What will happen if you do not pay a bank loan to the bank?

What will happen if you do not pay a bank loan to the bank?

When a person takes a loan, he does not always think about the consequences. We decided to figure out what would happen if we stop paying.

Each of us dreams of such things that he cannot buy for cash. In this case, loans come to the revenue, but the catch, then they have to be paid.
Cash loans, despite everything, are a very popular way to get the desired, because they can be paid in small parts for at least several years.

But, it is not always possible to pay a loan on time or even pay due to different circumstances. This forces the borrower to evade fulfilling his obligations and look for ways not to pay at all.

Yes, undoubtedly, you can hide as much as you like and not pay anything, but in any case, no one exempts you from responsibility and the consequences will certainly come. But what will they be? Let's find out.

What will happen if you do not pay a bank loan to the bank?

What will happen if you don't pay a loan?
What will happen if you do not pay a loan?

As a result, delay, even for several days, calls from banks and can even come to your house. Few people will like this, but if you decide not to pay, then regardless of the reasons, you will definitely encounter it, unless, of course, you hide.

Why are banks so annoying in terms of demand for debt? The bottom line is that you were concluded with a loan, where the terms and amounts of payment are clearly stipulated, all your data is entered. The bank fulfilled its part of the transaction and provided you with the legal basis, and now the case is for you and you must repay the debt.

If you violate the conditions received by the contract, then responsibility will follow this. So, when you take a loan from the bank, take into account all the possible consequences.

After the first delay, the bank representative will contact you and will report debt. In addition, he will clarify when you are going to pay and warn about possible consequences.

However, it will be so if several days have passed. If the account is already for months, then everything is much more serious. Depending on what amount was received, how many other factors have already been paid, the consequences will also be determined. They can be as follows:

  • Penalties and fines. This is the most harmless punishment. Immediately after paying at least part of the required amount, the bank will immediately stop finding fault, but do not relax, this will not last long.
Fines and penalties
Fines and penalties
  • Constant calls. You will often call you and remind you of the debt and ask when you finally pay.
  • Restriction in rights. For example, you will be forbidden to leave the country.
  • The bank may demand to pay the entire amountu. Then the contract will be terminated with you without your consent. You will be informed that monthly payments are no longer required, but you will have to repay DOG in one payment.
  • Debt demand from the guarantor. If you have a loan with a guarantor, then the money will be demanded precisely from it. If he does not repay your debt, then you will have to be jointly responsible.
  • Debt transfer to collectors. In such a situation, a special collection company will buy your debt and will ask you to repay it. Actually, this is the work of collectors - debt demand. You will be constantly called, send letters and so on.
  • Arrest of property. If the case still came to court, then before or after making a decision on your property may be seized.
Arrest of property
Arrest of property
  • Forced property sale. The court may decide on the forced sale of property of the debtor. At the same time, it is implemented at the auction and at not the best cost, only to cover your debt.
  • Criminal liability. For small debts, this certainly does not expect you, but with a debt of more than 1.5 million, it is quite possible to get to jail, or you can get a term in the form of correctional labor up to six months.

You must understand that any delay affects your credit history and is necessarily reflected in it. So, if in the future you want to get a loan, then no one will give it to you. All information will be transferred to the Unified Bureau of Credit History and each bank will be able to see it.

Regardless of the situation, if you want to solve the issue peacefully, albeit with some financial losses, it is better not to hide from banks or collectors.

How not to pay a loan legally: methods

So, if you do not have the opportunity or even desire to pay off on a loan, then you have several ways to avoid this. Immediately note that you simply do not pay - this is not a way out and you need to solve the problems a little differently.

Method 1. We break off the loan agreement

Break a loan agreement
Break a loan agreement

If there are violations in the loan agreement, then the borrower has the right to cancel it. You should not even try to look for some loopholes on your own. It is better to trust this case with professional lawyers who can really achieve the abolition of different commissions and additional payments. This will record the amount of debt at the same level.

Although, in rare cases, it is possible to achieve a complete cancellation of payments, provided that the bank made a gross error in the contract.

Of course, the method is not bad, but keep in mind that it requires costs, because no lawyer will work for free.

Method 2. We redeem the debt

If quite a lot of time has passed and your debt was transferred to the collectors, then as an option, you can redeem their duty from them, but only one of the loved ones should do it.

Not every borrower knows about a similar way to solve the problem. Despite this, it really exists and is legal. In fact, this is the same as the transfer of debt from the bank to the collectors, only now you will already have to your loved ones.

As a rule, the minimum ransom amount is 20%, the maximum is 50%.

Method 3. Agree with the bank

We agree with the bank
We agree with the bank

This is the best way to solve all issues. Banks are often inferior to their customers if they always answer calls, make contact and do not refuse to pay. In this case, the bank understands that the life situation really does not allow paying now and can provide credit holidays or help with refinancing. As for an option, debt can be restructured.

Everyone can solve the issue with the bank peacefully, but of course, those who have not yet allowed delays and have always been a reliable client are given preference.

Method 4. Loan restructuring

The most popular way to solve problems is restructuring. It is a set of various events that allow you to stabilize the situation and financial situation of the borrower.

As a rule, the client’s solvency improves in two ways:

  • Reducing monthly payments
  • Increasing the loan term
  • Cancellation of fines for a while

By the way, it is restructuring that is the best way out when initiating bankruptcy cases.

Method 5. We declare ourselves bankrupt

If the client is recognized as insolvent, then this means that he has no opportunity to pay the debt. After the court made such a decision, the property is usually imposed on the property. After that, the procedure is carried out to implement it.

All property is evaluated by an official and he also offers the most effective ways to sell in favor of the creditor.

Can a loan be forcibly, if they do not pay it?

Credit collection through the court
Credit collection through the court

So, if the case nevertheless accepted the nasty turnover and the bank went to court, then perhaps the process of compulsory collection of debt will be launched. This happens, as a rule, in several main stages. But, before saying some, let's first figure out what actions the bank takes even before the court.

  • If suddenly, the borrower sharply stopped paying a loan, then regardless of the reasons, he should definitely not hope that everyone will be forgiven. Already two weeks after delay, a message from the bank will receive a message on the phone, and its employees can already call more than once. At first, communication will be correct, maybe a person simply forgot to transfer money to the account. After that, reminders will become tougher.
  • In some customers, at this stage, behavior becomes somewhat wrong. They prefer to ignore the bank employees and probably believe that everything will be decided, but this is not so. And if you hide, it will only be worse.
  • After some time, the number of calls will become larger, and then the debt will be transmitted by collectors who will behave more persistently.
  • So far, it has not yet reached the trial, it is best to enter into a dialogue with the bank, find some compromise. Although it is not always possible to come to the desired result, but still the nerves will be in order.
  • And yet, even if the case has already reached the trial, then nothing terrible happened. Yes, you can’t do anything, but you can still get out of this situation with minimal losses.
  • So, when the court considers your case at the meeting, he will make a decision. As a rule, this is the payment of a certain amount. How exactly this will do the tribute depends on specific circumstances.

All details of the decision are already determined by bailiffs. They have even more powers in terms of demand for debt than collectors. They have different tools in their hands to influence debtors. This allows you to achieve your goals more efficiently - paying debt.

1. The arrest of property

The arrest of property is a mandatory procedure if it has already reached the recognition of bankruptcy. In addition, the arrest is also imposed on collateral.

2. Cash collection

The arrest of accounts
The arrest of accounts

If the debtor has no property and there is nothing to arrest, then in this case, funds are arrested. This means that the bailiffs learn about the accounts of their customers in different banks and impose arrest on them as part of the amount that is subject to payment. In addition, deposits, that is, deposits can also arrest. The only income on which the arrest is not imposed is social payments, benefits and pensions.

By the way, this method is considered the most effective of them all, since if the client needs an invoice, then he will begin to extinguish the debt, at least gradually. Or a salary will come there and it will be written off on debt.

3. Debt indexation

The meaning of this stage is that without indexation, a person who received 10 thousand 10 years ago returns the same amount. As a result, the bank loses income. However, this measure is effective in cases where the court has already decided to pay the debt, but for some reason the debtor does not fulfill his obligations. The threat of indexation is a kind of incentive for debtors to enforce court decisions.

4. Sending the writ of execution to the place of work

Performance list
Performance list

When previous methods of recovery do not work, this does not mean that the bank will stop trying to recover the debt. At the place of work, the bailiff will be sent a writ of execution, according to which part of the debtor’s salary will be kept on account of payment of the debt. As a rule, this is 50% of the official earnings. Of course, you can go to court and achieve a reduction in the amount, but you will definitely not be canceled such a decision.

5. Restriction in rights

In addition to recovering funds, there are other methods of influence on the borrower. For example, it will not be possible to travel outside the country. And persons recognized banknotes are prohibited from occupying guidelines for some time.

Undoubtedly, bankruptcy does not affect the credit history badly. It is unlikely that after that it will be possible to take a loan, even the smallest.

6. Forced eviction

This option is possible only if the borrower has another housing. Moreover, the amount of debt should be comparable to the cost of real estate.

Video: What will happen if you do not pay a loan?

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