What is the difference between multi -digit words from unambiguous: description, examples

What is the difference between multi -digit words from unambiguous: description, examples

Most of the lexical units of the Russian language have ambiguity (polysemia), that is, has several meanings, unlike unambiguous words. But there are those that are unambiguous, what is their difference?

There are words that have only one lexical meaning. They are called unambiguous or monosemantic, but there are also words that have not one or even 2 meanings.

What is the difference between unambiguous words?

Unambiguous words are divided into several groups:

  1. Own names: Peter, Ivanov, Moscow, Vladikavkaz - the specifics of their significance implies the exclusivity of these values, since they call unique places, objects or concepts.
  2. One meaning, usually have and neologismswhose appearance happened not so long ago, and which are not so widely consumed in everyday life. Examples of such words: burger, pizzeria, cafeteria, origami, etc. to explain this phenomenon is not difficult - so that the word acquires ambiguity, it should be used as often as possible.
  3. The uniqueness of the word goes hand in hand with his narrowly focused: monocle, tram, bag. Many of them have the importance of objects of special use, respectively, they are not used very often in the conversation, thus preserving their unambiguousness: a jug, pearls.
  4. Clearable sometimes and terms, belonging to a particular industry: cholecystitis, fiberudenom, adjective, phraseologism. When a common word with many meanings acquires a narrow orientation inherent in the terms of a certain area, the ambiguity of this word is lost, since it becomes a specific definition.

For example, the word "shutter" has the following meanings:

  1. The action related to the verb "shut up".
  2. Glitter, castle.
  3. The locking mechanism in some guns.
  4. A separate premises of a hermit monk.

At the same time, this word also has a narrowly focused meaning: in the phonetics of the shutter - "a dense closing of the speech organs that form an obstacle to a jet on exhalation when the consonants are pronounced."

One or more values
One or more values
  • Most of the lexical units of the Russian language have ambiguity (polysemia), that is, the meanings of the word is far from one they differ unambiguous from multi -valued words.
  • The ambiguity of the wordit is clearly visible in speech: the context (completed in meaning of the speech segment) makes clarity to one of the certain meanings of the polysemantic word.
  • The minimum segment of the text is enough to make the tone of the meaning of a multi-digit word, for example, quiet (s), become clear: 1) the voice is quiet; 2) character - peaceful; 3) a walk - at low speed, without haste; 4) weather - without wind; 5) breathing-even, etc. In these small speech segments represented by the phrase, can be traced how the meaning of the word "quiet (s) changes.
  • Taken separately, not within the text, we perceive the word in its initial meaning And most often we use it in a conversation. Combining the word in his “original” meaning with other lexical units, we will recognize it minor values.

The word becomes polysemantic at a time when the language is historically developing, reflects changes in society and nature, as well as acquaintance with them. The result of these changes is the replenishment of our vocabulary with new expressions.

  • Each language contains a certain amount of lexical units; This stock is expanding due to the fact that new words appear in the language, for example, with the advent of new technologies, the emergence of new sciences. Some words, becoming obsolete, disappear from everyday life, instead of them appear words borrowed from other languages. Any language is updated all the time, it becomes better, more saturated, its qualitative level increases.
  • There is also an erroneous opinion that the meanings of words are developing, thanks to only foreignlinguistic factors. Polisemantism The words are also caused by the fact that some of them have only literal, and some are also used in a figurative meaning (the hand as part of the body; the visual manner is the picture of the artist Repin).
  • In the literature, speech turns are often used, as a metaphor or metonymy, which lead to the formation of the next meaning of the polysemantic word. Their goal is to add speeches of expressiveness. Usually, metaphor and metonymy I form a portable meaning of the word. (For example: “Golden coin - made of gold; golden curls of hair are curls with a golden tint).
By parts of speech
By parts of speech
  • Their goal is not to emphasize the main meaning of the word, but to attract the attention of the reader with a secondary meaning that gives the whole phrase beauty and importance.

Video: Words are unambiguous and ambiguous

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