How to clean the seams in the bathroom? How to clean the seams between the tiles? Cleaning the seams between the tiles of soda, vinegar, lemon juice, toothpaste, corrector

How to clean the seams in the bathroom? How to clean the seams between the tiles? Cleaning the seams between the tiles of soda, vinegar, lemon juice, toothpaste, corrector

Ways to clean the seams between tiles.

Repair in the bathroom is always a big event for the family. A bathroom with a beautiful design allows you to relax well, and also improve mood. But just a few years later, the seams between the tiles become not at all white. In this article we will tell you how to clean the seams between the tiles.

How to clean the seams between the tiles: the radical method

According to many repairmen, as well as builders, getting rid of this problem is quite difficult. Sometimes you have to resort to the most seemingly complex and radical methods.


  • These include the complete removal of the grout, with the application of a new one. However, this process is quite long, and takes some time. In this case, the grout between the tile is removed with a small chisel or scraper.
  • If you do not have any supraf, you can use home -made. To do this, cut the metal tube of the required diameter in half, simulating a kind of blade. Now, with the help of a sharp side, it is necessary to scrape the space between the tiles.
  • Try not to go to the tile so as not to apply scratches on its surface. After such manipulations, a new grout is applied.
Swed cleaning
Swed cleaning

Very often, in the manufacture and mixing of the composition for grouting, antifungal drugs are interfered with it. After all, the darkening of the seams between the tiles is very often associated with the reproduction of the fungus. This is not a sediment at all and not a vapor of water with soap products, but most likely mold.

In this case, it is necessary to be very painstaking, because even a small area that remained along with mold will lead to the spread and further reproduction, growth of the fungus. If you are not ready to use such radical methods, you can resort to simpler.

You can use ordinary sandpaper folded into a tube. After this, the resulting tube will need to be rubbed between the seams. Again, you must try not to go into the area of \u200b\u200btiles so as not to damage it. After you remove the main dirt, you can start applying a repeated grout or leave it as it is. Many practice the application of silicone sealant of white. It is much faster to remove it than a hard grout.

Cleaning tiles
Cleaning tiles

Cleaning seams between chemical tiles

What to do if you are not ready to spend a lot of time and effort in order to clean the distance between the tiles in the bathroom? In this case, you can use simpler methods based on chemical reactions. Remember that sparing products for cleaning kitchen utensils are not suitable. Here it is necessary to use aggressive means based on acid or alkali.


  • Funds based on chlorine, as well as those that are designed to remove soot, old fat are suitable. In household chemical stores, you can find funds such as Cillit Bang, Mila, or Anti -Zhill. They cope with all kinds of pollution perfectly, they manage to penetrate deep into the grout.
  • White, toilet duckling with chlorine. Suitable only for white tiles.
  • Oxygen bleach, for example Vanish. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and applied for several hours. Remains are washed off with water.
Swed cleaning
Swed cleaning

Cleaning the seams between the tiles of soda, vinegar, lemon juice


  • If you don’t have such funds in your house, you can use home -made. To do this, dissolve half a glass of lemon juice in a glass of warm water, 125 ml of 9% vinegar, as well as 100 g of baking soda.
  • Now it is necessary to apply the resulting tool using a washcloth for grout. Further, the product is left for several hours, and then with a toothbrush or brush with a hard pile is left with a toothbrush.
  • Please note that you may need to clean the seams between the tiles several times. This will achieve the maximum result.
Application of grout
Application of grout

Whitening the seams with special repair tools

You can whiten the grout by using simple means. Initially, you will have to use the mechanical method, and remove a small amount of grout between the tiles. To do this, use a chisel or sandpaper. There is no need to completely remove the entire grout. After that, go through an antifungal agent, it is best if it is a primer Cerezite or snowball. Further, a special antifungal agent is applied, it is also made by Cerezit and other manufacturers of building materials.

Why do few people resort to such means during the repair? The fact is that workers who are engaged in repairs do not always want to spend their time on applying an antifungal agent. Because it requires additional time, the work in the end turns out to be additional. Therefore, you will have to independently control the work of the masters, or apply such an antifungal agent with your own hands.

Special tool
Special tool

How to peel the seams in the bathroom toothpaste and corrector?

The most interesting thing is that there are several unusual, interesting life hacks that will help to whiten the grout between the seams on the tile. Please note that these recipes are not a way out of the situation. This is an express tool that will help in a short period of time to refresh your bathroom. This is necessary in the case of the sale of housing or when you expect guests.


  • It is necessary to grease the seams between the tiles that are covered with incorrectly written numbers. Thus, the white mixture will thoroughly block the dirty grout.
  • An interesting, unusual option for using a white toothpaste. To do this, a small amount of pasta is applied to the finger and rubbed between the seams. After drying, you can use a dry cloth, and remove the rest of the paste from the tile. Everything that remains between the seams will significantly whiten the grout, make it lighter.
Marker for seams
Marker for seams

If you make repairs in the bathroom, it is best to refuse to use a white grout. Pretty well -proven grouts of dark color, as well as all shades of beige and nude flowers. Please note that even dark grouts look quite harmonious in combination with light tiles. Use this game of contrasts, and be sure to arrange the bathroom in unusual, interesting colors.

Video: cleaning seams between tiles

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