What is the difference between a wild and home rabbit from a hare: comparison, difference, difference, explanation for children. Who is larger than the size, runs faster: hare or rabbit?

What is the difference between a wild and home rabbit from a hare: comparison, difference, difference, explanation for children. Who is larger than the size, runs faster: hare or rabbit?

Comparison of the hare and rabbit. Their difference is in appearance and behavior.

The inquisitive mind of a person often haunts its owner. This ability helps us to know the world, find common moments and distinctive characteristics in the surrounding reality.

Animals are amazing creatures. Their species diversity fascinates, attracts for a detailed study.

Continuing the topic of identifying differences between similar species of animals and birds, we will talk more about hare and rabbits.

What is the difference between a wild and home rabbit from a hare: comparison, difference, difference, explanation for children

Hare and rabbit with external differences indicated
hare and rabbit with external differences indicated

All homemade rabbits came from a wild hare. Characteristic distinctive features are:

  • The size of the ears and paws. They are more at hares.
  • Habitat.
    Hares do not dig holes, but live on the surface of the earth. Rabbits, on the contrary, love to hide in tunnels dug in their paws.
  • The weight.
    Hares reach 7 kg, and rabbits-10. At the same time, the average weight of a white hare is 3-5.5 kg, Rusaka-4-7 kg, home rabbit-up to 10 kg, wild-1.6-2.5 kg.
  • Sociality.
    Hares prefer the life of hermits, and rabbits live in packs.
  • Running speed is definitely higher than hares.
  • Behavior at a meeting with danger.
    Hares always run away, and rabbits often freeze in place.
  • Changing the color of the wool is present in hares. In the snow season they are white, the rest are gray. Rabbits after molting remain the same color.
  • Genetics.
    Hares have 24 pairs of chromosomes, rabbits - 22. For this reason they do not cross, since there will be no offspring from such “marriages”.
  • The marriage period for rabbits all year round. Hares are more conservative, multiply only in certain months, taking into account the climate of residence.
  • Newborn offspring.
    The rabbits are immediately ready to survive in this world, they have wool, hearing and vision, as well as the ability to digest adult food for 5 days after birth.
    Rabbits need a mother’s custody 25 days after the birth. They have no wool, no vision, no hearing. They eat and digest the first 4 weeks of life only breast milk.
  • The duration of pregnancy.
    She is longer with hares. The bunny will be scattered after 45 days, the rabbit - after 32.
  • Parental feelings are stronger than rabbits. They selflessly take care of their offspring only. Attempts to put them from strangers of the rabbits end in the deplorable. The rabbit either beats them or eats them. The bunny calmly leaves newborn babies for a day or more. However, someone else's nursing representative, who was next to them, will easily feed them.

So that the child becomes clear the difference between rabbits and hares, say that the former are able to live with a person, but the second is not. Rabbits are more social, hares prefer loneliness.

Who is more size: rabbit or hare?

Hare and rabbit in the figure
hare and rabbit in the figure

Before answering the question, one should take into account a number of points:

  • by weight larger representatives of domestic rabbits
  • in the height of the paws - hares leaders

Who is running faster: hare or rabbit?

The hare runs faster. His paws are longer than that of a rabbit, which is important for quick running.

The hare develops speeds up to 70 km/h, while his fellow is only up to 25 km/h.

Than the rabbit is like a hare and not like: comparison, photo

We examined the main differences between hares and rabbits in the first section of the article. From similar characteristics, we note:

  • a genus of animals
  • the external structure of the body
  • food preferences
  • seasonal molting

Add a number of photos of hares and rabbits to remember their visual differences.

Photo of a hare and rabbit to determine the differences between them, example 2
photo of a hare and rabbit to determine the differences between them, example 1
Drawing of the cubs of the hare and rabbit to determine the differences between them, example 3
drawing of the cubs of the hare and rabbit to determine the differences between them, example 2
Photos of the head of the hare and rabbit to determine the differences between them, example 5
photos of the head of the hare and rabbit to determine the differences between them, example 3

Which detachment belongs to hares and rabbits?

They belong to the Zaitz -shaped detachment, they are also placental mammals.

Why a rabbit is a pet, and the hare is wild: an explanation

Rabbits live not only at home, but also in the wild. Man managed to tame them and withdraw different breeds.

Rabbits for contact with people did not go. All attempts to tame these freedom -loving animals ended in failure.

So, we examined in detail the differences between hares from home and wild rabbits, saw the external difference in drawings and photographs.

Continue your observations of wildlife and pass on knowledge to the younger generation!

Video: What is the difference between hares and rabbits?

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  1. Why a rabbit is a pet, and the hare is wild: an explanation
    2 times about the rabbit wrote

  2. Interesting

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