What is the difference between a wise person from a smart, knowing: difference. How the mind differs from wisdom: comparison. What is the difference between a smart person and a wise person: parable

What is the difference between a wise person from a smart, knowing: difference. How the mind differs from wisdom: comparison. What is the difference between a smart person and a wise person: parable

The difference between smart and wise.

Very often some people are called smart, and others are wise. The most interesting thing is that these two concepts invest completely different meanings and meanings. At the same time, a wise person is always smart. The smart one does not always have wisdom. In this article, we will tell you how these two concepts differ from each other.

How the mind differs from wisdom: comparison

The mind is a combination of qualities and some baggage of knowledge, as well as the ability to use it. It is worth noting that most often by smart they mean a person who studied well, spent a lot of time on training, reading books, fulfilling tasks related to the study of information. At the same time, a person of any age can be smart. It can be a schoolboy, a student or a sufficiently mature person.

Wisdom is a concept that is also associated with mind and experience. A wise person uses his mind in specific, certain situations in which certain knowledge needs to be used.

Reading books
Reading books

What is the difference between a wise person from a smart, knowing: difference

It is knowledge when and in what situation to use your mind is wisdom. Because a smart person is not always wise, and sometimes he uses knowledge at the right time or vice versa, they use them where they are not needed. A wise person is a wise experience that has a baggage of knowledge, as well as a set of life situations that happened to him. He can adequately evaluate his abilities, as well as on time, and when it is necessary to use his knowledge, that is, use his mind.

Accordingly, a wise person is a person who has lived to a certain age. That is, already wise with experience. Wise are not called children, students or young people. Because they do not have life experience, they cannot be wise. They can only be smart. Only with time and over the circumstances, a smart person becomes wise because it does not always appropriately shows his knowledge and use them.

Mind and wisdom
Mind and wisdom

What is the difference between a smart person and a wise person: parable

A large number of proverbs are connected with the concepts of wise and smart. We can say that the phrases of Faina Ranevskaya became winged. She said that a smart person would find a way out of the situation, but the wise would simply not fall into her.

There are also several parables about wisdom and mind in the Bible. According to the bible lines, when Jesus Christ went with his knowledge and brought them to the masses, he said that he owns a certain baggage of knowledge and wants to convey them. But at the same time, his desires stopped by the culture of a certain people and inappropriate circumstances. A wise person in any case will convey his point of view and the necessary knowledge to those who need them, despite the circumstances.


There is an interesting parable among Buddhists. The student and teacher met. And the student’s student asked: how is the smart different from a fool? The teacher took him to the slope of the mountain, where the collapse occurred. A huge number of stones lay below. The teacher ordered to be taken to the top of the mountains that fallen of the stones. All day the student worked and wore stones at the top of the mountain. By evening, he finished and asked the teacher: “Oh the wisest, why did I do all this?” To which the teacher answered him: “Smart would ask this before the start of work, and you are a fool. Since he completed the work and only then asked why. ”

From all of the above it follows that it is smart smart, but wise is even better. Because only knowledge alone is not enough. You need to be able to use them and do it at the right time.

Video: The difference between smart and wise

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  1. For greater clarity, I would raise the question of another, "there is nothing different from wisdom, and what is more correct?" Answer: Smart- what is useful, wise that which is more important than this. There is nothing more useful than knowledge and nothing more important than the truth. The true truth is not in words, but in immaculate. True, righteousness, sinless life. So it turns out the mind is righteous, and wisdom is righteous. And for example, the trick is beneficial.

  2. The mind is correct

  3. Cunning, mind, wisdom forms all this and affects the character and views of life, and not only gives any abilities. Types of one, global experience with different composition and combination of components. For everything is taken from experience. For example: How does mind and wisdom affect the character of a person? The mind makes a person modest, serious, hardworking, silent, business, curious, honest, decent, bashful, brave, responsible. And wisdom makes a person humble, open, fair, kind, conscientious, grateful, etc. And all these qualities (foundations) form a person as a person. And all these types of experience bear their benefits. The cunning is characterized by luck, smart luck, wise is worthy of a happy life.

  4. The personality is formed in childhood, then there is a grinding or degradation

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