Sinnabon buns: when and where did you first appear? How to cook Sinnabon buns with cinnamon, apples and cinnamon?

Sinnabon buns: when and where did you first appear? How to cook Sinnabon buns with cinnamon, apples and cinnamon?

From this article you will learn how to bake the delicious Sinnabon buns.

You probably already heard about the most tender bucks of Sinnabon with cinnamon? And they would like to cook them, but do not know how? We will teach you to prepare them in this article.

A little story associated with the bucks "Sinnabon"

Sinnabon branded rolls

Sinnabon buns began to bake not so long ago, in 1985 in the city of Seattle (USA), the Komena family decided to open a bakery for baking cinnamon rolls. And they succeeded. In the future, a cafe were opened, where such rolls were baked.

To date, Sinnabon branded cafes are known in 52 countries on all continents, only in Russia there are more than 120 pieces.

The recipe for branded baking, of course, is not declassified. It is only known that the filling uses a particularly aromatic cinnamon grown in Indonesia, and the rolls of glaze with soft cream cheese are watered.

How to cook Sinnabon buns?

And although we don’t know the recipe for the Sinnabon of the Sinnabon family, we now bake the no less tasty Sinnabon rolls according to another recipe, which are not inferior to the branded.


  1. First cooking dough: Mix yeast with warm milk, 1 tsp. sugar and 1-2 tbsp. l. flour. The liquid dough will rise and begin to sink, which means that you can already knead the dough for rolls.
  2. We shake the eggs with sugar to lush mass, pour it into dough.
  3. Pour the melted, warm butter into the dough.
  4. Pour vanilla, flour, and make the dough 8-10 minutes, while it will lag behind, and put in a warm place.
  5. It is close to approach the dough for 2 hours or until it “grows up” 2-3 times more.
  6. Filling There will be mixed sugar with cinnamon.
  7. We knead the approaching dough again, divide into several identical parts, and roll out rectangles with a thickness of 0.5 cm.
  8. Rolled rectangular shape, lubricate with melting butter, sprinkle with cinnamon-sahar filling, and twist into a roll.
  9. We cut the roll into pieces 3-4 cm in length, and distribute along the oiled form, at a distance of 3-4 cm (the buns "grow up").
  10. In the form, we cover the raw buns with a towel, and leave it for raising twice (approximately 30 minutes).
  11. We bake in the oven At 190̊c for about half an hour, or until they are browned.
  12. We take out the buns from the oven and hot cover with cream glaze.
  13. Creaming glaze. Mix softened, cream cheese and butter together, pour vanilla, sugar, pour the liquor, and beat with a mixer until smooth. The glaze is ready.
Sprinkle the dough with sugar and cinnamon, and twist the dough into the roll
We cut the roll into pieces, and lay out on a bakery sheet, at a distance of 3-4 cm

How to cook Sinnabon buns with apples?


  1. Opan. From warm milk mixed in half with water, yeast, 1 tsp. sugar, 1-2 tbsp. l. We knead the flour of the liquid dough, and let the dough rise close to dough for 10 minutes.
  2. Dough for rolls. We interfere with the melted oil, egg, sugar, salt and vanilla to the dough. We knead everything with our hands for about 10 minutes.
  3. We put the dough on a warm place for raising twice (close to 1-1.5 hours).
  4. Filling. We clean the apples from seeds and skins, cut into small cubes. In a pan, we melt butter, pour sugar and apples' cubes, simmer until the apples are soft (close 15 minutes). Separately mix cinnamon with sugar.
  5. We make rolls. We knead the approaching dough again, roll it into a large rectangle, 0.5 cm thick, lubricate it with melted butter, sprinkle with cinnamon-sahar filling, lay out stewed apples, turn into a roll, cut into pieces, 4-5 cm long.
  6. We lay the formed rolls on a metal sheet greased with oil, at a distance of 3-4 cm, cover with a towel, give the rolls (even raw) to rise and double.
  7. Bake rolls. We put the rising buns in the oven heated to 190̊C, bake for about half an hour, until browning.
  8. Cooking icing. Mix everything for the glaze, beat with a mixer or manually, apply to hot buns, and you can serve to tea or coffee.
Sinnabon rolls with apples

So, we learned to cook Sinnabon buns no worse than American branded ones.

Video: Sinnabon/Cinnabon - the most tender buns with cinnamon. A step -by -step recipe

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