Tea Ulun: Useful properties and composition. How to brew and use ulun tea for weight loss?

Tea Ulun: Useful properties and composition. How to brew and use ulun tea for weight loss?

Ulun's useful properties, what is the unique tea?

  • Ulun tea has become incredibly popular recently. This tea was opened in ancient China. It was believed that this drink is able to give health not only to the human body, but also to the soul
  • Translated from the ancient Chinese “Ulun” is translated as “dark dragon” or “black dragon”, although the color of this drink is a light green, yellowish shade
  • Ulun - a type of green tea with a thin milk taste, a slightly sweet tint and aroma of cream
  • This tea does not go through the entire fermentation procedure and is considered something between black and red
Ulun - Classic semi -farmanded Chinese tea
ulun - classic semi -fertile Chinese tea

If we compare this tea with other varieties, then you should immediately notice that it is not frequent and quite rare. The reason for this is unusual storage and processing of tea leaves. It is grown on plantations located in the mountains. Masters of China claim that tea has an unusual taste due to the fact that daily “tea leaves envelops the high -circuit fog.

Ulun tea has a soft pleasant taste, without bitterness and sourness, and despite this, it is forbidden to drink in very large numbers. The fact is that this variety contains an excessive amount of caffeine, which means it is harmful to drink to those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, older people, children and those who are simply trying to fall asleep (that is, at night).

Milk oolong has such a component as thein-a substance extremely harmful to pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as suffering from the problems of the heart, blood vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract.

Ulun, its benefit
ulun, its benefit

Despite a number of contraindications, tea has quite a lot of advantages:

  • he has a special soft, thin and fragrant taste
  • original tea can be brewed twice and three times and each time its taste will play the new
  • the main and most weight of its advantage is the ability to influence weight loss, exposing excess water from the body and favoring good digestion
  • in addition, some studies have shown that Ulun is able to inhibit the regeneration of cancer cells in the body, which means to prevent oncological diseases
  • another property of the oolun is to slow down all aging processes in the body, which means that its regular use helps to maintain youth
  • ulun is able to normalize blood pressure and fight hypertension
  • The original influence of this tea on a person is the normalization of a mental state, giving a person calm, peace and harmony
  • Along with calm, tea gives activity and wakefulness thanks to many useful essential oils in tea and caffeine
  • Vitamins in this tea are incredible: these are all vitamins of group B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K
  • Of the beneficial trace elements in the ulun contains: iodine, iron, zinc and others
  • The interaction of all microelements in tea helps them to qualitatively absorbed in the body and benefit it. This is reflected in the health of the whole body: good health, radiant skin and shiny hair

Based on this, we can say with the courage that tea contains a huge number of trace elements for humans.

Ulun is able to quench thirst, tone, improve the functioning of the pancreas and even relieve the severity that occurs from heavy and fatty foods. In addition, Ulun prevents the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels and effectively removes the accumulated toxins and toxins from oganism.

Video: "Uluna useful properties"

What is the composition of the oolong tea. How to produce tea?

  • Making tea is quite interesting and unusual. In order to produce Ulun, not only mature wood leaves gather, but also the cuttings on which they are attached (the part that connects the sheet with the branch)
  • It is these small cuttings that contain the maximum concentration of essential oils, which is so useful for the human body and give a unique taste
  • Tea leaves are harvested and laid with a thin layer in the shade, so that they gradually fade and lose their rich green color
  • After they get them, they are transferred to a tray made of bamboo on which they should constantly turn and crush them (about every hour). This must be done so that the integrity of the leaf is not damaged
  • While the sheet wins his core remains untouched and the whole
  • the edges of the crumpled sheet gain a crushed shade and slowly oxidize
  • After such fermentation, the leaves should be given thermal treatment in the oven
  • After the oven, the leaves are cooled so that they can be twisted
  • Such a process must be done with a sheet several times to a row
The process of manufacturing oolun
the process of manufacturing oolun

Video: "Ulun Tea"

Rules for brewing ulun. How to brew ulun tea?

The brewing of tea is an interesting and absorbing process. He provides an opportunity for a person to feel his aroma, feel a soft and delicate taste.

Each tea lover knows that brewing is a reverent process that requires compliance with many points:

  • like the brewing of any tea, the brewing of the ulun requires rinsing tea from the inside with a steep boiling water
  • the kettle visually should be divided into three parts, one of which should be filled with dry tea
  • Tea is poured with a very steep boiling water, the minimum degree of which should be 90 degrees
  • The first water is not tea, it must be drained. This procedure is done in order to save tea leaves from dust and dirt
  • For drinking, only the second or third tea leaves are suitable
  • Some lovers claim that you can make it up to ten times
  • It is recommended to drink and brew tea only from clay dishes that does not oxidize tea and retains its useful qualities
How to brew and drink oolun?
how to brew and drink oolun?

What is the difference between green tea ulun, the features of tea

  • Tea oolong green - one of the types of teas of semi -farming, that is, those that have not passed the full process of wilting
  • The leaves of the green oolun are collected in plantations located on highlands in the autumn of the year, or in the spring
  • The distinctive quality of the green oolun is his delicate taste due to the fact that the leaves are “fried” in the oven only half
  • The leaves of tea contains the maximum concentration of antioxidants that favorably affect human health and its good health
  • Acids contained in the green oolun have a beneficial effect on digestion and are able to split heavy food, preventing it from being deposited by fat deposits in the body
  • Green Ulun is considered elite tea and therefore its cost is much more expensive, compared to other teas
Ulun green
ulun green

What is the difference between tea milk oolong and other varieties?

  • Milk oolong has a unique creamy aftertaste and a weak yellowish tint
  • When collecting this variety, the time is taken into account when the leaves ripen - the autumn time is considered the most suitable
  • When growing a shrub for collecting tea leaves, it is processed with a special solution, which is obtained from sugarcane. This solution gives tea such an unusual aroma
  • Another way of fertilizing this bush is to water the roots with natural milk and sprinkle them with rice flour, which also affects taste sensations
  • A distinctive feature of the milk oolun is considered to be the fact that the leaves are first fried in the oven, and then dried
Milk oolon
milk oolon

Video: “Dairy Ulun. True and fiction "

How is Chinese tea Ulun unique? Features of tea

Chinese tea “Ulun” is not rarely called “turquoise tea” because it has a pale green color, not at all saturated, light and almost transparent. Any tea called Ulun is produced in China, so any manufacturer who writes: Ceylon (Sri Lanka), India or any other country is a clean fake.

Observation will help to distinguish a good Chinese oolun: pay attention to the tea leaf itself. If, before brewing, he was a tightly twisted ball, and after brewing, he turned into a sheet with dark edges - this is a real Chinese oolun.

Chinese oolun
chinese oolun

Pay attention to the cost of Chinese tea, if the price is high - this is not at all in vain: most likely the fragrance was given to dried jasmine or plum flowers. In cheaper teas, an artificial flavor is added.

If there are no recommendations for the brewing of tea on the packaging, then you must adhere to a simple rule: the stronger the enzyme has, the hotter there should be water for brewing.

Delicious tea white oolong, features and benefits of tea

White Ulun is considered the most expensive and elite tea among all existing ones. It embodies all the skill and exquisite taste of the Chinese, who found their special way to collect a tea leaf and dry it, as well as produced a special, inimitable way of fermentation.

White Ulun has long been considered only for “higher masters” and ceremonies with its brewing were considered a special sacrament. Nowadays, real white oolong from China is quite difficult to purchase, and expensive. Subtle in Kus with a long soft aftertaste and delicate milk aroma to this day remains a favorite drink on the whole planet.

Ulun white
ulun white
  • White tea belongs to semi -feeryment varieties and it is this feature that gives it special tenderness
  • Special processing of tea leaves enables everyone to feel an incredibly thin and soft taste and aroma
  • White Ulun has a soft cream tint and a translucent shade of yellow color
  • White Ulun is the rarest subspecies of tea, he was called “white” only because they collect him in the state when the leaves are still very young and look like a “white feather”
  • White Ulun is able to quickly warm and give the body the necessary tone, it has many positive influences on the human body as a whole

What are the qualities of black tea? Features of the variety of tea

The true black oolong has a rich honey shade and is not at all like other varieties of this tea. It reads many shades that convey the taste of fruits, berries, chocolate and even chestnut.

Black Ulun is able to provide many positive properties on a person:

  • calming and even pacifying influence
  • tones and leads to strength
  • improves mood and raises the spirit
  • normalizes pressure
  • improves all metabolic processes in the body
  • disputes the accumulated toxins
  • cleans the intestines from slags
  • has a favorable effect on the pancreas
Ulun is black
ulun is black
  • Black tea ulun is unique, among all Chinese varieties because it is made only from specially collected leaves
  • Black oolong can be brewed several times to the row, the ideal amount is considered -5 times
  • Each subsequent tea leaves can give a new, before that, not understandable aroma and taste
  • Black oolong is characterized by a rich taste resembling wood
  • The impact on the tea sheet of several temperatures allows it to gain a darker color, but preserve a thin and delicate taste

It is not rarely black oolun is called “Puer La Dum” for its soft taste and aroma.

Taste combination: tea ginseng ulun

Ulun tea with the addition of ginseng is a unique development of Taiwanese masters. It was they who came up with a magical combination of the most delicious tea in the world with the most useful plant. Such a drink has a lot of advantages and beneficial properties. The taste of the drink is similar to the original Chinese oolun, only a thin floral aroma complements them.

Ulun with ginseng
ulun with ginseng

The uniqueness of this tea is that tea leaves in the process of fermentation are enriched with the exhaust of their ginseng root.

  • Such tea does not go through the full process of fermentation and half of its gearing, it is dried in the furnace
  • Visually, such tea is small dumpled green lumps of small diameter, having a sweet -coil aroma
  • Ginseng oolong has magnificent tonic properties
  • Ulun with ginseng is able to give a feeling of vigor no worse than coffee
  • Stimulation receives in a person and his sex
  • His weakness and lethargy leaves
  • The drowsiness disappears
  • The pressure rises
  • Blood sugar is significantly reduced
  • Cholesterol decreases
  • Improves the nervous and mental state
  • Fights with a depressive state
  • Disputes toxins

Video: "Ulun ginseng, brewing rules"

The harm and contraindications of the oolong tea, who should not drink oolong tea?

Despite the fact that Ulun tea has many advantages among all types and varieties of tea, there are quite serious contraindications for it. They are mainly in individual intolerance to tea and diseases present in the body.

So, drinking ulun tea with caution, and sometimes you need to exclude it from the diet:

  • people with heart disease
  • people with diseases of blood vessels
  • people who have gastrointestinal problems
  • pregnant women
  • women feeding milk
  • people in old age
  • children
Ulun: varieties and types
ulun: varieties and types

The components that make up tea are favorable for consumption only in morning and daytime, because in the evening they can easily cause a state of insomnia, anxiety and even anxiety. The moderate use of oolun will never harm and give only benefits.

Video: "How to brew a milk ulun?"

How to use oolong tea for weight loss?

I very often use Ulun with only the goal - to lose weight and establish problems with excess weight. Excessive, but regular use of tea is able to have a favorable effect on the whole organism as a whole and force it to work “like a clock”. China has long discovered the uniqueness of this tea and, perhaps thanks to this secret, the Chinese are considered long -livers and the most healthy people.

Ulun for weight loss
ulun for weight loss

Ulun tea helps:

  • improve the body's metabolism and thereby establish digestion
  • to nourish the body with useful trace elements, the necessary trace elements and vitamins
  • the composition of tea includes polyphenol - a unique substance that can split fat
  • ulun helps "fight" with fatty foods, helping digestion and assimilation
  • ulun helps to burn more calories during digestion
  • helps to remove excess fluid from the body

Video: " Technology for the production of tea oolong "

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Comments K. article

  1. I heard a lot, but I didn’t try it myself, I drank a turboslim tea and was satisfied, thanks to it I managed to throw off the extra 8 kg and clean the body, though I also refused sugar, I think this also influenced the result, but the fact of remaining a fact, I personally liked it in general The whole line is turboslim)

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