What is the difference between eyelashes 2D from 3D: difference, photo, which is better?

What is the difference between eyelashes 2D from 3D: difference, photo, which is better?

It is on the condition of the eyelashes, their density, volume, saturated color, the expressiveness of the eyes, the significance and depth of the gaze. And in general, without beautiful eyelashes, the image will not become complete and attractive.

Today there are many methods of eyelash extensions, and among them - voluminous 2D and 3D. What is it and how do they differ?

Eyelashes 2D and their features

  • The technique of extension of 2D eyelashes provides for the imposition for each natural cilia of two artificial, the ends of each of which are directed in the other direction. This captures the depth and expressiveness of the gaze, shaded twice as thick eyelashes.
  • Among the advantages of this method - The durability of the result, the comfortable sensations in everyday life, the volume and brightness of the eyelashes, their density, as well as the ability to decorate them with various decorations.
  • Such a procedure is not suitable for those who are weakened their eyelashes have become thin and brittle, since two additional fibers represent a certain load for eyelashes, which, with fragility of eyelashes, can cause their loss.
For 1 its 2 artificial
For 1 its 2 artificial

2D extensions allows you to achieve several effects:

  • Classicwhen fibers of the same length with uniform distribution on the eyelid are used.
  • Puppet - The cilia of the same length rise in the line of the century, giving the volume additional expressiveness.
  • Fox - The effect of elongation, oblongity of the eye is created due to the use of shorter fibers in the direction of the nose.
  • Belish - The fibers begin to lengthen from the middle, and the longest, reaching 1 cm, is attached from the edge.

Eyelashes 3D and their features

  • According to experts, there is no fundamental difference in the technological approach - just instead of two cilia, three are superimposed on their ownwho alternate in length, color and bend. This technology retains the natural type of eyelashes, increasing them in volume three times.
  • For some, such splendor is too pathos, but the masters say that not an increase in the number of artificial fibers, and the selected method of fastening affect how 3D eyelashes will look.
  • Such a volume is remarkably hidden by rare cilia and is even capable of different ways to attach hairs "Play" with the shape of the eyes. It does not cause uncomfortable sensations, saves the time required to apply makeup, while adding the view of expressiveness and depth.
  • In addition, the extensible villi themselves are quite light, they do not pull the eyelids, and the hypoallergenic composition of the glue prevents a possible allergic reaction or irritation.
  • The disadvantages of lengthening with the effect of 3D include poor “compatibility” with the need to wear contact lenses, since in this case you have to touch the eyes and eyelashes with your fingers daily. Well, restrictions on the choice of cosmetics, in particular, are not recommended cosmetics based on various oils.

The difference between 2D and 3D eyelash extensions

When creating a 2D volume when increasingeyelashes Usually 2 techniques are used:

  • Pugchka technique -A more budgetary and simple, in which a mini-blade consisting of two artificial fibers is attached to the cilia. If you follow all the care rules prescribed by the master, then the need for correction arises no earlier than in two, or even three weeks. But if the unexpected happened, and the cilia thinned at least one bundle, then the whole result will go a drain, so there is no need to postpone the visit to the master.
  • At mark Japanese technique The villi are glued to their own eyelash not with a bundle, but in turn, one after another. These villi are silk or mink, and their strength can withstand an aggressive external environment. The duration of the procedure is about 2 hours, and you need to adjust the eyelashes after about a month.
  • When increasing the 3D eyelashes, almost weightless, but a very elastic and durable microopoliester is used. This procedure differs from 2D extension the number of glued eyelashes and their thickness, which is less than 0.02-0.03 mm.
  • These procedures are quite similar, and the effect of them often does not depend on whether the client chose 2D or 3D, since a lot depends on the volume of their own eyelashes, which can be fluffy on their own. As a result, 2D extensions can look more voluminous and fluffy than 3D - on short and rare own eyelashes.

Advantages and disadvantages of 2D and 3D eyelash extension procedures

The insignificant differences in the eyelash extension techniques allow you to summarize their pros and cons.

The former are as follows, with a 2D and 3D eyelash extension procedure:

  • The time spent on makeup is saved.
  • You can visually give the eye a different shape, adjusting the insignificant disadvantages.
  • Explified eyelashes give the gaze expressiveness and naturalness, which cannot give mascara.
Each option has advantages and disadvantages
Each option has advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages include:

  • The need for constant timely correction.
  • A possible weakening of your own eyelashes, which are constant by artificial material.
  • The inconvenience for those who are used to sleeping on the stomach by buried their face in the bowels of the pillow.

There are also certain contraindications for increasing 2D and 3D eyelashes. These include:

  • Availability allergies On the components of the glue that is used in the extension process.
  • The tendency to conjunctivitis.
  • The weakened state of their own eyelashes.
  • The oily skin of the upper eyelids.

Which eyelashes are better to build up 2D or 3D: recommendations

When choosing which method of eyelash extensions is better to use, it is necessary to take into account several points:

  • Why makeup is intended. If you think about everyday, then neither the eyelashes of the doll, nor the rhinestones on them are not applicable for him. But the cocktail party involves scope for imagination and an unlimited game with eyelashes. You can use the technique of creating a complex pattern or try a combination of eyelashes that differ in length and color.
  • In what condition are your own eyelashes. If they are weakened, fragile, subject to brittleness - the large weight of artificial ones, which will give 3D extension, in which case can only harm.
Pay attention to your eyelashes
Pay attention to your eyelashes
  • If the creation of the most natural effect is required, both extension technologies are suitable, since they mean that the hairs are growing from the inside, reaching the outer edge. And if we are talking about creating a “squirrel effect”, then 2D extensions are used, because In this case, bunches are fixed in the direction of the outer corner.

How do 2D and 3D eyelash look like: photo

  • In photographs and collages, you can see examples of extensed eyelashes 2D and 3D  in the greatest approximation.
  • You can clearly verify the advantages of a particular type of extension and choose the one that is right for you.
Classic and 2 D
Classic and 2 D


Build up
Build up

Video: 2D and 3D extension

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Comments K. article

  1. I like the classic and not a large volume, so that there is no bust. Now I don’t know at all if I will still increase. The master of the cornea was slightly injured, her eyes turned red and it was not comfortable. The optometrist appointed Corneregel, he has a Dexpanthenol, which contributes to healing. After him, the eye came in order. But now I’m not sure that I will risk once again.

  2. In general, I don’t understand this little, but I like everything in the photo)

  3. For me it is better than 2d eyelashes. Maybe I'm wrong of course?

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