How to feed the seedlings of tomato and pepper so that there are thick ones? Feeding of tomato and pepper seedlings and fertilizers at home before and after diving and planting in the ground

How to feed the seedlings of tomato and pepper so that there are thick ones? Feeding of tomato and pepper seedlings and fertilizers at home before and after diving and planting in the ground

Tomatoes and pepper are the most popular vegetable crops in all gardeners of our country. They are not only very tasty, but also extremely useful for the body. In order to grow a rich crop of these vegetables, it is necessary not only to plant them correctly, but also to bring the necessary beneficial substances to their beds in time.

Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with folk remedies

Today, in horticultural stores you can purchase many different drugs for feeding seedlings. But, for lovers of all natural, the best option for such fertilizers will be those made with their own hands.

The main substances necessary for pepper and tomatoes are potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. The best source of nitrogen for these vegetable crops is bird droppings. It must be diluted with water in a proportion of one to two and left for 2-3 days. The resulting concentrate must be mixed and added to water for watering (1:10). Bird litter is able to speed up the growth of the tops. But, it can only be used once until the overhaul of the nightshade in open ground.

Lovers of coffee often have a large number of sprouts. It can be used not only in as a substrate for growing mushrooms, but also as a source of power for seedlings. In addition to the main action, coffee grounds well loosen the soil and improves oxygen access to plant roots. In order to improve the structure of the soil, it is enough just to bring a little coffee grounds into it.

Coffee waste to improve the substrate
Coffee waste to improve the substrate

Another type of "folk" top dressing is onion husks. It (20 g) is poured with water (5 liters) and left for 3-4 days. After that, water can be used for watering seedlings. It will not only fill the soil with useful substances, but will also be able to disinfect it.

Also, in this capacity, you can use water in which potatoes, beetroot sugar and dry yeast were cooked.

Top dressing from banana peel for seedlings and pepper

If you have a large number of bananas skins, then they can be used to eliminate potassium deficiency in plants. The lack of this element negatively affects the assimilation of nitrogen. Which leads to sluggish and weak seedlings.

Preparing a “banana” feed is very simple. It is necessary to place skins from 3-4 bananas in a three-liter jar, pour them with water and insist for 3 days. After this time, potassium can be released from the skins and fill the water. Which then need to water the plants.

Tomato and egg shell pepper

In our country, it is often used as a top dressing for vegetable crops. It is a rich complex of useful substances. Feeding based on the shell is prepared, as well as on the basis of bananas. Pour it (3-4 pcs.) Into a three-liter jar and fill it with water. After 3-4 days, such useful water can be watered with seedlings.

Fertilizers for seedlings of tomato and peppers

Entering in the soil beneficial substances is an important stage on the way to a large harvest of vegetables. But, if the substrate, in which the seedlings of these nightshade crops are grown, is rich in nutrient compounds, then it is better to refuse such top dressing. After all, their overabundance acts on plants worse than a deficit.

For example, an excess of nitrogen accelerates the growth of the plant, but does not increase its productivity. Therefore, these plants need to be fed only when their appearance tells us about this.

A bountiful harvest
A bountiful harvest

It is best to use a solution of baked manure or special mineral fertilizers at this time.

  • In defended water (1 liter), superphosphate (3 g), potassium (1 g) and ammonium nitrate (0.5 g) are diluted

For tomatoes, it is best to use such a solution:

  • Urea (0.5 g), superphosphate (4 g) and potassium salt (1.5 g) is diluted in one liter of water

Also, you can use the compositions that are described in the first section of this article.

The first top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings

Conditional substances these vegetable crops are required after the formation of the second real leaflet. Each of the next fertilizer application must be carried out after 10-15 days. At the same time, the amount of nutrients at this time should not exceed the above norms.

Feeding tomato and pepper seedlings after diving

For growing high -quality planting material, top dressing of seedlings after diving is of great importance. After this process, the necessary nutrients must be added to the ground.

At this stage in this stage of development of the seedlings of these vegetable crops, bakery yeast showed themselves. They are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. But, the yeast has one fertilizer, but a significant minus. With their life, these fungal microorganisms decompose potassium. To prevent this from happening, this mineral must be added to the yeast solution.

Seedlings of peppers
Seedlings of peppers

Fertilizers in seedlings must be used before watering. It is best to do this in the morning. After fertilizers, the seedlings must be watered with water at room temperature.

Feeding tomato and pepper seedlings after planting in the ground

Peppers and tomatoes need subcortex at all stages of plant development. But, if, preparing a substrate for seedlings, it is easy to form a soil rich in nutrients, then it is somewhat more difficult to do the same with the beds. Therefore, the most optimal solution would be to make fertilizers immediately after plant transplantation.

But, the main thing is not to overdo it. For this purpose, you always need to look closely at the plants. If the summer is dry, then feeding from potassium will not only not give the expected result, but on the contrary, it can cause plant illness.

But, if the rains go quite often, then potassium in the ground may not be enough seedlings and then you need to make this compound as a top dressing. But, this can only be done 15 days after the transplantation of seedlings to a new place. This time is given that the plants have time to adapt to new conditions.

After acclimatization of seedlings, it may need phosphorus-potassium supplements. But it is better to refuse nitrogen -containing top dressing.

Secret: When pepper and tomatoes bloom, dilute a small amount of sugar in water and spray it with beds with these plants. Sugar will attract bees, OS and butterflies. These insects pollinate plants and contribute to an increase in fruiting.

Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings

Fertilizers of seedlings with yeast not only contributes to the introduction of nutrients into the soil, but also completely rebuilds the structure of the soil. Such work of fungal microorganisms accelerates the growth of seedlings, and improves the yield of pepper and tomatoes.

The basis of such top dressing is yeast (10 g), sugar (4 tbsp. Spoons) and water (10 liters). The resulting solution is a concentrate, which must be diluted with clean water before introducing into the soil in 1:10 proportions.

A rich crop of peppers
A rich crop of peppers

You can replace the yeast with wheat grains. To do this, they are poured with a small amount of water and left in a warm place. When the grains swell them, you need to rub them into porridge and add sugar. Two or three tablespoons on a glass of dry wheat grains. The resulting viscous mass must be heated and left for a day in a dark place.

Before using such a top dressing, this mass should also be diluted with clean water.

How to feed the seedlings of tomato and pepper ash at home?

Zola is not only a great source of potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals useful for plants, but also a unique substance that can make acidic soil that will be suitable for vegetable crops. Zola in the soil reduces the risk of developing fungal diseases in tomatoes and pepper.

To prepare top dressing from ash, you need to mix one tablespoon of this substance with two liters of water and insist within a day. At the same time, you need to make sure that the ash that you use as a fertilizer was not obtained in the burning of construction debris and painted wood.

Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with iodine

Iodine as top dressing is capable of not only accelerating plant growth, but also protect them from pests and diseases. Such top dressing is usually used simultaneously with watering, adding iodine to defended water:

  • 10 g of iodine are taken for 10 liters of water
  • You can also add phosphorus (10 g) and potassium (20 g) to the solution

In addition to peppers and tomatoes, eggplant loves such top dressing.

How to dilute urea to feed the seedlings of tomatoes and pepper?

Urea is a concentrated nitrogen -containing fertilizer. At the same time, nitrogen in this substance is in a state convenient for assimilation. This fertilizer has a granular shape. It can be applied both directly to the ground and as a solution.


For root feeding with this fertilizer of 60 g of urea, diluted in water (10 liters) and watered with such a solution of plants. For foliar top dressing, increased proportions are used (100 g of urea per 10 liters of water).

In dry form, urea is introduced into the ground at a calculation of 12 g per 1 m2 before planting seedlings and 10 g per 1 m2 in the phase of active growth. A liquid solution of urea needs to feed seedlings before flowering.

Feeding strong for seedlings of tomatoes and pepper

"Stropysh" is a water -stripped fertilizer from the company "Faska". It is produced both in dry and liquid form. This top dressing contains all the natural stimulants necessary for vegetable crops, humates, and elements important for plants as:

  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Nitrogen

The composition of this top dressing is carefully balanced. It is easy to work with this fertilizer. It is introduced into the ground with seedlings during watering. The first top dressing must be carried out after the formation of the second leaflet. Then during diving and every two weeks until the form of floral ovaries.

For seedlings of peppers and tomatoes, it is necessary to dilute two teaspoons of “strong” into 10 liters of water.

Top dressing for seedlings of tomatoes and pepper ideal

Feeding "Ideal" was created on the basis of a biohumus (product of the activities of rainworms). It can be used as a fertilizer of peppers, tomatoes and other fruit and berry crops. Also, this top dressing can be used to root cuttings and accelerated seed germination.

With the help of "ideal" you can:

  • Accelerate seedlings in a new place
  • Improve the root and vegetative plant system
  • Accelerate fruit ripening
  • Increase productivity
  • Increase the amount of nutrients in vegetables and fruits
  • Reduce the risk of diseases in plants

Top dressing "Ideal" - This is a Russian product. Domestic experts who took as the basis of this fertilizer biohumus improved its structure due to the artificial introduction of macro- and trace elements that are necessary for cultivated plants.

Supplement "Ideal" can be used as root and non -risk top dressing. For root top dressing of tomato and tomato seedlings, a solution of 8-12 ml of this product per 1 liter of water is used. This liquid fertilizer must be added no more than once every 10 days.

For foliar top dressing "Ideal" Diluted in an amount of 5 ml per 1 liter of water. The solution is used to spray the leaves of the plant to the flowering phase.

Feeding the seedlings of tomatoes and pepper ammonia alcohol

Some gardeners can use ammonia as a source of nitrogen compounds. A small amount of this substance is diluted in water, and then this pouring under the root of plants.

In addition to the nitrogen source, ammonia can be used to repel pests from seedlings. But, you can use this tool only if the plant experiences a shortage of nitrogen. Otherwise, it will not be possible to get the proper effect.

Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings

"Epin" - This is a biostimulator whose task is to activate the processes taking place in plants and necessary for their normal development. This drug is sold in an ampoule, the contents of which must be diluted in water.


The greatest effect can be achieved if the solution is used "Epina" As foliar top dressing. For this purpose, it is necessary to dilute 5 drops of a biostimulator into 500 ml of warm water.

Use "Epin" You can after the formation of 3 real leaves in plants.

How to dilute nitroammofoska to feed the seedlings of tomatoes and pepper?

Nitroammofoska is a top dressing containing all three most important elements for plant development: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It has the form of granules and can be used both dry form (introduced into the soil in bulk), and previously diluted with water. In liquid form of nitroammofosk, it is used during watering of plants. But, it can also be used as foliar top dressing.

If your tomatoes are not enough ovaries, then with the help of such top dressing they can be increased. To do this, the matchbox Granes of the nitroammofoska granu is diluted in a bucket of water. For each bush of peppers or tomatoes, you need to add 500 ml of such a solution.

Nitroammofoska goes well with mullein, potassium sulfate and sodium humate.

Fulfilling top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with potassium permanganate

The manganese is an important element in the life of tomatoes and pepper. It participates in the process of photosynthesis and protects plants from many diseases. Lack of manganese can cause such a disease as brown spotting. In addition, the deficiency of this element affects the quantity and size of the fruit.

To eliminate such problems, it is necessary to carry out foliar top dressing with a weak solution of manganese sulfate. A bucket of water needs 2 grams of powder containing this element.

Video. 10 errors when growing sweet pepper

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  1. Thank you very much for the useful tips !!!

  2. Everything is very clear, brief and substantial. Thank you.

  3. Useful tips, thanks !!!

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