What to do if a man has many friends of women? How to behave with his friends and when is it worth worrying?

What to do if a man has many friends of women? How to behave with his friends and when is it worth worrying?

The man does not always have many friends of men. Sometimes, there are many women in his environment. And what about this case? Is it worth him to believe or should he think? Let's figure out this and other issues.

How many people, so many opinions. Regarding friendship between a man and a woman has long been in debate. Someone is believed that this does not happen, and someone is sure that the guy and the girl may well be friends without sexual connotation. Yes, of course, every woman wants only men among her beloved friends. But what if he has some women in friends instead? Let's figure out whether to panic about this and how to behave.

Is there a friendship between a man and a woman?

Vypoe to friendship
Vypoe to friendship

Theoretically, the friendship of the sexes is allowed. But there are a huge number of stories when the guy and the girl were friends for many years, and then suddenly got married. Often lovers are also hiding behind friendship. Of course, since there are a lot of such situations, it makes you doubt the reality of heterogeneous friendship and does not want the partner to be friends with the girls.

But often women are faced with such a situation that the noble has many girlfriends. At the same time, when this is opened, it turns out to be late, because the relationship has already started and would not want to break them. Despite this, bad thoughts begin to climb into the head and there is jealousy, anxiety and suspicions begin. It will all grow also because of public opinion that men always change, and single girls want to find happiness so much that they destroy other people's families.

This anxiety can be called quite justified, because today marriage is not a reason for not to start mistresses and not get divorced. The husband always has the opportunity to find another and throw his wife even with children. And many do not consider this to be tragedy.

The question of the friendship of men and women always remains relevant, especially for those who have already encountered this. Most likely, the reason is that since childhood we have been taught that there is no heated friendship.

What to do if a man has many women of friends?

He has many friends
He has many friends

Before panic, take a closer look at how exactly the man communicates with his girlfriends. He flirts with them, graciously or is simply restrained and calm. Take an interest in the history of their acquaintance, as well as what connects them. Girlfriends are of different types:

  • A friend from the past

They are familiar almost from kindergarten. She always helped him in school, allowed to write off, pulled it out and in general, if not for her, then her husband would now be some kind of loader, and not the manager of a large company. An old friend is a very unpleasant rival, because she knows your beloved better than you. Maybe your happiness is built thanks to her, maybe she gave advice that it is worth choosing you. Instead of quarreling with her, it is better to make friends. Try to find something in common, talk, make friends.

  • A colleague

The beloved happens to her more often than with you, because he constantly works. They are in the same office, have lunch and visit corporate parties. She is beautiful and not stupid, and therefore a feeling of hatred wakes up to her.

In such a situation, you should not follow the other’s emotions, but it is better to carefully analyze the situation. First learn more about a potential rival. Maybe she is married and she has a happy marriage. In addition, try to make friends with your husband’s colleagues and visit corporate parties. Be sure to ask how your noble business at work.

  • Virtual girlfriend
Virtual girlfriend
Virtual girlfriend

Sometimes a man suddenly has many virtual friends. It’s not necessarily these mistresses, perhaps just interesting personalities, coaches, coach and so on. This may indicate that you yourself devote little time to your beloved. Try to fix this situation and take care of something together. Go to the cinema, to the concert, to the disco or just invite friends. You can even sign up for any courses together.

In other words, you should do everything so that real life is both attractive to you and do not want to plunge into virtual. Ask him what he likes in communication on the network. Maybe the matter is really not in women, it just coincided, and you pay little attention to him.

  • True fan

The situation is much more complicated when women are not even friends, but fans. They openly say what your spouse is good, waiting for him near the house, constantly write SMS and call. Perhaps your man and himself are unpleasant for such attention, and therefore he becomes angry and irritated.

In such a situation, your man has nothing to do with it, you just have to survive it. In no case do not scold your husband, try to support him and do not succumb to provocations. Otherwise, you can also get into his list of inadequate women.

  • Former girl
Former girl
Former girl

Despite the fact that they dispersed, they still communicate. The ex -wife is a dangerous rival, because she knows perfectly what your partner will not stop so that their communication is preserved. Especially bad if you have caught a woman who does not matter if a man is married. She will do everything to achieve her goal, and as you know, in war all means are good. So do not be surprised if in your direction you will fly slander, insults, of course, are not obvious, as well as attempts to seduction.

Try to talk to your beloved. Ask why he is still communicating with the ex and say that you don't like it. Offer to part with a past life so as not to spoil the current relationship, because I do not want to destroy them because of jealousy, fear and anxiety.

How to communicate with the girlfriend of a guy, husband, so as not to spoil the relationship?

In order not to spoil the relationship with her husband and figure out what kind of friends he has, you need to learn how to communicate with them. There are several rules how to communicate and not harm you both.

  • Objectively assess the situation

You met for a long time and he introduced you to your friends, or rather, friends. The very first reaction is usually a desire to roll up a scandal and force your beloved to interrupt all relationships. That's just men usually do not succumb to such whims, because it is more pleasant for them to lead the usual way of life. In addition, he will not do this if he considers that your requirements have no reason and they are stupid. After all, he only communicates with them, what jealousy could be!? And here you have to just believe the words of your beloved. If you really have a distrust in your relationship, then try to fix it.

Unfortunately, in fact, it often turns out that friends turn out to be lovers. Therefore, you must objectively evaluate the situation, and not believe someone else's words. He can tell you anything, but behavior will say everything for himself. It will be much easier for you if you will not torment bad thoughts and you will see that the relationship is only friendly. This can be determined by several signs:

  • Communication always occurs in your presence and at the same time they do not experience awkwardness or stress. At the same time, you are participating in a conversation
  • A girlfriend does not call your boyfriend, does not distract him and is not afraid if you took the phone
  • You always know where they meet and why, and even you are invited to meetings
  • A friend has her own family, which is very dear to her

If you can answer all points in the affirmative, which is the way it is, then you clearly have nothing to fear.

  • Trust your spouse completely

Complete trust

Complete trust

If your man actively communicates with women and he has many friends among them, then just let go of the situation. The advice may seem strange, but if you are confident in yourself and your financial situation, as well as in the man itself, then you should not worry. You can simply renounce everything and let your beloved be friends with those with whom he likes best.

However, when you are dependent on the relationship, it will be more difficult to do so. It remains only to trust the word and give freedom. After all, his mistakes will be on his conscience. This attitude to the situation will not be afraid to remain deceived. If it comes to betrayal, then this will happen even if you are calm. So why suffer?

  • Always expect the worst

If your man has many friends of women, then be prepared in advance for the fact that treason is possible. You will decide right away for yourself whether you will put up with this or not. Undoubtedly, this happens when two people simply communicate and do not even think about sex. But when there are a lot of girlfriends, it is unlikely.

This is usually due to the fact that a woman and a man attracts each other, but they do not want to be together and begin to hide behind friendship. It may also be that the girl is in love with your boyfriend, but since he chose you, he tries to be with him and be friends. In order not to be devoted, try to soberly assess the situation and not look at the world through pink glasses.

What is the dangerous girlfriend of a guy, a husband for a relationship?

Is her husband's friend dangerous
Is her husband's friend dangerous

If you learned that your beloved has a girlfriend, then do not immediately panic and arrange scandals. Just evaluate their relationship to begin with. Maybe they are really friends. This is quite possible if a man has long known a girlfriend, he met long before meeting you. Their relationship has already passed the test and they respect and appreciate each other, so do not interfere. To understand whether such a girlfriend is dangerous for a relationship, pay attention to several points:

  • How do they behave with each other.? Are they flirting? Does the behavior change when they are together? In such conditions, people usually do not hide their feelings.
  • How will a man react to a request to stop communication? For example, you can offer to limit yourself to only conversations on the phone, but without personal meetings and see how a lover will behave. Will he be angry? Will it stealthily meet with a friend?
  • Pay attention to how he is preparing to meet her. If he does not do anything unusual and in general, the feeling that he is going to football with friends, then everything is fine. But if he carefully selects a suit, cleans the shoes, prenugates, then this is an occasion to think.
  • Offer to get together and look at the behavior of both. Try to behave as usual and show that you are ready to be friends. If your efforts are mutual, from believe me that you have just a girlfriend.
  • Try to answer him during her call and talk. Ask how you are, tell us something interesting. If the initiative is perceived in hostility, then most likely, not just friendship takes place. Of course, you can try to destroy the relationship of a man and his girlfriend, but what to do if there are a lot of such friends? It is impossible to fight with everyone at once. In addition, if the beloved is lying and cheating on you, then he will do it even without your struggle. So try to take care of your emotional state in order to prepare for any situations.

What if you are jealous of a man for a girlfriend?

Jealous husband
Jealous husband

Psychologists in such situations recommend using a very simple technique - talk with your partner, tell us about your feelings, that it is difficult for you to cope with jealousy. Ask him to stop or at least limit his relationship with his girlfriend.

If he is not satisfied with this state of affairs, then try to find another compromise that will be convenient for everyone. If a man really loves you, then he certainly will not ignore you. It can even interrupt all friendly contacts with the rival.

However, if a man has many women in friends and even after your conversation the situation has not changed, then this means that this is not a girlfriend at all. Only in this way can the behavior of a lover can explain. And these can lead to the fact that he will lie and hide. Gradually, you will understand that you have nothing left left. Yes, it is unfortunate, but you should not lose your hands and give up, because there are many other good men around, so why spend time on someone who is not worthy of you?

Video: 32. Husband has a girlfriend, I'm jealous to her. 100 questions about relationships

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  1. I had such a situation and I needed to control my husband.

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