What makes a woman unexpected - 10 facts

What makes a woman unexpected - 10 facts

Often one woman beckons to herself with an invisible thread, and the other repels. In the second part, factors that make the lady unexpected were noted.

This is how female nature is arranged - for a full sensation and realization of her female role, she needs attention from the male. Thanks to the interest of men - a woman can appreciate her prospects for successful marriage and motherhood. But what makes a woman unexpected? Let's figure it out.

What makes a woman unexpected? - 10 facts

Most women are engaged in self -deception, naively relying on the advice of incompetent experts represented by friends. Such a solution is incorrect only because friends are also women. Their tips are also unilateral and rely on the female perception of the situation. The correct action would be to ask the opinion of men.

But not every woman has such a courage to openly discuss such issues with the male audience. Here sociological surveys come to the rescue, which in advance have prepared a list of the most popular female delusions according to men.

Therefore, in order not to fall on the hook of their own illusions and imposed errors, it remains only to study some points that, according to most men, are considered not very attractive qualities.

What makes a woman unexpected? Let's look at the facts in more detail:

  • An untidy appearance - gives the impression of a sloppy woman. Unwashed hair, inaccurate hairstyle, shapeless haircut or poor hair dye, smeared makeup or groomed skin with defects, disrespecting depilation, lack of manicure or shabby nail polish, dirty and rumpled clothes, unclean shoes, stretched or worn out - all this is caused Men are disgusted.
  • But such a systematic behavior - can destroy a positive impression about it. The only exception is the case when some negligence is considered a designer highlight of the image. It should be understood that this image is made artificially and thought out to the smallest detail: expensive fabrics, high -quality shoes and accessories, the elite aroma of perfumery - such a careless chic. And even these images do not always cause correct associations in men.
  • The aroma of the body - His specific formula is designed to awaken natural instincts in a man. Of course, a person obeys the laws of nature, but do not follow them so desperately. Some women, having read articles about pheromones, believe that it is impossible to use artificially created aromas and often swim - the natural smell of the body is better.
  • But the key role here is played by elusive specific compositions produced by the human body - the unpleasant smell of sweat has nothing to do with this. Therefore, bathing does not interfere with the manifestation of natural features, but on the contrary, helps to cleanse the body of harmful bacteria that clog the skin. The wrong judgment is expressed by those who believe that abuse of the aromas of perfumes will make them desirable for the opposite sex.
  • Sharp, tart, very sweet aromas cause a standing person in a nearby, light suffocation and a desire to move away from the object to a safe distance. You can draw a parallel with toxic plants: many dangerous species of flora have flowers with a pronounced, drunk aroma. The correct action will be the light aroma so that for its recognition it is necessary to approach and sniff. It is also necessary to take into account the breath from the mouth: the freshness of breathing signals the readiness for communication, which is automatically read by the opposite sex.
Bad smell
Bad smell
  • Rival behavior - When women behave in a masculine way. Due to their prejudices, men consider such a woman - an unusual person. Of course, they can communicate with her, provide formal signs of attention, but no more. Such a woman is perceived as a friend, business partner and just a good interlocutor. And all because a woman does not broadcast readiness for communication for a man, she rather plays the role of an opponent - indicates his complexes and weaknesses.
  • Any man wants to look in the eyes of his lady hero the winner. And with a lady of masculine behavior there is a high probability, to overestimate strength and become defeated himself. Such a lady simply leaves no chance to the man to demonstrate the possibilities of the seducer, aggressively suppressing attempts at the very beginning of courtship.
  • As a rule, such women emphasize the superiority of a man in everything without leaving the slightest chance: these are dictators, careerists who claim to be leadership. A woman, fixated on her career and self -realization, stubbornly does not notice courtship in a man, also suppresses in a man. An eternally busy person, exhausted by the affairs, lays the thought that he is superfluous and his attempts to draw attention to failure.
  • Vulgarity - The weak female gender is very reduced. A frank and defiant image - fits well into sexual games between partners. However, if such a style is often presented and everywhere, it may be bored. In addition, you need to know the measure - where and when it is appropriate. Do not provoke everyone in a row with your shocking, so you can prove yourself as an easily accessible woman and quickly lose value in the eyes of others. A man by nature is a hunter.
  • And the elusive mystery provokes interest in it, while vulgarity - reveals all the secrets at once. Statistical polls of the strong half of humanity showed that the sexuality of a woman and her vulgarity is not the same concept. Most, sexuality perceive as some secret in a woman who is satisfied with herself, she skillfully and dosed shows satisfaction from life to her chosen one. Vulgarity - appreciated as aggression, illegibility, bad manners, self -doubt and dissatisfaction with life.
  • Bad habits -Smoking, alcohol, dependence on something-all this makes a woman unexpected. In modern society, young girls often demonstrate bad habits, use harmful substances in order to attract increased attention of faces of the opposite sex. This tactic is erroneous already because for a man a woman leading an unhealthy lifestyle automatically becomes painful, and any threat to health is little attractive.
  • This is especially true for young people, adherents of proper nutrition and leading sports lifestyle. Many men have the smell of cigarettes and alcohol from a woman causes a feeling of disgust. As it turns out, most guys do not want to kiss their lips after a smoked cigarette.
  • The same applies to any other abuses: excessive food, biting nails, picking in the nose or ears, continuous chewing gum - these habits do not decorate the girl. It is necessary to observe and in time to identify habits in time - perhaps it is they who interfere with establishing relations with the opposite sex, making not a sexy girl.
Bad habits
Bad habits
  • Ignoring body weight - excessively weight loss or weight gain. In this matter, all men have their own tastes and preferences. Nevertheless, there is one general requirement for all candidates: the woman’s body should be well-groomed in any weight, have a healthy and fit look and be harmonious in the ratio of weight to the figure. A painful flay body is not sexy for any weight.
  • Do not reject the fact that men consider those women who monitor their figure more sexy, do not allow themselves to go beyond generally accepted ideal forms, even after bearing a baby. Men are annoying when the chosen one ceases to follow their forms, referring to employment - this is regarded as disrespect for the partner. They are ready to put up with age -related changes in the body of a partner if they see how she tries to take care of their body.
  • Depressiveness - Excessive tearfulness, resentment and dissatisfaction with life. For a strong half of humanity, a woman is a keeper of love and a creator of a good mood. A woman always complaining about life, causes a man only one desire - to regret her, this is a state makes a woman unexpected. I must say, pity is a female feeling, a man is not characteristic of behavior.
  • It is much easier to build relationships with a smiling and in a good mood of a partner. A smile makes a woman sexy in the eyes of men. No wonder it is so often heard in the stories of people as a fan fell in love with a smile of a chosen one. Funny disposition, lightness, positive mood of a woman is a manifestation of her sexuality.
Frequent sadness
Frequent sadness
  • Distrust and suspicion - a tendency to surveillance, questioning and eavesdropping. This is especially annoying men whose lifestyle is active - requiring a lot of communication and frequent outputs. Such behavior of the weaker sex is regarded as self -doubt, and the depreciation of oneself is a sign of not a sexy woman.
  • If a woman considers herself a loser among competitors, and not sexy, then a man is unlikely to pay attention to her. After all, everyone considers himself worthy only the best - no one needs other people's complexes and fears. It is necessary to give a man the opportunity to decide what to tell and what not. This will not lose self -esteem even if the story is not with a favorable end.
  • Stories about former partners - The most common mistake of women. This information is better to share with a friend. Otherwise, there is every reason to stumble upon a number of unpleasant reactions of a man and even surrender. A man can listen to female revelations only if he is a personal psychologist, a coach of family relationships. In other cases, this looks like a provocation.
  • The reaction to the provocative topic will not make you wait long, the man will not want alleged comparisons with someone, preferring to endure. It happens that the partner is asking for former guys, wanting to understand how deep the past emotional connection remained and what sexual preferences were. Inquiries must be suppressed, try to talk about the current partnership. Turning out, men want to really evaluate prospects.
Unpleasant conversations
Unpleasant conversations
  • Excessive stiffness, tightness. Modesty - decorates the girl until a certain point. When the couple has already crossed the line of primary acquaintance and the meeting is gaining momentum - constant impregnability will only interfere, this makes a woman unexpected. A man can simply get tired of unreasonable failures or excessive timidity. The lack of initiative of a woman negatively affects the assessment of her sexuality.
  • The constant persuasion of the partner, the fear of improvisation and the implementation of sexual fantasies, will lead a man to a loss of interest to possess this woman, the result will become - treason on the side. It is important to feel the intimate desires of the chosen one - to be able to guide attention in your direction, demonstrating readiness to realize desires. It is necessary to increase sex skills - there is nothing worse in intimate relationships than a woman who does not own her body. Representatives of the stronger sex are trying to avoid such partners, considering them frigid.

In fact, no matter what criteria for selection by the degree of sexuality men use - female attractiveness always remains a mystery. The sexuality of a woman is so multifaceted that it is difficult for a man to understand her to the end: with one partner, a woman is faded and shy, and with another blooms like a rose. No wonder it is believed that there are no non -sequential women - there are men not able to love.

Video: How to be sexy, but not vulgar?

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