What is the useful of aloe for hair? Tips and reviews

What is the useful of aloe for hair? Tips and reviews

An interesting article for those who want to improve hair health. Recipes for making hair -based masks are considered.

Aloe is a magic plant that is known for its healing properties. It is often used in the treatment of colds in children, but the leaves are very useful for the skin and head. That is why aloe is an ideal natural substance to eliminate hair problems.

How to use aloe juice for hair?

There are several options for application. The easiest is to rub the juice into the scalp. Thus, you increase blood circulation and improve blood flow to the bulbs. Carry out the procedure before each head washing. It is advisable to leave the juice on the hair for 1-2 hours. After that, just wash the hair.

Preparation of aloe juice

You can purchase aloe juice in a pharmacy, but it is best to use a plant sheet. RECIPE: To obtain juice, you need to cut the sheet and wrap it in gauze. Put a piece of plant in the refrigerator for 7 days. During this time, changes are taking place in plant raw materials. After the specified time passes, remove the sheet from the refrigerator and remove the film and peel with needles. You will have a jelly -like mass in your hand. Chop it with a knife and fold it into gauze. Squeeze the juice into a bowl and you can use it to rub into the scalp or in masks.

Aloe hair mask for dry hair

There are several options for using aloe for dry hair. Usually, moisturizing masks contain yolks and vegetable oils. Recipes of masks for dry curls:

  • RECIPE: Mask with almonds. To prepare the product, separate the yolk and pour it into the vessel. Drink 10 drops of almond oil. Mix everything and pour 20 ml of aloe juice. You can use freshly prepared juice or tincture purchased in a pharmacy. This composition is evenly distributed at the roots and left for 30 minutes.
  • RECIPE: Mask with vitamins. To prepare a healing mask, purchase vitamins A and E in capsules or in bottles. It is very convenient to use an oil form of substances. You need to mix 1 ml of vitamin A and E in the vessel and add 5 ml of aloe juice to this clock. After that, the mixture is averaged, yolk and 20 ml of serum are added to it. Put the fat mass on the hair and put on the hat. Wash everything with a towel and engage in your business for 1 hour. Rinse the strands thoroughly.
  • RECIPE: Honey mask. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat 30 g of honey. It should become liquid, do not overheat the product. Add a tablespoon of aloe juice and castor oil to a warm honey. Mix everything and leave it on the hair for 1 hour. You need to keep the composition warm, so wrap the hair with a towel. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 7 days. To enhance the effect, you can rinse your hair after a mask of a dump from nettle leaves.
  • RECIPE: Mask with cognac. You need to melt honey and add a centenary to it. For 50 g of honey, it is enough to take 25 g of aloe juice and 25 ml of cognac. This mixture is evenly distributed along the entire length of the curls and left for 3 hours. Then they wash as usual. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 4 days.

Aloe hair mask for damaged hair

RECIPE: To prepare the healing composition, clean the onion onion from the husk and grate it on a grater. Fold the resulting masles in gauze and squeeze the juice. Add 20 g of honey and castor oil to this juice. Do not forget to pour 25 ml of aloe juice. This plant-oil mixture is applied for 1 hour before each wash.

Important: the disadvantage of this mask is the onion smell

To slightly reduce the aroma, you need to wash off the substance with acidified water. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of citric acid or vinegar in a liter of water.

Aloe hair mask for hair ends

RECIPE: The composition of that treatment contains lemon juice and sour cream. To prepare the potion, cut the lemon in half. Squeeze the juice from the half and pour it into a bowl. Add 100 ml of sour cream and 50 ml of aloe juice. Such a mask perfectly eliminates the split ends. Please note that the composition is applied only to the ends, no need to lubricate the roots with the substance. Keep the product on curls for 1 hour.

Aloe hair mask for hair growth

Such compositions are usually rubbed into the scalp. This helps stimulate blood circulation and accelerate the growth of hair.

RECIPE: To prepare the therapeutic mixture into the bowl, pour the yolk and a little castor oil. After averaging the mixture, add a decoction of burdock or nettles. Clean two cloves of garlic from the husk and grate. After receiving garlic gruel, mix it with the main components. Apply the mask to dry skin and rub into the roots. So, you will get an excellent result. So that the hair does not smell of garlic, rinse the curls with acidified water.

Aloe hair mask for oily hair

The composition of such masks usually has alcohol and spices for drying the scalp.

RECIPE: To prepare the composition, mix 25 g of aloe juice with a tablespoon of mustard and 20 g of cognac. Rub this mixture into the scalp. Wash off after 120 minutes, you can without shampoo. The tincture of aloe leaves cope with oily skin. To prepare it, clean several leaves of the plant from the skin and pour 100 ml of vodka or alcohol. Leave for a week in a cold place. Strain and rub into the scalp in front of each wash.

Hair mask with aloe against dandruff

Due to the presence in the composition of the kefir and aloe juice, it is possible to moisturize the skin and get rid of dandruff.

RECIPE: Mix 90 ml of kefir with 1 yolk and 20 ml of castor oil in a bowl to prepare the medicine. Pour 20 ml of aloe juice into this fat gruel. Stir everything thoroughly and rub into the roots. You need to hold 90 minutes. It is worth doing before each wash of the head.

Night hair masks with aloe

This is a real lifesaver for weakened curls. Unlike kefir masks, this tool does not flow.

RECIPE: To prepare the composition, take a large sheet of aloe and scroll it on a blender. Add a burdock and olive oil on a tablespoon. Rub the composition into the roots, and apply the rest with a brush to the rest of the curls. Put on your head a package or a polyethylene hat and insulate the mask with a towel. Lie down to sleep. Wash the hair in the morning.

The benefits of aloe hair

The composition of the juice contains bioactive substances that accelerate the regeneration process. In addition, aloe perfectly heals small wounds and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Thanks to this, the hair breaks less and split.

Aloe purpose:

  • removes dandruff and peeling;
  • eliminates itching and redness;
  • accelerates hair growth.

The substances contained in aloe remove keratinized particles that accumulate and clog follicles. Accordingly, the hair does not grow, and due to the lack of an air flow, the hair will soon begin to fall out. The plant will restrain natural antibiotics that cope with fungi and bacteria that cause dandruff and seborrhea.

Hair aloe juice: tips and reviews

This is a highly effective biological substance that copes with most of the ailments of the scalp and hair.

Important: regarding the optimal method of use, then the leaves of aloe must be prepared before use, they are maintained for 7-12 days in the cold.

It is believed that such a plant of plant enhances its biological activity.

Reviews about the use of masks based on aloe are positive. High efficiency is due to natural origin and the presence of a large number of amino acids and vitamins in Aloe.

As you can see, it is not necessary to purchase expensive masks from famous cosmetic companies for hair beauty. It is enough to plant a tabletop on your windowsill.

Video: Hair aloe juice

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