What to do if her husband and her friend caught? Why does my husband are cheating on me with a friend?

What to do if her husband and her friend caught? Why does my husband are cheating on me with a friend?

In this article, we will talk why a man is cheating with a friend and what to do in such a problem.

It is difficult to imagine how terribly a woman feels when she finds out that her husband is cheating on her. Often such news falls out unexpectedly. And nevertheless, it was excellent and even no suspicions arose, but it turned out that the best friend with whom you shared the most secret became the home.

What to do in this case? Why did this happen? Let's figure out these and other issues.

Why did my husband change me with my friend?

Why did my husband change with a friend?
Why did my husband change with a friend?

Cheating is an offensive situation, because we are betrayed by a loved one to whom we trusted. But when a friend is involved in her, it definitely seems to be a conspiracy. Rarely in such cases you can find strength in yourself to forgive both.

After some time, anger subsides and a thought appears-why did this happen? Who became the initiator? Maybe you are to blame for something? Or did the friend simply could not watch how happy you are?

Indeed, sometimes women can go to rash acts to only master a stranger man. Yes, men have such physiology that sometimes they simply cannot think with their heads, and this is what vile girlfriends use. So the man stands on the curve path.

So the reason for treason may well be that your girlfriend cannot rejoice for others. As for men, it remains a mystery why they love one, but still decide on affairs on the side.

For a very long time, people have been looking for an answer to this question. Someone claims that it is stupid to give advice, because it is difficult to reconcile someone else's couple, and even worse you can do.

There is a statement that between a man and a woman friendship cannot arise. Perhaps from here the statement appeared that the wife herself is always provoked by his wife herself. She introduced him to her girlfriend. It was she who told her about him and about all the weaknesses. And a friend, too, is not just hanging on a man.

Of course, it is better then not to have friends at all, but it is stupid. Moreover, not everyone will go to such an act. It’s better not to get carried away with stories about your man.

How to react if a husband and friend caught: Ways

How to respond to treason?
How to respond to treason?
  • Dramatically

Everyone saw in the cinema such a scene when his wife comes early and sees her husband and her friend in the bedroom. Of course, in life it is rare to encounter such a thing, because the traitors try to be careful. Most likely, you can catch them by accident on the street.

What to do in this case? If a woman caught her husband and her friend, it is likely that she will scream on emotions, give a slap in the face and so on. Even without clarification of circumstances. And this reaction is logical, because the emotional shock will be so strong that it will not even be enough time to take a breath and calm down.

  • Tragic

Some women cry with resentment, worship that they believed him, and he is such a bastard and all in that spirit. It can also be understood, but it is still better to wait with tears. When you put the pain in the show in this way, you only humiliate yourself. After all, if your husband has betrayed you, then you definitely do not need to pour tears on it. And you can talk to someone and cry with loved ones.

  • In spacing

Have you seen my husband and girlfriend together, but they don’t see you? You can not arrange anything and do not even approach them, but just take a photo so that the husband then cannot justify himself.

  • With humor
Husband with a friend
Husband with a friend

If your reaction is cynical, then the husband will be confused and will be surprised by your strength of mind.

  • Rational

Think about what happened well and calmly offer a divorce. Also mention when he can come for things or when you take your own. It all depends on whose apartment you live. So it will be even more correct. Although, this requires a very large exposure to resist screams and proceedings.

  • Criminal

This can be expressed in beating and other actions that are prohibited by the Criminal Code. But such measures are something out of the ordinary, because you will take your soul and take revenge on the traitor, but he can also write a statement to you.

In fact, only one solution is universal - behave so that it does not hurt very much. If you want to say something in the face, then say. And if you do not want to see anyone, then just leave.

But inventing different methods of revenge is not worth it. In any case, first it is better to find out the reasons. Perhaps the man repents, because he understands that now there will be nothing as before. And often men begin to say that they do not feel anything for a mistress. And to accept treason is easier when it is a random intrigue.

The husband changed - what to do?
The husband changed - what to do?

But much more complicated if the husband entered into a relationship with his friend. Often, situations are spinning in my head that they are laughing at the shortcomings, consider it stupid and so on. Then the negative becomes even more. The only way out in this case is a divorce. But you need to carefully consider such a solution and continue to be careful.

As for the relationship, sometimes they can be preserved. The only question is - will there be sincerity in them? If a man did not offer divorce after the disclosure of treason, then the decision will have to make a decision. And when they have children, the decision can be made in their favor and the divorce will not take place. But only this is not a guarantee that the relationship will be normal. To do this, you will have to drown out all the pain inside and live on, and also look every day in the face of the traitor.

When a woman gets married, she thinks that she will be behind a man, as behind a stone wall. But after all, relations with a friend are ruining and there can be no talk of past confidence. And it’s good if you find the strength not to remember this. And if not?. Do you think for a long time in such conditions you can live together?

In such cases, it is better to contact a psychologist and solve problems with him. During the sessions, everyone will be able to speak out and understand what led to treason, as well as solve this problem.

She caught her husband and friend - how to take revenge?

A friend took her husband
A friend took her husband

Is it really worth it? Do you need this plan of revenge? Will it become easier for you? Now, probably, you think yes. But practice shows that it is better not to become better, but only worse. This makes you suffer even more, especially if nothing happens.

  • sorry

Let this act remain on their conscience. At first, there will be a feeling that everyone around wants to deceive you. But these fears have no soil under them, because all people are different. And even if your loved ones could not cope with them, this does not mean that everyone is like that. It is better to just disperse with your husband in a good way so as not to remain enemies.

Perhaps the man will be surprised at a calm reaction, but still take him. No, it is not necessary to be friends with families, but it is not necessary to breed conflicts. After all, the whole negative will be the answer, and then it will be difficult to stop fighting.

The best way to take revenge on the traitor is to just go further with his head raised to meet new love.

  • Do not blame yourself

Yes, we are all not perfect and the husband could not arrange something in you, but this does not give him the right to treason. We are all with shortcomings, and only vile people change. On the contrary, you are lucky that now you know what a person is in front of you. So let him find a woman the same as he is, and you just let him go and be happy.

  • Cut off all the contacts
How to behave after my husband's betrayal?
How to behave after my husband's betrayal?

As soon as you caught your husband with another, it is best to stop talking with both so that nothing can remind you of this horror. Give yourself time to survive the situation. Once you will stop pouring tears and start everything from scratch.

  • Tune in to calm communication

Often it is just necessary to talk with her husband and girlfriend to understand why they did this. If you really need it, then get ready for a conversation so as not to pour accusations and screams. Yes, if you shout, then it will become a little easier for you, but just do not wait for sincerity in response.

  • Twist emotions

When a woman found out about treason, she wants to share her pain. With such a problem, it is better to go to a psychologist who will help to overcome all difficulties. You can talk with a loved one you trust, or throw out emotions on paper.

  • Find an interesting lesson for yourself

Sadness always rolls very quickly and nothing can be done about it. The best way to get distracted is to create an interesting atmosphere around itself. You can delve into your studies or work, or find a new hobby.

  • Change the situation
How to survive treason?
How to survive treason?

It is easy to fill the spiritual void and new emotions and impressions help perfectly in this. So a great solution is to go on a trip or just to another city. Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to chat with other people and visit another environment.

  • Take care of yourself

You can buy a couple of new things for yourself, change your hairstyle or go to the sports room. Maybe this does not seem so significant to you, but it will definitely allow you to change your state of mind. When you are already calm, you can adequately assess the situation and figure out what is your fault, whether it is at all and what to do next.

What should not be done if I found her husband and friend?

There are several situations on how to do definitely:

  • Order tantrums, get angry, look for new relationships. You should try to keep your emotions under control so as not to do stupid things. It is better to postpone all important solutions until you calm down.
  • Try to be like a model from the cover. Many magazines advise showing a man all his beauty to find out what woman he lost. Yes, it works. But do you want to prove something to the person who changed with a friend?
  • Meet with the homeless and arrange showdowns. Yes, of course, there is a desire to express everything to a girlfriend, but you should be higher than that.
Should I forgive my husband's betrayal?
Should I forgive my husband's betrayal?
  • Immediately tell all your relatives about what happened. Maybe you have the strength to forgive him and you will make peace, but then people simply will not understand you. Moreover, they will hate your husband.
  • Show that you are ready to forgive and live peacefully. When a person is forgiven even without words, he feels impunity. It is unlikely that you will live better after that. Most likely, a series of betrayals will reach for this.

The woman does not always manage to cope with the consequences of treason, especially if her friend was her mistress. If you just have such a situation, then it is better to seek professional help.

What to do so that my husband does not even look at a friend?

When the girl is made an offer, she believes that the man belongs to her completely and he will not go anywhere else. Such a misconception leads to the fact that one day the spouse is with another. Of course, treason is a terrible act and it cannot be justified. But in order to understand the reasons, you need to deal with male psychology.

As a rule, men are predominated by the confidence that the stamp in the passport does not make it someone else's property. And when the wife limits her husband in something, shows her rights, the probability of treason increases.

You need to understand that everyone should make decisions in marriage. You must respect your partner and do not try to express insults to him. There should be only adequate criticism, which is expressed in a calm form. The betrayal of a man can be considered as a solution that is not subject to you, so it remains only to survive what happened and draw conclusions.

Video: The husband is cheating with his wife's best friend. How to find out about her husband's betrayal?

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