How can you wash away waterproof mascara at home without special products and what special means: recommendations, a list of best tools with names

How can you wash away waterproof mascara at home without special products and what special means: recommendations, a list of best tools with names

Home and special remedies for removing waterproof mascara.

Water -resistant mascara is a common cosmetic product that fashionable fashionables in the summer. Its main advantage is that makeup lasts a very long time, regardless of whether it sweats or not. With waterproof mascara, you can safely swim in the sea or swim in the pool. In the article we will tell you what is best to remove waterproof mascara. 

How to remove waterproof mascara?

The composition is significantly different from the classic carcass due to the fact that the components that prevent softening and softening are contained under the influence of water. This carcass is based on oil, which is very difficult to relieve with water.

How to remove waterproof mascara:

  • Therefore, almost all such carcasses are removed using fat -based substances. Usually it is oil and vegetable, fatty components. It is on the basis of natural oils that it is necessary to use the means fordemakery.
  • Please note that the most ordinary milk is not suitable for removing makeup to remove the remains of waterproof mascara. Typically, the composition contains dispersed compounds based on water.
  • They are not able to dissolve a dense pigment contained in decorative cosmetics. To remove the residues of makeup, it is better to use special liquids.
Special tool
Special tool

How to wash off waterproof mascara at home?

However, if you do not have them, you can use simple, home remedies.

How to wash off waterproof mascara at home:

  • Fat cream. In order to relieve cosmetics with this substance, it is necessary to apply it to a cotton pad, and attach it to the eyelid. Wait a minute and then begin to carefully remove the makeup. Under the influence of cream and fat components in its composition, the pigment is easily split, it can be easily removed using wet cotton pads. Try to rub not in a circle, but from top to bottom. Do not use to remove the carcass forcesmovements to Do not tear your eyelashes along with makeup and mascara. 
  • Castor oil. The composition of a large number of cosmetics for removing waterproof cosmetics contains this component. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, nourishes it, even very persistent pigments are split. 
  • Olive oil. The principle of action is almost the same as with ordinary cream. It must be applied to a cotton pad and attached to the eyes for about 1 minute. After that, softened mascara is removed using a cotton pad and special napkins. Please note that such cosmetics is by no means relieved by alcohol. The fact is that this component is very aggressive, therefore, the eyes of the eyes and excessive dryness, as well as peeling of the skin of the eyelids, can cause. 
Home remedies
Home remedies

Is it possible to remove waterproof mascara with soap?

According to users, you can remove persistent mascara from eyelashes with soap. The fact is that this substance is not at all suitable for removing makeup, as it contains alkali and overdles the skin.

Is it possible to remove waterproof mascara with soap:

  • This is harmful to very oily skin, which is located on the forehead, as well as the nose, and negatively affects the condition of the thin dermis around the eyes. If you regularly resort to this tool, then the skin around the eyes is very fast and covered with wrinkles.
  • This is because the skin lacks moisture and fat to protect yourself from pollution and damage. Therefore, any cleansing substance based on soap should immediately be discarded, it is by no means suitable for removing such cosmetics.
  • In any case, you will have to rub and expose your eyes in danger, and unpleasant sensations.
Waterproof mascara
Waterproof mascara

How to relieve waterproof mascara with oil?

The use of any vegetable oil will be an ideal option. For the best effect, it should be heated.

How to relieve waterproof mascara with oil:

  • It should become room temperature, then it will perfectly cope with the removal of cosmetics. It is worth resorting exclusively to proven agents, on a fat basis. The composition of such a carcass usually includes bee, plant wax, paraffin, as well as silicone. All these components are not dissolved by water, but it is excellent with them to cope with vegetable oil or fat. 
  • Micellar water in relation to such cosmetics may also be not effective. Despite the content of micelles in it, nevertheless the concentration of fatty components is insufficient, to remove waterproof cosmetics.
  • The ideal option will be the purchase of two -phase agents based on water -soluble and fat -soluble components.
Removing the carcass
Removing the carcass

The best remedy for removing waterproof carcass

In general, cosmetologists recommend that you initially remove persistent mascara with fat cosmetics, and at the final stage, use caring products. At the first stage, the pigment is removed and dissolved with fat, and at the second stage the skin is powered by the necessary elements and is saturated with moisture. 

The best remedy for removing waterproof carcass:

  • Lancome. This is a two -phase lotion that is used to remove makeup from the eyes, including waterproof mascara. The product is very good, as it is hypoallergenic. You can use people who use contact lenses. Before applying the product, it is shaken to mix phases. Next, moisten cotton pads, apply for a few seconds to the dermis. After that, cosmetics are removed with movements from top to bottom. 
  • S.ephora. It is also a two -phase liquid, contains a small amount of fat and copes well with stable cosmetics. The composition contains B vitamins, as well as moisturizing, nourishing components. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the negative effects of waterproof mascara on the eyelashes and strengthen them. 
  • Clarence. There is also a two -phase substance that helps to cope with cosmetics. The only drawback is a small volume. In total, the bottle contains 50 ml, which is quite small, especially if you often use waterproof makeup. It can be used to remove lipstick, as well as shadows and blush. 
  • Make up for ever. This is a gel that is created on the basis of water. However, do not think that the product will not cope with waterproof cosmetics. The composition contains a lot of active components that repel the pigment of cosmetics from the eyes. The bottle contains only 30 ml, the substance is saturated with extracts of plant components, including cotton and honey extract. You can remove makeup from lips and eyes. 
Application of cosmetics
Application of cosmetics

Inexpensive remedy for removing waterproof carcass

Not necessarily the product should be expensive. Often among the mass market you can find high-quality fluids that work well.

Inexpensive remedy for removing waterproof carcass:

  • C.lents of Oil from poppy. This substance is created on an oil basis, and is specially designed to remove any waterproof cosmetics. Created on the basis of natural oils, including olive and jojoba. There are no mineral components in the composition, therefore, rashes and possible allergic reactions are reduced to zero. It is necessary to mix the product with water until the emulsion is obtained. Perfectly dissolves persistent cosmetics, which is then easily washed off with ordinary warm water. The liquid softens and moisturizes the skin, protecting it from drying out. The bottle contains 150 ml. 
  • Remuver From the benefit. There are 175 milliliters in the bottle, it is careful about the delicate skin of the eyes, so it can be safely used by girls who use contact lenses. Moisturizes the skin, softens it. It is necessary to impregnate a cotton pad to be removed and applied for a short time by the centuries. After that, you need to carefully remove the make -up. 
  • Garnier, expert cleansing. The bottle contains 125 ml. It is used to remove conventional as well as waterproof cosmetics. It is two -phase, and also shakes before use in order to get an active emulsion. The composition contains Arginine, as well as components that strengthen eyelashes. Thanks to this, it is possible to level the negative effects of cosmetics on the eyes. 
  • Another remedy that copes with waterproof cosmetics isN.ivea double effect. It also represents a two -phase tool with active supply and moisturizing components. Before use, the bottle is shaken to get an active emulsion with fat particles that actively remove cosmetics from the eyes. The composition contains nutritious components, as well as a moisturizing agent. It can be used for sensitive skin, as well as in girls who use contact lenses. In a bottle of 125ml. 
  • Lerin. This is an effective, inexpensive tool. The bottle contains 125 ml. There are no aggressive components, parabens, as well as mineral oils. It is two -phase and removes cosmetics immediately after mixing a two -component composition. Approved by dermatologists and ophthalmologists, so it can easily be used daily to remove waterproof and ordinary makeup from the eyes. 
  • You can cope with makeup and removing cosmetics from the eyes with the help zianja napkins. The composition contains active components that help remove all waterproof makeup without the use of water and other purifying agents. A napkin, saturated with a special tool that actively removes the pigment, splitting it, thereby facilitating the removal of cosmetics from the eyes. The packaging contains only one napkin, so the product is the best suited if you travel or travel on a train where there is no way to carry a large number of cosmetic drugs with you. 
Removal products
Removal products

Remedy for quick removal of waterproof carcass

This may not be a solution, but napkins, which is convenient during travel.

A means for quick removal of waterproof carcass:

  • NEUTROGENA napkins. The packaging contains 25 pieces that are saturated with a special tool. The substance has been tested with ophthalmologists, dermatologists, as well as allergists. It does not cause allergic reactions, and is also suitable for women who use contact lenses. Actively copes with waterproof cosmetics, removes any makeup from the eyes, including waterproof mascara. It does not require flushing and does not leave a fat film after using napkins. 
  • Mabelin expert Aiz. Active and effective tool that has neutral pH. Helps to cope with cosmetics, characterized by a blue tint, a single -phase agent. But despite this, it copes with waterproof cosmetics. When applied to a cotton pad, it foams a little, but does not require washing off, without leaving the film on the face. You can use to remove any cosmetics. The next morning there are no traces of the use of a make -up. The bottle contains 125 ml. 
  • Demquillant yeuxloyion apaisante, Melvita. The tool is organic, positions itself as a very soft substance for removing cosmetics. Effectively cope with waterproof cosmetics, as it is two -phase. The composition contains aloe extracts, lotus. If you look closely, then the oil in the fluid is not as many as other manufacturers. It is thanks to this that the softer effect is achieved, but at the same time, cosmetics must be removed longer. That is, a cotton pad will have to be applied to the eyes not for 2-3 seconds, but a little further. But, nevertheless, this is a great option for those who have very sensitive skin and instantly reacts to the use of oils, as well as other chemical components. Therefore, ideal for sensitive skin, as well as allergy sufferers. 
  • Instant Eye Makeup Remover, DiorThis is a means of a well -known manufacturer who has established itself as excellent and reliable. As part of natural and artificial ingredients, but this does not interfere with the product to fight perfectly with waterproof cosmetics in the eyes. It is a two -phase substance with butter at the top, and liquid from below. Before use, it must be shaken and applied to cotton pads that cleanse the napkins. The price is relatively affordable, great option for that kind of money. 
Removing cosmetics
Removing cosmetics

The choice of the product depends on your preferences and material capabilities.

Video: How to remove waterproof mascara?

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