What is the difference between a bird's swallow bird: similarity and difference. What detachments do swallows and cutting belong to? Comparison of swallows and cuts for the lesson surrounding world grade 2

What is the difference between a bird's swallow bird: similarity and difference. What detachments do swallows and cutting belong to? Comparison of swallows and cuts for the lesson surrounding world grade 2

The difference and similarity of swallows and cuts.

Outwardly similar birds are a haircut and a swallow, in fact have a number of differences. Let's look at them.

What is the difference between a bird's swallow bird: the similarity and difference for the lesson surrounding the world grade 2

Similarity Differences
  • Move for the winter to the southern countries

  • at the cut of the claws are directed in one direction
  • the swallow has 3 forward, and one back
  • The tail is bifurcated
  • Swallow has a white breast, and her brother has a small spot on a dark breast
  • Head, body, wings have a similar shape
  • In flight, a swallow folds its wings, a haircut - no
  • Insectivorous
  • Cut more in mass
  • Swallows fly silently, cuts shout loudly
  • The back of the haircuts has a black color of a greenish shade, in a swallow - a bluish tint
  • The head of a swallow is covered with a brown "cap"
  • Swallows cling to the wires and branches, they sit on them for a long time
  • Swifts never sit in this way. Their arrangement of claws does not allow them to cling to the branches, in this regard, they are constantly flying
  • A swallow spreads twice as many eggs compared to cuts
  • Swifts fly at a speed of 160 km/h, and swallows-50-60 km/h/h
  • The tail of the cutter is shorter and wider

What haircuts and swallows look like, which of them is more: photo

Swallow is smaller than its fellow
The weight of the body of the cutter is greater than the swallow

Swallows and cutting: migratory birds, what units do they belong to?

  • Both individuals belong to migratory
  • Family:
  1. swifts are haircut
  2. swallows - swallow

Where swallows and haircuts nest, how they eat, how many years they live: comparison

  • There are birds in the same nests, sweaty from small garbage: sticks, straws. They put on a sweaty dwelling with clay
  • Both individuals eat insects
  • Swift lives for a long time, sometimes even up to 20 years
  • Swallows no more than 8 years, most often from 4 to 5 years

Who lives and flies in the city: swallows or cutting?

  • Swifts love urban areas, while the swallow prefers the living in a more calm rural zone

What birds fly away and fly earlier: cuts or swallows?

  • Since the cuts in search of food fly behind insects high in the sky, the air should warm up very well, for the appearance of the latter in nature.
  • It is for this reason that the cuts are embedded, by the beginning of summer, while swallows are the harbingers of spring.

Video: Swift or swallows?

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