What will happen if you light up a bay leaf in the house, apartment?

What will happen if you light up a bay leaf in the house, apartment?

In this article, we will try to talk about one interesting custom - to set fire to bay leaf. What does this give?

Did you know that the bay leaf was used by ancient Romans and Greeks as a subject of magic rites? People were convinced that this plant has magical properties and is able to attract only the best. There were rites that consisted in setting a bay leaf. What is their essence?

Energy of bay leaf

First you should figure out what properties attributed to this plant and why.It was symbol of purity, purification. It was noted that the bay leaf helps overcome emotional stress, fatigue and even epileptic attacks. It's all about essential oils and cineolas contained in the sheet. They cleanse the respiratory tract and, therefore, contribute to relaxation. Snone problems also retreat.

This was all noticed even in ancient times, even when people could not logically explain the nature of such phenomena. So, Hippocrates assured that the bay leaf was able to help the woman in labor cope with pain.

Important: it was also noted that the fragrance of the sheet is able to scare off unwanted insects living in the house.

The aroma of unbelief in the appearance of a bay leaf really soothes
The aroma of unbelief in the appearance of a bay leaf really soothes

Success, victory - Even in ancient Greece, the “noble laurel” was considered a symbol of impregnability, the ability to achieve the desired. The fact is that, according to mythology, the nymph Daphne, saved from the claims of Apollo, turned into a laurel tree. Therefore, the Greeks and the Romans considered it symbolic to decorate the heads of athletes, warriors with a laurel wreath.

Protection from evil spirits and various misfortunes - Green color has been considered a symbol of eternal life, revival from ancient times. The laurel sheet is green constantly, which is associated with the abundance of essential oil. In the world of flora, the plant is really considered a long -liver.

The ceremony of fumigation with a laurel leaf to improve energy in the house: Description

After they figured out where the signs and beliefs associated with a bay leaf came from, you can talk about the rites. The most popular rite was fumigation of the home in order to improve its energy. It was believed that as a result Sadness, reproaches, quarrels and tears associated with them leave the house.

Important: it was also believed that people get into a dwelling in this way.

It was believed that even a small amount of bay leaves can cleanse the energy of the room
It was believed that even a small amount of bay leaves can cleanse the energy of the room

This is how the rite is held:

  • In the pan A laurel branch is placed. You can put just a few separate leaves.
  • Further under the pan small fire turns on. Soon a pleasant aroma will appear. He is guaranteed to cleanse bad thoughts, cheer up, calm down.
  • You can inhale this smell, sit down next to be comfortable, close your eyes and relax. It is worth repeating the following phrases to yourself: "" I am relaxed ”,“ I'm fine ”,“ I'm absolutely calm ”. You can simply give thanks Higher forces for all the good that already exist.
  • Further, together with a frying pan, you need go around the premises. Moreover, everything is even a balcony, a bathroom, a pantry. You need to bring fragrant bay leaves To each corner.
  • Lauren leaves will not only share something good, but also take the bad. Therefore, immediately after the ritual they need throw out. It is advisable not to touch the leaves with your hands. At the same time, it is worthwhile to imagine that all the negative, which can be from life, is thrown out of life.

Important: it is advisable to take out the leaves on the street or throw them into the garbage chute. It is not worth throwing the absorbing the plants in the garbage bin, which will still stand in the house for some time.

The ritual should be carried out once a week.

You can, when fumigating with a bay leaf, transfer the plant into a plate
You can, when fumigating with a bay leaf, transfer the plant into a plate

Rite of settling a bay leaf to attract money: Description

In order to attract money, you need to follow the following instructions:

  • The tip of the bay leaf is worth set fire to.
  • After setting on fire, you need pronounce to yourself or aloud the installation for wealth. The phrases should be uttered that now the money will firmly enter life and take the place of need. It is necessary to believe that now wealth will begin to increase every day.
It was believed that the bay leaf is able to attract wealth
It was believed that the bay leaf is able to attract wealth

The ritual of setting fire to a bay leaf for the implementation of desire: Description

How to realize a desire?

  • First of all, you need to close your eyes and completely to focus on At the most cherished desire.

Important: it is necessary to present its implementation as clearly as possible. At the same time, with all means it is necessary to believe in such an implementation.

  • Now you need take a bay leaf and say your desire over him. At the same time, you need to ask not only about the fulfillment of a dream, but also that the negative to leave.
  • Continuing to believe in the embodiment of dreams in life , the tip of the bay leaf needs to be set on fire.

Another way is writing desire directly on the leaf itself. Many ways of fortune telling include the stage of writing wishes. After this stage, the leaf is also needed set fire to.

Stuffing a bay leaf to fulfill a desire - another ritual
Stuffing a bay leaf to fulfill a desire is another ritual

Everyone knows that bay leaf is perfectly applicable in cooking. But not many are known about other properties of this plant. Well, to believe or not in its magical properties - to decide everyone individually. But maybe there is a reason for listening to ancient beliefs.

Video: What will happen if you set fire to a bay leaf?

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