From what age can I vote in the elections? At what age can you become the President of the Russian Federation, a deputy?

From what age can I vote in the elections? At what age can you become the President of the Russian Federation, a deputy?

This article is not a regulatory document, but just a statement of the facts of the established rules of the age censor when voting in the elections, when running for deputies and presidents.

An integral right to give his vote or be elected in the elections is endowed with a citizen not from birth, but to acquire a certain age.
Each country has its own censorship of the age category.
About this, and in particular about Russian requirements, and we will talk in the proposed article.

From what age can I vote in the elections?

From what age can you vote for the candidate?
  • For the first time, universal Russian suffrage arose after the revolutionary events of the seventeenth year.
  • Then the age qualification was established upon reaching twenty years, subsequently changed at eighteen years.
  • This amendment remains effective for this time.
  • With the offensive adulthood, a subject of the Russian Federation is given the right to participate in any electoral company.
  • It remains behind him for all life.

The exception is personality:

  • Announced by incompetent
  • In prison or in the settlement by court ruling

If we talk about residents of other countries, then:

  • Japan gives such an opportunity to its voters from 20 years of age
  • from the age of 16, they begin to leave their vote in the elections of the residents of the countries of Nicaragua and Iran
  • in most of European countries, it is identical to our rules

How old can you run for deputies?

The number of years to participate in the electoral activity

The Constitution of our Russian state is determined by the age for obtaining a deputy status not earlier than 21 years old.

In this case, there are not only age -related measurements, but also others requirements:

  • A citizen should not have restrictions prohibiting him to participate in the elections
  • One and the same person at the same time cannot be a member of the Federation Council and a deputy of the State Duma.
  • A deputy of the State Duma is prohibited from being a deputy of state power of other representative bodies and local governments.
  • Working as a deputy of the State Duma, you cannot be an official and have another constant income with some exception.

At what age can you run for president?

General voting

The applicant for the position of head of the Russian Federation must reach 35 year oldperiod  - The article 81 of our native Constitution says to us.
But this is a very small fraction compared to other requirements.
It is not so easy to get to such a responsible position.

Before setting your candidacy necessary:

  • Live in the country from 10 years
  • Have citizenship of the Russian Federation
  • Be capable and not be convicted
  • The presence of a military card


  • To nominate the head of state to persons in places of imprisonment and those who have any restrictions on the right for the leadership and public service by decision of the court.

The most important requirement for the future chosen one is to observe the legality in preparation before the elective activities.

Until how many years you can run for president: Age for the President of the Russian Federation?

Age in a democratic state is not an obstacle to participate in the elections

Requirements to remove the powers of the president in connection with old age in our country not installed.

Allows health - run.

There are only:

The deadlines of the election of the head of state

  • Selected for 6 years (earlier for 4 years)
  • No more than two consecutive periods for the same person
  • After 1 period of the “reign”, it can again run for the president who had previously occupied the presidential post for two terms in a row.

Unforeseen circumstances of the termination of the end of the reign

Premature resignation of the president for various reasons:

  • Voluntary decision
  • Impeachment - by the state removal from the performance of the duties of the head of the country
  • General well -being - if health does not give the president the opportunity to work, he is obliged to relieve himself of the powers. Also, in case of incapacity, diseases of the mental order (schizophrenia).
  • The death of a person standing in power completes his work.

It is very easy to remember the requirements of our laws for active and passive assistance in the elections.
A large fraction of problems falls on the highest authorities directly involved in the organization of a referendum.

Important: voting is not an obligation.

  • No living soul has the right to force the identity to vote for a certain candidate.
  • At the same time, this alternative remains in whether to go to the referendum or not.
  • Such an article does not exist.

Video: everyone has the opportunity to become a deputy

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