How the sea differs from the ocean, except for size: comparison, similarities and differences, description for children. What is smaller: the ocean or sea?

How the sea differs from the ocean, except for size: comparison, similarities and differences, description for children. What is smaller: the ocean or sea?

Seas and oceans are huge water pools. The article tells what is common between them, and how they differ.

71% of the Earth's surface is covered with water. From this volume 96.5% is the salty water of oceans and seas. And although this is a majority of the planet, it is poorly studied. Scientists argue even about the number of seas and oceans. Some scientists believe that only 90 seas, but only 63 recognized the International Hydrographic Bureau, although it confirms that this figure is not accurate.

Even the number of oceans causes disputes: some call four, others - five. To the generally accepted Atlantic, quiet, Indian and North Arctic add the fifth - the Southern Ocean or Antarctic. In 2000 he was recognized. But there is a problem in determining its boundaries, therefore, so far many scientists identify only 4 oceans.

Although all these divisions are quite arbitrary, so there is a theory that on the planet there is only one ocean - the world.

What is the sea: definition, signs

The sea is a relatively small part of the ocean, which has water connection with the ocean. The sea is separated from the ocean with various geographical objects: islands, bays, mountains, thresholds. As a result of the restriction, a relatively closed system has a limited connection with the ocean.


  • A certain ecosystem is formed in the sea with its climatic features, currents, winds, and the animal world.
  • Communication with the ocean exists, but it occurs through narrow straits, thresholds. Therefore, the water of the ocean enters the sea water only from the surface layers.
  • The water is less salty due to the stock water of the rivers.
  • The sea can come in close to the ocean - these are the outskirts of the seas. For example, Barents, the Norwegian Seas.
  • There are seas that are completely surrounded by land, it is inner - Mediterranean, black.
  • The sea can be limited by the islands - these are intavetry, most are surrounded by the islands of the Malay archipelago.
  • The coastline has bays, bays, lagons, peninsula, estuary, beaches, braids, capes, etc.
  • The seas have a smaller area.
  • Flora and fauna of the seas are rich and diverse. This is due to the proximity to the shore, since most inhabitants and plants of the seas and oceans live at a depth of up to 500 m.
  • The seas have different compounds of water and a different percentage of salt.
The attractive beauty of the sea
The attractive beauty of the sea

What is the ocean: definition, signs

The ocean is the largest water space. Each ocean is part of the entire water cover of the Earth - the oceans, which occupies 71% of the surface of the planet. The oceans are divided by continents and archipelagoes.


  • The world ocean accommodates about 95% of all water on the planet.
  • It affects the temperature of the adjacent part of the land.
  • There is a general circulation: the waters of all oceans are constantly mixed.
  • The salt composition of the oceans is about 35 ‰.
  • The density and composition of the water of all oceans are almost identical.
  • The largest fish live in the ocean - sharks and animals - whales.
Greatness of the Arctic Ocean
Greatness of the Arctic Ocean

What is smaller: the ocean or sea?

The ocean is much more than the sea. The largest sea is Sargassovo - 6000 thousand km 2, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe smallest ocean - the North Arctic - 13.1 million km 2.

The deepest is the Philippine Sea, which is located in the Pacific Ocean. Its maximum depth is 11,022 m, since it is here that the deepest Mariana cavity is located.

Tongatapa - island in the Pacific Ocean
Tongatapa - island in the Pacific Ocean

How the sea differs from the ocean, except for size: comparison, similarities and differences, description for children of grade 6, 7

The sea is huge water tanks. The sea is part of the ocean to which it belongs, and with which it connects. Water has a bitter-salt taste, as it contains more than 50 elements.

Therefore, the maximum depth is 11022 Mariana cavity, is both the maximum depth of the Pacific Ocean and, which is part of it, the Filippin Sea.


Signs Sea Ocean
Belonging Part of the ocean in which it is located Component of the oceans
Square Maximum area - 6000 km 2 (Sargasso Sea) Minimum area - at the North Arctic Ocean 13.1 million km 2, and the maximum - at the Pacific Ocean 179.62 million km 2
The system of currents Has one current - surface warm or cold course Has different surface trends: warm and cold
Bottom Label. The exception is only Sargassovo and the Philippine Seas Earth's oceanic crust
Separated Shores, islands, straits, bottom relief, currents, etc. Continents
The degree of salinity Different. Basically, the seas are less salty than the oceans, but the most salty water in the Red Sea is 41 ‰. About 35 ‰.
Flora and fauna A variety of, sometimes unique specimens of plants and animals. The largest animals, fish live.
Temperature Higher, since they are smaller and most located near the coast Below

The world ocean covers 2/3 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe planet, but it remains the most unknown area that is fraught with many secrets and puzzles.

Video. Interesting facts - ocean

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