How to feed peonies after winter in early spring, before flowering during budding, after flowering in July, August for more magnificent flowering? Fertilizers and folk remedies for feeding peonies in spring, summer and autumn: list and use

How to feed peonies after winter in early spring, before flowering during budding, after flowering in July, August for more magnificent flowering? Fertilizers and folk remedies for feeding peonies in spring, summer and autumn: list and use

In this article, we will consider how and what to use fertilizers and folk remedies for feeding peonies.

The peony is rightfully called the King of the Garden. Its magnificent magnificent, fragrant buds attract attention, and a heady, dizzy aroma easily envelops a haze of magic fragrance. In this article, we will talk about feeding peonies.

How to feed peonies after winter in early spring?

In order for peonies to delight the eye and serve as a decoration of the front garden, today we will consider how, when to care for them, as well as what, and how to feed them correctly.

  • The peony itself is quite unpretentious and life-minted, unless, of course, all measures of proper landing are observed and the place is successfully chosen
  • This culture is sufficiently hardy and suffers, both persistent frosts and heat
  • There are many sleeping buds on the roots of peonies, which are replaced all the time. Do not try to "transfer" the plant from one place to another. With a properly selected place, the culture can remain and bloom at the time allotted for up to fifty years, and there are times, which is longer. For such favorable, gardeners adore them and do not stop taking care of them

However, in order for these flowers to delight your eye, it is not enough to plant them on the site, it is also necessary to create favorable conditions for them, namely:

  • Eradicate weeds to make it possible to break through the stalks
  • Water and plug the soil
  • Fertilize the culture with various top dressing and other necessary additives
  • Prevent the appearance of ailments
It is important to feed peonies
It is important to feed peonies

Courting culture is not difficult in the spring, but has a number of its characteristics and characteristics. It must be said right away that not only top dressing is important during this period, it is also very important to ensure the proper care of peonies and only after that proceed to their fertilizer.

  • The ground part of the plant dies before the onset of cold weather, and in the spring period the shoots grow again
  • It is necessary to instantly eradicate weeds so that they do not affect the growth of new stalks. The soil around the bushes must be loosened very carefully, at least 12 cm from the bush, otherwise you can harm the sprouts that are trying to break through.
  • It is necessary to try to give the Earth to the plant, while protecting the root system with the necessary layer of soil within 5 cm. This location of the rhizome is required to be constantly monitored so that it does not rise above the soil. If the root still rises above the surface, then the growing kidneys will suffer from the cold or heat and as a result of which will die

As soon as the snow comes down, as a rule, in early spring, during the appearance of small shoots that begin to show from the ground, plant bushes must be fed with the following nutrients:

  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Microelements
  • A solution of potassium permanganate
  • Ammonium nitrate

Indeed, with the untimely and insufficient feeding of the plant bushes in early spring, it will not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary and will lag behind in development, will be prone to diseases.

How and what to use fertilizers and folk remedies for feeding peonies in early spring after winter: rules, recipes and technologies

Among other top dressing, which are carried out during the entire growing season, a special place is reserved for the spring. After all, it has a huge impact on how quickly the bushes will wake up after winter hibernation and whether enough strength will be accumulated on the formation and opening of buds.

In this regard, gardeners who have long been engaged in the cultivation of peonies carry out a number of complex procedures and manipulations in the spring, which are directed on soil fertilizers with all the necessary substances, trace elements.

The first stage of spring top dressing falls at the end of April, early May. It is at this time that the sprouts are healed over the plane of the soil, and need organic fertilizers:

  • Mullein
  • Horse dung
  • Bird litter
  • Humus
  • Compost
  • Nitrofosk

The second stage of culture of culture plants occurs 14-20 days after the first. The goal that is to provide culture with all nutrients during flowering:

  • 35 g of phosphorus
  • 25 g of potassium
  • A bucket of an infused mullein
Feeding peonies
Feeding peonies

The third stage of top dressing occurs after about a month, when the bushes have already graduated:

  • Mullein infusion 1 bucket
  • 35 g of superphosphate
  • 20 g of potassium sulfate

As previously reported, spring top dressing is very important. But also an important aspect is the selection of high -quality and effective fertilizer. The most common fertilizers include:

  • Ferix, allowed for use as much as 3 times in one season. The method of its introduction is as follows: it is required to put a handful of fertilizers in the made -up under the bush and sprinkle it with earth. At each stage of top dressing, different types of fertilizer should be used: Kemira-UNIVERSAL, as well, is also called FERICA, used in early spring before blooming, but now Kemira-combination is used during a second recharge. This fertilizer is quite easily dissolved, so you just just need to pour it on the ground and pour the bush with water.
  • Baikal EM-1 has gained immense popularity among organic substances. He amazingly nourishes the soil, but also improves the soil structure itself. But before the direct fertilizer of peonies in the spring of Baikal EM-1E, it must be mixed with compost. In addition, a layer of such a fertilizer should be within 10 cm.
  • Chicken droppings can be used as a resource of useful substances. For the manufacture of fertilizer based on it, 1.5 liters of chicken droppings and a full bucket of water will be required. The solution is defended within 2 weeks. Fertilizer is used in this form 1: 3 with water. For the best effect, you can add a handful of wood ash to it.
For beautiful flowering, it is important to feed peonies
For beautiful flowering, it is important to feed peonies

There is also such a folk remedy for fertilizing these colors:

  • 120 g of yeast
  • A glass of sugar
  • Warm water to dissolve yeast
  • A bucket of water

We dissolve sugar sand in warm water, and then put yeast in the liquid. We leave the resulting mixture for 10-12 hours. After time, we filter the liquid, and then mix it with a bucket of water.

Experienced gardeners use such fertilizers to ensure lush flowering of culture bushes. In addition, a solution based on yeast is ideal for only beginners to grow bushes.

How to feed peonies in the spring during budding?

As you can see, these flowers constantly need regular top dressing, and the period of formation of plant buds is no exception. It is very important to fertilize these plants at this time, because after the winter period, peonies, like all plants, are very weakened and need to replenish forces. Therefore, in this case, it is impossible to do without top dressing, so it is unacceptable to skip fertilizers that improve culture bud.

In order for peonies to please the piones for a long time with lush and rich flowering, it is necessary to remove all buds in the ground for the first couple of years after their planting in the ground. This technique will enable the plant to take root firmly and develop in the future in the best way.

Top dressing during budding
Top dressing during budding

So, during the active budding of colors, it is worth giving preference to such substances:

  • Initially, it is worth giving preference to top dressing, which contains nitrogen and potassium
  • Specifically during the budding period, the peonies must be fertilized with a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
  • After flowering, the plant can be limited to introducing substances such as phosphorus and potassium

How and what to use fertilizers and folk remedies for feeding peonies during budding: Rules, recipes and technologies

The magnificent flowering of this culture falls 3 years after planting it in the soil. By this period, the main stems in an amount of 10 to 15 pieces are fully formed on the bushes. During the formation of buds, feeding of already formed bushes is also carried out.

For the fertilizer of culture during the formation of buds, you can apply such liquid feeding that is prepared on the basis of the following components:

  • 15 g of nitrogen
  • 25 g of phosphorus
  • 20 g of potassium
  • 12 liters of water

This amount of the mixture needs to be diluted in 12 liters of water. The resulting liquid solution is poured under one bush. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out such a manipulation for each existing peonies in the garden.

Fertilizer during budding
Fertilizer during budding

Here is another recipe for good feeding of colors for this period:

  • 2.5 tbsp. l. nitrofoski
  • 1 L Motenb
  • 10-12 liters of water

Mix all the ingredients, let it brew a little and use to feed peonies at the rate of 6.5 liters per bush.

  • It will not be superfluous to spray bushes with a solution of such a tool as a “bud”. This tool helps to regulate plant growth. Mix the ingredients like this: for 1 liter of water, you need to take 1 g of matter
  • They also use wood ash, simply sprinkling with it around the bushes. 1,5 cups of ash need 1 bush

How and what to use fertilizers and folk remedies for feeding peonies after flowering in July, August: Rules, recipes and technologies

Young pione bushes begin to delight us with their magnificent flowering only for the 3rd year after planting. Therefore, during this period they need a nutritious top dressing, which is carried out in the spring and summer about 3 times.

The final stage of feeding with mineral fertilizers (potassium-phosphorus top dressing) coincides with the first summer month. The following ingredients are used to prepare this type of fertilizer:

  • from 10 to 15 g of potassium
  • from 15 to 20 g of phosphorus
  • Pill of microfuiting

We mix all the ingredients in the container and fertilize the bushes in cool or evening time. It is important to know that peonies must be fertilized extremely neatly, without getting to the stems, otherwise it can cause a burn.

You can also use the mixture of the following ingredients:

  • 2 tsp superphosphate
  • 10 water
  • Microfuiting for flowering plants

It will take about 5.5 liters per bush of flowers.

Autumn top dressing of peonies, for the winter - fertilizers, folk remedies: Rules, recipes and technologies

In addition to top dressing, which are carried out during the highest -intensity stages of the formation of the plant, an important place is diverted by autumn. In the autumn season, somewhere in September, early October, plant roots still continue to grow, while accumulating nutrients in their individual seals, which are very important for overcoming the winter period and spring germination. For this reason, the autumn top dressing of culture should not be passed.

The following feeding products can be used. For the preparation of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, you need to prepare:

  • 17 g of phosphorus
  • 17 g of potassium
  • A bucket of water

Pour the liquid into the container and add our fertilizers to it. The resulting mixture carefully water each bush, without falling on the stems and leaves of the flower, in order to avoid dangerous burns that weaken the general condition of the plant.

The final top dressing of peonies is carried out using a mixture of such means:

  • 100 g of bone flour
  • 1 cup of wood ash

The resulting mixture must be distributed with an uniform layer around each bush of the plant and loosen the soil, thus, the resulting fertilizer will penetrate the right place. Here is another useful tool. This nutritious fertilizer for peonies can be prepared quite accessible and simple method:

  • In the prepared barrel, you need to dilute a bucket of mullein 5 buckets of water
  • Next, put the resulting mixture on sunlight and let it brew for 2 weeks.
Fertilizer of peonies before winter
Fertilizer of peonies before winter

At this time, you need to do the following manipulations with fertilizer:

  • wait for active fermentation
  • add 50 g of wood ash to a barrel
  • 200 g of superphosphate
  • to stir thoroughly
  • in front of the water itself, dilute the resulting mixture with ordinary water

In addition to feeding flowers in the autumn period, it is no less important to create good conditions for wintering:

  • When the air temperature on the street is rapidly decreasing, the culture is subjected to adverse weather conditions, therefore, it is important to create the most comfortable conditions in which the plant will stay until spring. The most important conditions for good immersion of the peony in sleep are the circumcision of the bush and the creation of a pendant shelter.
  • This procedure should be carried out in the last month of autumn, with the first frosts. Pruning bushes is almost complete removal of the stems. Only small shoots over the kidneys leave above the ground. As a shelter, you can use disgrace foliage, humus, or peat. In addition, such a layer should reach from 10 to 20 centimeters, depending on how cold winters.
  • Thanks to such manipulations, the plants will be protected from frosts and provided with the necessary elements for hibernation. For adding bushes, preference should not be given to straw and wood chips. Indeed, under such a thickness, the formation of fungi and bacteria is possible. Throughout the winter, follow the pyon bushes, it happens that the kidneys are exposed. If this happens, cover the shoots immediately. And when spring comes, seedlings will need to be released from the impromptu “bedspread”.

In order for peonies to be healthy and delight with their magnificent, luxurious flowering of your eye, it is vital in time, efficiently, and, following all instructions and recommendations, care for them.

Video: Pion Care in the fall and spring

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