What to do if you pinched a finger, the nail blue? The child pinched the finger with the door, what to do? First aid and folk recipes for bruises

What to do if you pinched a finger, the nail blue? The child pinched the finger with the door, what to do? First aid and folk recipes for bruises

First aid for bruises of the finger and nail.

Very young children know the world, so they climb where they do not need, and can get injuries. Quite often there is infringement of the finger with the door. In this article we will tell you what to do if you or your child pinched a finger.

The child pinched the finger with the door: what to do?

The kid can react quite clearly to pain, scream and cry for a long time. You need to adequately assess the situation and see how disturbed the integrity of the skin is, and what happened to the finger. With a strong press on the phalanx of the fingers, they can swell in the joints of the joints.


  • If swelling does not go away during the day, it is urgent to contact a traumatologist. In addition, immediately after the baby injured his finger, it is necessary to attach something cold. This refers to a piece of ice, which should be wrapped in fabric.
  • If there is no ice, even a frozen piece of meat is suitable, which must be put in a clean towel and attached to the sore spot. Cold will not let the edema develop, swell the limbs. It is worth acting on the situation.
  • Quite often, the child damages the finger in the nail. In this case, if the blow is quite strong, then hemorrhage is formed under the nail. This bruise gets dark, becomes black, blue or red. Over time, such a nail plate descends with a film, and a new one grows in its place. In this case, your task is to monitor the condition of the nail and watch how well it grows.
  • In time, cut the nails in time so that the child does not tear him in any case, and the secondary infection does not join him. Often resort to the help of a surgeon. He makes a hole in a sore nail so that all the contents, that is, the blood that is baked under the plate, freely came out and did not develop swelling, suppuration. The task of the parents, after the baby pinched the nail, is to control the fusion and obstacle to growing.

The child pinched a finger, the nail turned blue: First aid

The procedure does not change. The main thing is to recognize a bruise or a fracture. Among the signs of a fracture can be distinguished:

  • Strong edema that does not pass within a day
  • Growing pain
  • The inability to move or bend a finger
  • Strange deformation of the position of the fingers unusual for you
Bruise on the finger
Bruise on the finger

In such cases, it is urgent to contact a traumatologist, who, after radiography, will determine what needs to be done with the fingers. He will also find out the severity of the damage. If, despite the edema, severe pain, you can still move your fingers, it bends normally and extends, then most likely it is just a bruise.


  • In this case, it is enough to attach cold or lower the limb into ice water. Keep in the cold for about 15-20 minutes. After that, grease the damaged place with some kind of analgesic ointment.
  • Diclofenac or voltaren, non -steroidal anti -inflammatory ointments that quickly relieve the pain syndrome are suitable. If the pain is still quite severe, we recommend that you drink an analgesic drug inside.
  • For this purpose, ordinary analgesics and non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs are suitable. The ideal option will be Nise powder, nimesil, which perfectly remove the symptoms of any damage, blows and bruises.
  • Further, it remains only to observe the condition of the sick finger. If the edema was sleeping, only a small hematoma remained, nothing to worry about. In order for it to quickly resolve, you can use heparin ointment or troxevazin.
  • Starting from 3 days, you can use warming compresses in order to quickly resolve a hematoma. In no case should you first apply something hotter to the sore spot. This will enhance blood flow, increase the redness of the finger and at the same time it will become hot to the touch, with pronounced painful sensations.

What to do if the child pinched the nail plate?


  • If at the same time you pinched the nail plate, then in order to release blood, as well as pus from under the nail, we recommend that you contact a traumatologist or surgeon. They have a special device with which a small hole in the nail is made, and the contents formed under the nail plate flow through it.
  • This helps to keep the nail, as well as protect it from exfoliation. Therefore, if you do not want to wait for your nail to get off, I recommend that you immediately contact the doctor in order to facilitate the process of exiting the contents from under the nail.
  • In no case do we recommend that you independently pierce the nail with a needle, as indicated in some sources. Thus, you can easily bring the infection, thereby provoking an abscess or sepsis. In this case, you will have to visit a surgeon who will tear off the nail and clean the suppuration. You can alleviate the condition after a blow with the help of folk remedies.

Pinched a finger: folk methods of treatment

Please note that you can help with a finger pinches several methods that are often used by the people.


  • Potato compress. To do this, you need to take a small tuber, peel it, wash and grind it on a grater. After that, the resulting gruel is applied to the nailed finger, fixed with a patch, and is left. Change the bandage about 2 times a day. It is also necessary to sleep with this gruel on your finger.
  • Onion mixture. This tool is used if, along with a nailed finger, an abscess, that is, swelling or a survey of the nail is observed. To do this, it is necessary to clean a small onion of the husk, grind in a blender or on a grater, to a puree state. Enter a tablespoon of chips of core soap, on which 72%is written, and attach to the affected finger. It is best to do such manipulation at night. This will help to remove pus as quickly as possible, and also contribute to healing.
Beautiful nails
Beautiful nails

If the nail came off the finger, and there was an absolutely unprotected nail plate under it, in this case, we recommend that you process antiseptics daily. This does not have to be an alcohol -containing agent. Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide or a solution of furatsilin is suitable. If you do dirty work, then it is best to close this finger with an attack so that dust does not get into the affected area, dirt does not occur and infection does not occur.

Finger processing
Finger processing

Quite often, after the nailed finger grows, onycholysis can be observed in some places. That is, not the growth of the nail to the nail bed. Under it forms the corresponding voids. In this case, we recommend protecting the sore spot with an attacker, or perform prosthetics using acrylate or acrylic.

Video: pinched a finger

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  1. i recently pinched a finger, cried in pain, immediately put the cold, and used the frostas, helped me a lot, cools, helps to relieve pain, I always have in the first -aid kit, in case of such injuries.

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