What is the difference between the Arctic and Antarctic and Antarctica: 10 differences. What are the natural conditions, the animal and plant world of the Arctic and Antarctic, Antarctica: a comparative table. Where is the Arctic and Antarctica, Antarctica on the map of the world?

What is the difference between the Arctic and Antarctic and Antarctica: 10 differences. What are the natural conditions, the animal and plant world of the Arctic and Antarctic, Antarctica: a comparative table. Where is the Arctic and Antarctica, Antarctica on the map of the world?

What is the Arctic and Antarctic, Antarctica.

  • Can you, without hesitation, answer the question, what are the differences between the Arctic, Antarctic and Antarctica? The student will be able to name several differences, but the person who left the school educational institution many years ago will cause some uncertainty.
  • The only thing that can be immediately seemed relative to these geographical names is the predominance of extremely low temperatures, the constant presence of snow cover, ice and harsh climatic conditions. We offer to delve into the study of the basic characteristics of the polar territories of the globe and expand their encyclopedic knowledge regarding continents with centuries -old layers of snow.

What is the Arctic and Antarctic, Antarctica: Definition

  • The North Pole of our planet is called Arctic. The territory with extremely low temperatures is in the neighborhood with the North Pole. Its boundaries are the extreme points of North America, Eurasia. The Arctic Ocean and almost all of its islands are also the Arctic territories, as well as the adjacent sections of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The coastal islands of Norway are not the Arctic territory.

In the picture, the Arctic territories are indicated in green.

The boundaries of the Arctic
The boundaries of the Arctic
  • The southern pole of our planet is called Antarctic. Speaking simple and understandable even for the student, the Antarctic is located on the other side of the Arctic.
  • At this point of the Earth is Antarctica. The territories of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans also adjust to it.

In the picture, the boundaries of the Antarctic are highlighted in yellow. Based on the above, Antarctica, the territory located at the southern point of the Earth.

The boundaries of the Antarctic
The boundaries of the Antarctic
The boundaries of Antarctica
The boundaries of Antarctica

Antarctica and Antarctic: Is this the same thing?

  • Antarctica and Antarctica - this is the name of the poles of our planet, located on the opposite sides. Minor differences in the name of the earth's poles are the reason for the frequent confusion: which pole of the earth is in the south, and which is in the north.
  • To begin with, let's figure out what Antarctica is. The basis for this name was the word “Antarctic” - the mainland of the highest northern point of the planet.

Antarctica is the southern territory of the globe. The mainland is called so because of the Arctic. The word is Greek and means part of the Earth as the antipode of the Arctic.

Antarctica is the southern most of our planet

The Arctic was called the area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth located next to the North Pole. But here there may be another question: how explains the origin of the name "Arctic"? To answer, you need to delve into the study of ancient Greek mythology, from which we learn Nymph Callista.

  • The thunderer Zeus could not resist the beauty of the girl and fell in love with her. However, the gods, not devoid of all negative human qualities, could not calmly look at the happiness of two lovers and decided to stop love idyll. When Callisto became pregnant, the gods turned her into a bear. However, she managed to endure the child and give birth to him.
  • It was a boy who received the name Arkad (the Greek word bear sounds like Arctos). The boy grew up with Father Zeus and never heard of his mother. Young men, Arkad liked to spend time on the hunt.
The constellation Big Bear
The constellation Big Bear
  • And when one day his spear was directed towards his mother in the image of the bear, Zeus decided to turn both of them into a constellation so that it would not happen irreparable. Since that time, there are two constellations in the sky - a large and small bear.
  • They became a real salvation for travelers and sailors: having found the constellations of the bear in the sky, you can easily find out the path, guided by the polar star.
  • For those who do not know where it is located, there is a simple way: having drawn on the two extreme stars of the bucket of a large bear straight, you can easily determine the location of the desired star. It lies just on the intersection line: on the handle of the second of the most famous stellar galaxy - a small bear.
  • The Arctic ancient Greeks called the entire northern territory of the Earth. This name arose only after the researchers received information about the continent at a deep ice bark of the mainland. He began to be called Antarctic.
  • This region of Sushi was opened by Russian sailors under the command of Thaddeus Bellingshausen on January 28, 1820. However, then the continent began to be called "ice". The second name of the extreme northern mainland of the planet was the "land of Alexander the First." He replaced the third name familiar to us - Antarctica. The terrain gained its name after the Norwegians set foot on the mainland on January 24, 1895, who sailed here on the Antarctic ship.
The constellation is a small bear
The constellation is a small bear

Where is the Arctic and Antarctica, Antarctica on the map of the world?

The one -root names, the similarity of meteorological conditions can cause some doubts about where each of the extreme points of the Earth is exactly on the world map.

We find out how each of the localities differs and what is the similarity between them.

  • If you do not delve into the details, then the names of the Arctic, Antarctic, Antarctica have some similarity. However, the interpretation from the Greek one-root words-antipodes is as follows: the word "Arctos" means "bear".
  • The constellations of a large and small bear is a kind of heavenly northern landmark indicating a polar star.
  • The name "Antarctica" literally means the area located on the opposite side of the Arctic and from the bear. In other words, this is an anti-Arctic.

What is the difference between the Arctic and Antarctic and Antarctica: 10 differences and similarities

What is common between sushi parts - Arctic and Antarctic?

  • One root is “Arctos”, which translates from Greek as “Lear”.
  • A guideline for travelers and researchers is a polar star.
  • The climatic conditions at the poles are similar: the mainland is covered with snow and ice, there are icebergs.

What is the difference between the conditions in the Arctic and in the Antarctic?

  • The Arctic climate is softer due to the warm currents on the northern coast of Eurasia (the temperature minimum rises).
  • They are at different poles of the planet.
  • Southern Anti -Poppy of the Arctic is twice as much as an area.
  • Rapids are also peculiar antipodes: the North Pole is located on the North Arctic Ocean. The coastal parts “framed” the boundaries of the Arctic zone. Antarctic is a mainland that is located on the border of the temperature change along the ocean spaces.

What are the natural conditions, the animal and plant world of the Arctic and Antarctic, Antarctica: a comparative table

Comparative table: conditions, animal and plant world of the Arctic and Antarctic

What common How to explain
Polar continents: Arctic is the northern part of the planet, Antarctica is the South.
Terms: Reasons for differences:
In the Antarctic, it is colder due to a higher location and the presence of continental dry air flows. Above the Arctic, air flows are sea, with a lot of moisture, which means - warmer. Antarctica is high above sea level. On the mainland, sea or continental air flows prevail.
Ice cover:
Glaciers on both poles of enormous power. The Arctic is covered with mountain-quilted glaciers. In the Antarctic of the ice cover is thicker. The reasons for the differences: the Arctic glaciers cover the oceanic spaces, and in the Antarctic, ice blocks are on the mainland, in the mountains and plains.
Animals and plants:

All living organisms survive in harsh climatic conditions - these are not large animals, there are bacteria and algae.

There are white bears in the Arctic, but in the Antarctica. The types of penguins also differ. From other predators of the Arctic, you can call a fang. In Antarctic, he is not.

The reasons for the differences are the remoteness of Antarctica from other continents, the Arctic is close to Eurasia and North America

Who opened the Arctic, Antarctica and Antarctic?

The opening of Antarctica

  • The existence of a mysterious Terra Australis Incognita - southern unknown land at the South Pole, assumptions were expressed even before the equipment of the first real expedition.
  • Already after the guesses expressed about the spherical shape of the Earth, a version appeared that the area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland and the sea at both poles is approximately the same. Otherwise, equilibrium would not be maintained, which would cause the planet orientation to the sun, the mass of which is larger.
  • Lomonosov M. Lomonosov, in 1763, suggested that the mainland at the South Pole, saying that next to the Magellan Strait, is an earthly surface covered with snow and ice against the Cape of Good Hope, in addition to the islands.
Who opened Antarctica
Who opened Antarctica
  • It was also believed that the area of \u200b\u200bthe southern mainland is larger than in reality. This is explained by the fact of joining part of the territory to the Dutchwoman Willem Yanson Australia, called Terra Australis Incognita.
  • The first to arrive on the southern polar land sailors from Holland. For the first time, they sued Antarctica in 1559, when the ship under the command of Dirka Geric after a storm, which caught sailors near the Magellan Strait, was far in the south. After 64 degrees of south latitude, the team saw the "high land".
  • The inhospitable Antarctic waters were abandoned by the geitsa team without delay, as soon as meteorological conditions allowed.
  • Now scientists are admitting the version that the ship is a geunity is not the only one that has fallen into the storm in these latitudes. On the coast of the Antarctic Islands, fragments of ships, clothes and kitchen utensils, which date back to the 16th - XVII centuries were found.
On the coast of the Antarctic Islands, fragments of Suden, clothing and kitchen utensils, which dated the XVI - XVII centuries, were often found

Further expeditions:

  • In the XVII-XVIII centuries, three islands were discovered by French sailors: South George, Buva and Kergalen. The islands were located in the latitudes, called "Jealous forties."
  • The results of two English expeditions held in 1768-1775, under the command of Captain James Cook, were impressive. The teams failed to reach the mainland of the sixth continent due to an insurmountable ice wall. However, even then it became known that New Zealand is not part of the southern continent, but only the archipelago. The coastal territories of Australia, the Pacific Australian, were opened, several islands were opened, and knowledge regarding astronomical phenomena in these latitudes were replenished.

The result of the Great Northern Expedition of 1733-1743, which took place under. The leadership of S.I. Chelyuskina, Kh.P. Lapteva, D.Ya. Lapteva, S.G. Malygin, was the application of all points of the northern coast to the map.

Video: Bering detachment - Chirikova (Great Northern Expedition)

It is believed that the Antarctic continent was opened on January 28, 1820 by Russian sailors under the leadership of Faddei Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev.

Video: Opening Antarctica

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