because”, but “for the fact that” you are the kindest and best person in the whole world!
  • I like you and I love you - that’s the most important thing.
  • Every time I see you, my heart blooms a hundred roses and therefore it is difficult for me to call those few reasons why I love you. I love you - that's all. And in this love, all of me.
  • I love you for the fact that every time next to you I feel a warm wave and it completely covers me, allowing me to rejoice and want to live.

What to answer the girl to the question - “Why do you need me”?

This question worries the hearts of many women and therefore the answer to it can become decisive in relationships, since every lady wants to have marriage, family and hope for a happy “tomorrow”.

How to answer the girl to the question "Why do you need me":

  • Because you are my life!
  • Then, what you decorate every day of my life!
  • I need you in order to feel happy every day!
  • You are my life and therefore it’s stupid to ask why I need you.
  • I need you in order to see the colors of this life. Without you, everything is gray.
  • Because only with you my soul is calm, and my heart rejoices.
  • Because I do not imagine life without you.
  • I cannot answer this question right away, because you are the meaning of everything that I do, which means that without you my life will be empty.
  • I need you so that I can enjoy every day and not think about the grayness of life.
  • Then, so that I do not die of boredom in this everyday life.
  • You are my holiday and my adventure, you are my sweetness and my inspiration. I need you in order to live in order to have "tomorrow."

What to answer the girl to the question - “Do I have a girlfriend”?

The answer to this question should not be simple. He should interest the girl so that she continues her flirting and attracting a man.

What can be answered:

  • I am in active search
  • I just wanted to ask you: would you want to be her?
  • No, because I have not yet met you
  • No, but I really want to start it
  • Perhaps now there will be
  • No, but soon it will be
  • Looking for the perfect, are you by chance she?
  • I am currently completely free
  • I am open for a new relationship
  • Not yet, but ready for a new relationship
  • No, are you just asking?
  • I hope you ask this in order to offer me something?
How to answer a girl to questions about relationships?

What to answer the girl to the question - "How many girls did I have"?

This question is very delicate, because answering that “many” you can appear in her eyes frivolous womanizer, and by answering “little” you risk seeming an inexperienced sexual partner.

Choose a "neutral" answer:

  • Just a couple, but such that they could tire me. Now I am looking for calm and tender.
  • Not so much to brag about it
  • I do not bend my fingers, counting the girls. I'm looking for the only one.
  • It really doesn’t matter. It is important that I still have not found that one.
  • Enough to gain experience, but not enough to brag about it.
  • Not much, I am a romantic and monogamous.
  • Always considered this issue inappropriate. I do not like to talk about the past.
  • After I met you, I know for sure that in my life there has always been and is only you.

What to answer the girl to the question - “What girls do you like”?

It is important for a man to give a “correct” answer to this question so that in no case do not offend his chosen one and emphasize her positive qualities.

Answer options:

  • I’ll say for sure that you have collected all the qualities that I like in yourself.
  • I like feminine, delicate and caring girls. This is all beauty.
  • I do not have a specific template, I just love good people and that's it.
  • I probably like positive and kind girls. With such always fun and you feel necessary.
  • I like smart girls, they never lose a sense of dignity.
  • I like girls who are able to give warmth and love at one glance.
  • I like confident girls, with such girls you feel strong and special.

What to answer the girl to the question - “Why did I lie to her”?

Whatever the lie, it is important to say that it was said "for the good." This is the only way to protect yourself from the scandal and distrust, opening from the noble side.

Answer options:

  • Because I wanted to protect you
  • Because I was afraid to hurt your feelings
  • I didn't want to upset you
  • I was afraid that you would worry about this
  • Just limited you from bad
  • I was afraid to do worse
  • I kept you from even more evil
  • I thought that I could not "injure" you
  • I was wrong, but I did not want you to face bitter truth.
Answers to the most interesting female questions about relationships?

What to answer the girl to the question - “how did you sleep”?

If a woman asks this question, she really worries about your well -being, mood and health, she wants to take care of you and do not stop such a gust of affection.

Answer options:

  • I feel not good without you
  • Not as good as with you
  • I sleep much sweeter with you
  • Sweet, like tea without sugar. Will you be my sugar?
  • Normally, without you night is not interesting
  • Okay, because I dreamed of you
  • This night was magical, because my dreams were filled with dreams of you.
  • He fell asleep, woke up. With you, the dream is much more interesting.
  • Just slept. I don't even know what to answer. Now, if you slept nearby, it would be another matter.
  • Bad, because at night you did not come to me in a dream.

What to answer the "good morning" to the girl?

Not every woman will wish her man “good morning” and therefore it is important not to repel her desire to tell you affectionate words with a gentle answer.

Answer options:

  • The morning is really kind, because you are my sun!
  • Good morning! Thank you, now it is perfect!
  • Morning is really good, like day and evening and all because I have you!
  • This morning is the best only because it started with you!
  • And good morning to you, it can be even kinder if you give me your kiss!
  • Thank you! It became kind after your words!

What to answer to the "good night" to the girl?

The wishes of good night is a very intimate tradition of two people. To respond to such a wish should be gently and affectionately.

Answer options:

  • Only after your words my night will be sweet and kind
  • Thank you, but only with you I can sleep sweetly
  • Let your night be sweet, thanks for the care
  • Now I definitely fall asleep sweetly
  • Thank you, you gave me pleasant tenderness. Sweet Dreams!
  • You can’t even imagine how pleasant I am and you are sweet!
  • Thank you, but promise to dream!
  • My night will be good then when you can be near!
  • Only after your words can I fall asleep like a child

What to answer the former, beloved girl and, who likes, on - "Hello"?

Of particular meaning are the words said by the girl to whom you experience tender feelings. It is important to interest her with something so that she continues communication.

Answer options:

  • Hi, honey!
  • Hello my joy!
  • And hello to you, candy!
  • Hi princess!
  • And hello to you, beauty!
  • What people! Hello, glad to see (hear)!
  • How nice to get "hello" from you!
  • Hello, my queen!
  • Hi Bunny!
  • Your hello adorned my day
  • Wow! Your greetings cheered me up at once!
  • Hi, I didn't expect. Nicely!
  • And you have a huge hello!
  • Hello doll!
  • Hello, honey!
How to start a conversation with a girl who likes it?

What to answer the former, beloved girl and, who likes, on - “I love you”?

Please your beloved girls with the right answer and recognition of your sincere feelings.

Answer options:

  • Your words are like a balm to my soul. I love you too.
  • With these words you made me happier. I also love.
  • And I love you, my girl
  • You have no idea how good it is from your words. I love you mutually.
  • Your words give me wings, because I love you too.
  • Your love is important to me as air
  • And I love you, I think I'm made out of love for you
  • Your love gives me incredible strength, thanks, I love you madly.

What to answer the former, beloved girl and, who likes, on - “thank you”?

A former girl is always the one that remains in the heart and memory. It is connected with a man not only the experience of relationships, but also a thin sexy “thread”, which allows from time to time to mentally transfer to “old” relationships.

Answer options:

  • Always please, dear!
  • Do not thank me, dear!
  • Glad to help, thank you for contacting me!
  • I will always be glad to help you, do not thank you!
  • Don't than say thanks, just kiss me
  • Give me a kiss with your "thank you"
  • I was pleased to help you something, don't thank you
  • Your satisfied and happy eyes - that’s all the gratitude that I need!

What to answer the former, beloved girl and who like it, “I miss”?

If a beloved girl or ex -girlfriend admits to you that she misses you is a sign of attention, which necessarily requires reciprocity, or in extreme cases of politeness.

Mutual answers:

  • You can’t even imagine how I miss myself!
  • How exactly you described what I am worried!
  • And I miss you incredibly
  • Thanks for the truth, I miss you too!
  • I also miss this longing eats me.
  • I miss you every day, every minute.
  • And I miss you
  • Sometimes this feeling prevents me from living

Options of other answers:

  • We need to do something with this feeling so as not to suffer from him.
  • I feel uneasy from the fact that you live this.
  • I would like to share this feeling with you, but we must move on.
  • Thank you for the truth, but I want to learn how to live without you.

What to answer the girl who likes, to - “Tell me about yourself”?

In this answer, it is important to list only their positive aspects so that the bad ones cannot spoil the impression and do not "play against you." However, you should not exaggerate and lie, just try to be honest and open.

Answer options:

  • I am a kind person and never allowed to offend the "weaker sex".
  • I always strive and achieve the best
  • I never stop there, there is always where to “grow”!
  • I am very often “in the creative flight” of fantasy and this is good, because I always have an original view of different things!
  • I love this life. She is amazing!
  • I try to always develop and no matter how: books, people, lessons with teachers or observation of nature. The main thing is to be interested!
  • I am a creative personality and therefore I think I am not bored to find interesting even in the most ordinary things.
How to attract a girl in words?

What to answer the former, beloved girl and, who likes, on - “I will not say”?

In situations where you need to get an answer from the girl, you can use the following phrases:

  • If you say, I will fulfill any of your desire!
  • Tell me, otherwise I will upset.
  • True for the truth. You will tell me, and I confess to you something ...
  • Tell me, otherwise I will be forced to get a pipe!
  • If you do not say, I will not kiss you.
  • If you confess to me, a gift awaits you!
  • If you love me, you will say!

What to answer the girl if the girl apologizes?

Answer options:

  • I love you and therefore always forgive you
  • Do not need to apologizes. Just kiss me
  • I can’t be angry with you for a long time, you are my joy!
  • Just don't offend me anymore, I forgive you
  • Next time, be wiser, do not bring to a quarrel. But know, I'm not offended.
  • I cannot be offended by you, love will not allow me to.
  • If you knew how I love you, then you would understand why I always forgive you so quickly.

What to answer the girl if he says "beloved"?

Answer options:

  • And you are my beloved
  • If I am your beloved, then I'm the happiest!
  • You can’t even imagine how nice it is to feel your loved one.
  • Be your beloved great happiness for me

What to answer the girl if he says that “there is a guy”?

Answer options:

  • And your boyfriend is not afraid to lose you?
  • Sorry, I'm not your boyfriend
  • Do you want a new guy?
  • I will be glad to become your new guy!
  • A guy is not a husband, he is not an opponent for me
  • Guys - they are like that today, but no tomorrow!
  • Here the guy will beat you!
  • This does not scare me if I am in love, I will get my own!

How beautiful to answer the girl to a compliment?

Answer options:

  • Thank you, nice to the core!
  • You can’t even imagine how nice it is to get compliments from you!
  • Your words warm my heart and give wings!
  • You make me blush and be embarrassed, but I like it!
  • Thanks for the pleasant words, they cheered me up!

How to answer the girl to insult?

Answer options:

  • How mistaken I was, thinking that you are smart!
  • I am incredibly stupid that I allowed me to do such an attitude!
  • You will regret every word said because you will lose me!
  • Now it seems to you that you are right. But you look stupid from the side.
Flirt lessons for guys

How to answer the girl to refuse?

Answer options:

  • You will regret it hundreds of times in your entire life!
  • If you change your mind, I'm always glad to accept your answer!
  • You don’t even understand what happiness you refuse!
  • I will be glad to change your opinion!
  • No means no. But know, I'm always waiting for your other answer.

How to answer the girl if she sent a photo?

Answer options:

  • How nice to see you
  • You can’t even imagine how great it is to have your photo!
  • You adorned oh day your photo!

How to answer the girl if she said she was sick?

Answer options:

  • Try to recover soon, because I am very worried!
  • Not pain, sun, I am bitter from this!
  • I send you all the heavenly forces to recovery!
  • Worst of all, when a beloved and dear person is sick. Get well!

What to answer the girl if she asks for forgiveness?


  • My love always forgives you
  • I never take offense at you, because I really love!
  • You are my joy and I can't get angry with you
  • Just kiss me and we will forget all the insults

Video: "Communication in flirting format - 5 main rules"

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  1. What kind of expression "misses you"?! You can miss the table. It will be right "I miss you." Learn Russian language.

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