How to wash the tiles in the bathroom, on the floor without divorces, to shine: means, folk methods, tips. How to wash the tile in the bathroom after repair: funds, tips.

How to wash the tiles in the bathroom, on the floor without divorces, to shine: means, folk methods, tips. How to wash the tile in the bathroom after repair: funds, tips.

The article will tell you about the most effective means for cleaning tiles in any room.

How to clean the tile? What means can you clean the tile?

Each housewife, for sure, knows a lot of ways and secrets of high -quality cleaning at home, she is able to wash any room: the hallway, bathroom, kitchen and others, which are so often and abundantly polluted. Tile - a coating that can be found in the dining room, bathroom, toilet, kitchen. It is not difficult to care for the tiles, you can easily achieve its brilliance and the perfect whiteness of the “seams” between the tiles with the help of home and special chemicals.

So that the cleansing of the tile does not take a lot of effort and time, it is important to know the ways of removing pollution of a different nature: divorces, dirt, whitewashing, rust, plaque. In addition to the professional tool (you choose it yourself), you should also choose the right rag (dry or wet, wool or cotton, or sponge).

Important: the biggest problem that you can face is stains that remain even after careful washing. They spoil the whole type of tile and create a feeling of pollution.

Why this happens:

  • The pollution was not washed enough.This happens when the tile was very dirty, and washing cleaned it not enough. Most often, dust and carbon are smeared (if the tile is kitchen).
  • You washed the tile not clean, but with dirty water.This happens when you try to wash the large area of \u200b\u200bthe tile with just one bucket of water. It should be constantly changed, the used water has particles of dirt and therefore leaves stains.
  • The water that you washed the tile is not of high quality.For example, too hard water (in which there is a lot of salts) can leave characteristic white stains on the surface of the tile.
  • The detergent was nothed off the tiles.This indicates that you used too many detergents or it was poorly washed off with clean water.
  • You washed the tile with a dirty rag.This happens when, you carry out the sink of the tile and washing it with clean water with the same rag (they need to be changed).

What stains can remain on the tile:

  • Traces of dirt
  • Light raid
  • The remnants of detergents
  • Scale and traces of fat

Important: the effectiveness of cleaning the tile depends on how correctly you are approaching the choice of detergents and comprehensively clean the cleaning. The means of only the “acidic” environment will be able to remove stains, stoops and pollution - they literally corrode spots and leave a glossy shine on the surface.

People resort to “folk” methods of cleaning when they do not trust chemicals or have allergies to some of their components. In addition, home recipes for washing liquids will cost you inexpensively and will be completely safe for you and your loved ones (especially children).

How and how to wash a tile?
How and how to wash a tile?

How to wash the tiles in the bathroom, on the floor without stains to shine: detergents, tips

These funds are very popular at the moment. Modern shops and supermarkets offer a huge assortment of different products: with cleaning granules, with pleasant fragrances, with the effect of polishing, disinfecting, whitening and much more.

Most Popular:

  • "Shirts."The most popular remedy that promises to remove any pollution from the tile in a matter of minutes (as well as other surfaces).
  • «Amway». The company offers the choice of tools that are designed to clean the kitchen tiles, tiles in the bathroom and toilet. The manufacturer also developed a tool (special “active gel”), which is added to any other detergents (to enhance the effect).
  • "Selena".Available and fairly cheap version of the cleaning agent that is able to remove and fight with any type of pollution on the tile (from water fluxes to traces of fat).
  • "Hedgehog".Another “affordable” version of the cleaning agent of a low price policy. It has strong corroding properties, good in cleansing the kitchen tile.
  • "MisterProper». A very popular universal remedy for removing pollution from any surfaces. The liquid is diluted in water and with the help of a well -absorbing rag you can wipe the tile in the kitchen, bathroom, in the toilet or corridor.
Different types of tile pollution and their cleaning
Different types of tile pollution and their cleaning

How to wash the tiles in the bathroom, on the floor without stains, to shine: folk remedies and methods

The effectiveness of “folk” means depends only on how correctly you make them, how to thoroughly wash the tile and how much it was polluted before cleaning.

What are the means:

  • Alcohol (medical or vodka).It adds shine and helps to dissolve fats on the surface of the tile, and does it quickly enough.
  • Vinegar (any that is).It has not only fat -generating properties, but also disinfectants, which is not unimportant.
  • Fresh lemon juice.You can use lemon slices or essence. Citric acid (you can even use powder diluted in water) can corrode fat and any other plaque, as well as local pollution.
  • Chalk.This is an ideal remedy for the glossy surface of the tile. The chalk powder must be dissolved in advance in water (to the state of gruel) and they rub the tiles with a rag, but a piece of paper (white). So you can remove the pollution locally and in the "seams" between the tiles.
  • Chloride lime.This tool has disinfectants, ideal for tiles in the bathroom and toilet.
  • Detergent.It will remove the scale, fat and soot from the kitchen surfaces, including fat.
Cleansing with home remedies of tiles
Cleaning "Home" tiles

How to wash the tile in the bathroom after repair: funds, tips

Very often, repair work leaves stains and traces on the surface of the tile. It is not possible to quickly get rid of such problems (there are many subterations and white raids). Construction dust is considered the most harmless type of pollution, but still, you will need to know a few secrets so as not to spend a lot of effort and time on its wiping.

How to wash off:

  • First of all, try to mix all the garbage as much as possible or to vacuum the floor.
  • Then wipe the floor with a dry rag, it will wash, at least half of the construction dust.
  • The dried foam or cement is best cut off with an office knife or blade.
  • After these procedures, proceed with wet cleaning with detergents with special or folk remedies.
  • The easiest way to achieve cleanliness is to wash the tile with soapy solution. You can use everything you only find: laundry soap, liquid soap, washing for dishes, washing powder, even a shower gel.
  • A solution of citric acid (food) will help not only wash your surface to shine, but also return the room a pleasant fresh aroma.
  • The vinegar solution is the best remedy for those rooms that are very contaminated.
  • If you are a supporter of chemicals, use any universal cleansing liquid or glass cleaning tool.
How to clean the tile after repair?
How to clean the tile after repair?

Washing dirty fat floors from tiles in the kitchen: funds, tips

The kitchen is a room that is polluted very often. The reason for this is the constant cooking process (spilled fluids that have fallen on the floor, bin, boiling and shooting oil, soot and scale). As a result, the tiles on the walls and floor is abundantly covered with a layer of fat.

How to delete:

  • You should use the means that contains alcohol or acid. They corrode fat, making it more “liquid”, which allows it to be easier to remove from surfaces.
  • Special chemicals or alcohol will help you remove the fat car.
  • After such cleaning, the surface can be washed with a soap or universal solution.
  • In order for the tile to glisten, it should be rubbed with a tool for washing glass.
How to wash the tile in the kitchen?
How to wash the tile in the kitchen?

What is the best way to wash the tiled, ceramic, glossy, tiles, without stains to glisten?

Any tile, including ceramic tiles (both glossy and matte) can be washed with home or chemical production.

What means can be used to rub tiles to shine:

For cleaning in the bathroom and toilet
For cleaning in the bathroom and toilet
Universal and professional means
Universal and professional means
Washing and cleaning agents
Washing and cleaning agents
Different types of detergents
Different types of detergents

Why is it better to wash a black tile, without stains to shine?

The disadvantage of the black tile is that it is difficult to remove stains, stains and traces of water drops (remain if the water in the tap is hard). After standard washing with “home” or specialized means, you should grate the tile with alcohol liquid.

How to grate the tile to shine?


  • Remove the large SR, since when rubbing the surface, it can be tiled.
  • Small dust must be removed with a dry rag (if you have a mini vacuum cleaner or a steam generator also use it).
  • After that, you can proceed with cleansing of dirt or fat, for this, choose any suitable remedy.
  • Grind the tiles with a special alcohol -containing polish or a dry rag (until the desired shine and gloss appears).
  • If you wash off whitewashing, you will have to wash the surface several times, each time changing water and rub it with a dry clean rag.

Detergents for washing floor tiles, tiles: List

The most effective and popular:

  • Sodasan
  • San Clin
  • Frosch
  • Tortilla Eco
  • CIF
  • Sano Mildew Romover
  • Hg
  • Glutoclean
  • Code
  • Gala cleaning powder
  • Sonett
  • Sarma for cleaning the bathroom
  • Luxus clean floor
  • Blanco
  • Mr. Muscle
  • Cleaning (for glass)
  • Klar
  • Etamine
  • Emsal

Video: "How to clean the tile?"

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