What to take with you to the beach? What do you need for the beach if a vacation with children?

What to take with you to the beach? What do you need for the beach if a vacation with children?

The beach season is the most anticipated time for everyone, so you need to know what is necessary on the beach so that the rest does not turn into an unpleasant pastime.

Hot sun, heated sand and the call of the sea irrevocably attracted to themselves? Succumb to this temptation and allow yourself unforgettable minutes of pleasure on the shore.

And it doesn’t matter where you go - at sea or to the river - unity with nature will only benefit and restore strength. In order for the vacation to go “with a bang” and nothing to deliver discomfort is necessary prepare for it correctly and take everything you need, not grabbing anything superfluous.

What should you take to the beach?

The first association that arises from the word "beach" is women in swimsuits and men in swimming trunks. Yes, without these simple items of clothing on the beach, well, you can’t do at all. Correctly selected swimsuit will show all the charms of the figures and hide small flaws, and this form of clothing is excellent suitable for both bathing and for sunbathing.

Swimsuit - mandatory attribute of beach holidays

It is important to remember that not all beaches are equipped with cabins For dressing and, perhaps, you will have nowhere to put on a swimsuit.

It is better to put on it for this swimsuit for clothes at home, and take with you a shift set of linenwhich, under the presence of the necessary conditions, can be worn after rest. To come back home in a wet swimsuit It is extremely inconvenient and unpleasant, especially if he gets to go by transport.

Change pair of linen on the beach will not hurt

It is extremely difficult to be in water all the time and at least sometimes you need to take small breaks on the shore. For this you need to take with you small blanket or towelon which it will be possible to sit and lie down. If you certainly want to wipe away after water procedures, then take another towel. But you can do without it completely - a burning summer air will dry the body in a matter of minutes.

If you plan to lie down and wipe off after swimming, then you need to take two towels

The beach is a great place to relax and at the same time dangerous environment for female appearance, where there is a large risk of burning, and wrinkles are easily formed from intense sunlight.

This is especially true for the corners of the eyes. Do not forget to take the beach Sunglasses And then you will not have to be afraid of unwanted “goose legs”. You also need a special cream to protect the skin - you can purchase universal cream Protector for the whole body or different for the body and face.

Sun cream will protect your skin while you will not live

To protect yourself from the sun will also help headdress. It can be wide -brimmed panama, cap, a small hat. In any case, you need to take what will cover your head from a sunny blow and will not allow sunlight to negatively affect the hair.

Do not forget either take a comb, because if you return home to the city, then do not confuse passers -by disheveled view a la forest nymph.

Without a hat, rest can end with a sunny blow

If you you can't be idle for a long time and a banal sunbathing on the shore seems boring to you, then you can take any magazine or favorite book And entertain yourself with reading in the fresh air. The main thing is not to get carried away by the plot and turn over to the other side in time, otherwise burning in the sun You are guaranteed.

A large bag will allow you to take everything you need with you

And finally you can’t go to the beach in any way without a large bag into which you can fit all the necessary beach accessories. This can be a special beach bag, which is easy to carry and at the same time its volumes should allow many things to fit.

Video: What to take at sea?

What drinks and food to take with you to the beach?

In the hot season, under the scorching sun i will certainly want to drink. Therefore, you need to take with you to the beach a bottle of water. It is desirable that it be non -carbonated mineral water, and not a sweet drink or compote.

From sweets, on the contrary, you want to drink Even more, or may be a non -childish appetite. As for carbonated waters, they should not be used not only on the beach, but in general. From such a drink cellulite is formedwho has not adorned anyone yet.

Be sure to take a bottle of water

It should be counted on the fact that fresh air (especially sea) and active drilling in water they will cause a strong feeling of hunger. To restore strength, you need to take a small snack with you. The best food on the beach will be:

  • fruits and vegetables
  • nuts
  • sandwords
  • cookie
  • various snacks
Fruits and vegetables - the best snack on the beach

Do not drag with you to the beach meat dishes, dairy products, sandwiches or salads with mayonnaise, After all, being under the influence of high temperature, all this food will simply spoil. Otherwise, instead of a gorgeous vacation on the beach, you will have be in hospital With food poisoning.

It is better to leave meat products at home

It is not recommended to take with you to the beach alcoholic drinks. Alcohol in combination with heat can play a cruel joke with you, especially when a reservoir is nearby, in which a sober person it is unsafe.

Alcohol is not a place on the beach

If you decide to take food with you, then, of course a garbage bag is also needed, After all, you will not throw the remnants of food or its packaging anywhere, and sometimes you have to run in search of urns for a long time.

What needs to be taken if a beach vacation with children?

Regardless of what age you have children, when gathering for the beach you need to carefully consider than the child will do except for bathing that he senses and what personal things It is necessary to take with you. If you are all responsible for preparing for rest, then it will certainly please both adults and children.

Vacation with children

For a child, you need to take such things:

  • several diapers (for children under a year)
  • wet wipes
  • water
  • i'm going to the baby (which exactly - depends on the age of the crumbs: very small children The houses should be fed and the duration of the beach holidays must be calculated so that the child does not want to eat before returning home. For older children You can take a banana or children's cookies)
  • replaceable clothes in case it suddenly gets colder or becomes more hot
  • headdress
  • an inflatable circle or overslete (for more adult children who take part in bathing)
  • toys
  • beach umbrella
  • smooth linen
  • litter and towel
The child should be fun, then his parents will really rest

Children the uniformity is quickly bored And so that the kids do not drag you home 20 minutes after the start of beach entertainment, be sure to take toys appropriate on the beach. It can be scapulas and buckets for playing sand, molds for creating sand figures, ball, machine. Do not forget that children should not for a long time play under the open sunSo organize their game under a beach umbrella.

What should not be taken to the beach?

Except fasting food and alcohol rapidly, there are other things that will be superfluous or inappropriate on the beach. First of all, because they can carry any direct or indirect danger Or there will simply be an extra burden that you will have to drag in vain.

If there is no personal car, then collect the bag to the minimum

Unwanted list of beach supplies:

  • money
  • gold jewelry
  • passport and other important documents
  • expensive telephone (If you are resting alone, then you will have to leave it on the shore, which can lead to the disappearance of an expensive gadget)
  • heeled shoes (Yes, and in our time there are young ladies that plow sand with spirals of sandals)
  • sweets and salty products (This food will increase thirst, and swelling may appear from salinity in the evening)
  • medicines (In addition, if you take any drugs, you must discuss with the doctor the expediency of long staying under the hot sun)
Leave at home something that you can do without

Rest on the beach - This is one of the best pastime with benefit for your health. Guide the above recommendations And then this type of rest will be pleasant and will bring only positive emotions, and all the necessary things at hand will provide proper comfort.

Video: What's in my beach bag? What to take to the beach

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