What is the difference between the tonal base from the foundation: comparison, difference. How to choose a tone and use the tonal base for makeup: tips. The best tonal base: rating

What is the difference between the tonal base from the foundation: comparison, difference. How to choose a tone and use the tonal base for makeup: tips. The best tonal base: rating

Comparison of the foundation and cream. Review of the best tinting bases.

In the cosmetic bag, each girl has a lot of means that help to hide the imperfections of the skin, make her fresh, disguise bruises under the eyes, rashes, scars, and pigmentation. In this article, we will talk about a tonal basis for makeup. Now many manufacturers offer such funds, but not all of them are the same and have a lot of differences.

What is a tonal base for makeup, what is needed for?

Many people think that the foundation and tonal base for makeup is the same thing. In fact, these are different things. The fact is that not only pigments are based, but also substances that are able to soften and protect the skin, soften scars, fill large pores, and also matting the face. It all depends on the purpose of the foundation and features of your skin. We recommend that girls with oily skin use the matting base, and women who suffer from excessive dryness, substances with ultraviolet filters that prevent drying and rapid skin aging.

The main task of the tonal basis:

  • Prepare the epidermis for applying the following stages of makeup. Whether it is foundation, concealer, corrector and powder
  • Fix the applied makeup and make it more persistent
  • Prevent the drying of the skin
  • If the epidermis is very fat, then make it more matte and adjust the release of sebum
  • Fight premature aging, as well as protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation
Tonal base
Tonal base

What is the difference between the tonal base from the foundation: comparison, difference

Many women believe that the foundation and base is one and the same. In fact, this is incorrect, because the functions of these two cosmic agents are completely different.

The difference between the tonal cream and the foundation:

  • The texture of the foundation is very dense, oily and can create a mask effect. At the same time, the texture of the base is very light and porous. Thanks to what the skin breathes.
  • The skin under foundation can experience oxygen starvation due to the fact that it envelops the epidermis as a mask. The tonal base, on the contrary, moisturizes the skin and contains many nutritious, useful substances.
  • The basis can serve as a separate tinting tool for everyday makeup, even if you do not use a huge amount of cosmetics. Tonal cream, in turn, lies poorly without using the base, and is most often used when applying evening makeup.
  • Tonal cream does not protect the skin from environmental exposure, while the foundation of the foundation has ultraviolet filters, moisturizing particles, as well as substances that fight free radicals.
Tonal cream or base
Tonal cream or base

How to choose the tone of the tonal base for makeup: tips

The fact is that the tonal base is not selected like a foundation. After all, the appointment of the product is different.


  • It should completely merge with the skin, so it is tried when applied to the skin not on the wrist, and not on the cheekbones, but in the neck. When rubbing and driving, there should be no clear transitions from the skin of the face to the neck. You must try to choose as close as possible to the color of your skin.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the features of your epidermis. Now on the shelves of stores you can find the tonal foundations that are matting. It will be useful for girls with oily skin, as well as comedones, deep and clear pores. Such funds will adjust the secretion of skin fat.
  • If you have dry, thin skin, choose products with moisturizing components that will fill small wrinkles, as well as prevent moisture from the upper layers of the skin.
  • If you want to give the skin a light shade, make it luminous, choose a foundation base with sparkling particles. In case of light, such a base flickers, giving a healthy shine to the skin.
  • If you have many problem areas on the skin, inflammation, redness, the basis with a greenish tint is suitable for you. It is she who will be able to matting and hide the foci of inflammation.
  • If your skin is pale enough, take a tonal base with a peach tint. In this case, you will be able to avoid the appearance of a porcelain face or an artificial mask.
  • If you are going for a walk in the hot season, under the scorching rays of the sun, you should choose the basis with ultraviolet filters that will prevent photo glasses.
Stages of applying the base to the face
Stages of applying the base to the face

How to use the tonal base for makeup: tips

The application method depends on the texture of the foundation, as well as the features of your skin.


  • If you have many defects on your face, you have chosen a dense foundation, in which case it is better to apply it with a blender, that is, a sponge egg, driving movements.
  • If the tonal base is light, applied with soft brushes. Application is carried out along the massage lines. A little base at once is applied to the back of the palm. Thus, it warms up and acquires the desired consistency.
  • With the help of a brush or sponge, a small amount of product is gained and applied along the massage lines. Further, the embroidery and uniform distribution of the base is carried out.
  • If you are a young girl, use a light tonal base called a fluid, then it can not be applied to the whole face. It is enough only in those places that need to be mattered. That is, in the nose, forehead, as well as chin and cheeks.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bcheekbones and cheeks, closer to the ears, it is not necessary to apply the tonal basis at all. Because there is no need to hide minor flaws and tint these areas.
Massage lines
Massage lines

The best tonal base: rating

R heuting of the most popular and best tonal foundations:

Maestro from Georgio Armani. Quite expensive again, which world makeup artists love, for the fact that it looks very naturalistic on the face, but is applied with a dense layer. Able to hide significant skin disadvantages. It is often used at world mod shows.

Maestro from Georgio Armani
Maestro from Georgio Armani

Les Beiges from Chanel. Annoyed tonal base. Its peculiarity is that it just to apply it has a light texture. Suitable for girls who have tired skin. There is a blue and pallor. This tool is based on pigments that give the skin of a tanned shade. It hides minor shortcomings, and also gives a well -groomed face.

Les Beiges from Chanel
Les Beiges from Chanel

Matting base from Loreal. This product is quite inexpensive, suitable for girls with any shortcomings. Ideal for adolescents, as well as girls who have oily skin. It has a dense texture, matte effect. If you are faced with the problem that after applying the foundation in an hour or two, shine in the forehead and nose is observed, use this particular foundation. Because it prevents the release of skin fat.

Matting base from Loreal
Matting base from Loreal

Diaskin Nyud from Dior. The basis that has a light texture. Suitable for girls who do not need to apply a thick and dense layer of foundation, due to the fact that there are not many drawbacks on the face. In general, this kind of basis easily envelops the skin and is suitable for young girls who do not have significant problems with the dermis. They do not need to mask wrinkles, inflammation or pores.

DiRSKIN NYUD from Dior
DiRSKIN NYUD from Dior

Mix Foundation from the bourgeois. An ideal tonal remedy at a low price. It is applied with the finest layer, gives the skin velvety and at the same time quite well mattrates inflammation, acne, as well as wreaths under the eyes. Ideal for girls with a small budget, but at the same time those who want to look good. It does not create a mask effect due to subtle application and excellent absorption.

Mix Foundation from the bourgeois
Mix Foundation from the bourgeois

Drop Foundation NYX. The fact is that this tool is widely used by beauty bloggers. Usually the basis is acquired in the tone of their skin, as well as two tones darker and two tones lighter. Thanks to the light texture and simplicity of application, you can create excellent contouring at home and you get an effect, as from the cover of the magazine. We recommend the tool if you need to correct the shape of the face and contour it.

Drop Foundation NYX

Buy and you are a tonal base. With this tool, makeup will be more persistent and will not harm the skin.

Video: Tonal base or cream

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Comments K. article

  1. The tonal product goes perfectly and looks on smooth skin. There is one remedy that piling in a minute, as the film removes dead skin cells, clogged with mud, remains of cosmetics, skin fat, acne, toxins. This is an Italian natural sponge with a cotton sponge for cleaning and rejuvenating the skin of the face. Leneliness of the skin, dilated pores, black dots disappear.
    The sponge is still properly washing the skin. As a result, the skin always looks chic, elastic, smooth. After cleaning, the skin looks brighter, lighter, so the foundation should be bought lighter.

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