Botox - instructions for use. Botox treatment. Botox effect from wrinkles

Botox - instructions for use. Botox treatment. Botox effect from wrinkles

The proposed article will tell you about the medicine "Botox". We will talk about muscle relaxant in what cases it is used and when it is contraindicated.

« Botox» instructions to application

  • Represented medication belongs to group musorelaxants and represents yourself structural unit botulinum toxin type BUT. this molecule folds from light and heavy chains, which clutched disulfide connection
  • On the first phase impact medicine « Botox» it is formed connection molecules botilers toxin with preminaptic membrane nervous compounds.
  • AT process second phases connected toxin on means endocytosis penetrates in cytoplasm nervous cells. Inside nervous cells in work enters light chain and her selective destructive action curses to blocking release acetylcholine in preminaptic the gap
  • AT condition all processes is happening long turning off from nervous chains these cells under action chemical substances toxin
  • Clinically data processes displayed relaxation spasmodic muscles, in region which it was produced introduction botulinum toxine. Recovery functions innervation given areas arrives only after 12 weeks after procedures, what entails, respectively, and recovery muscle contractility given areas
  • Disappearance effect procedures suggests repeated introduction botulinum toxine at need

« Botox» the form release

"Botox" form of release

Means available in bottles in form liofelizate. AT him contained 100 Units botulinum toxine for in/m introduction prepared solution.

« Botox» indications to application

Indications to use Botox can serve the following diseases and states:
Hemifascial spasm
Torticollis spastic genesis (cervical distonia)
Straibism paralytic genesis (strabismus)
Post -stroke facal spasm brushes and wrists
AT quality correction wrinkles facial expressions
Removing muscle spasm u children in age from 2x years, suffering Cerebral palsy

« Botox» methods use

"Botox" Ways to use

Acts in sale medication in form liofelizate, solution for use cooking by the way dilutions botulinum toxine inside bottle. Introduce toxin intramuscularly in region spasm.

Given procedure it has right produce only doctor, or medical employee in presence doctor. At this specialist must have specialized certificate with resolution from firms, which produces botulotaxin. This injection it has row contraindications and restrictions and not maybe perform on one's own.

« Botox» contraindications

To row common contraindications related the following states:
Availability inflammatory process in areas or close alleged conducting injections
Confirmed not tolerance given toxin patient
Period pregnancy and feeding baby
Exacerbation chronic inflammatory diseases or moment acute diseases

For correction mimic wrinkles and blefarospasm this is the following contraindications:
Ptosis muscles faces, wearing explicit gravitational character
Availability obvious hernia in areas century

« Botox» side action

Botox side effect
Botox side effect

Indicated further manifestations side actions, more often total not demand auxiliary therapy and self -stir on the length 30 days:

Education small bruises (on one's own pass in flow 7 days)
Visual option century
Painful feel in place conducting injections (passes in flow day)
Violations accommodation eye
Not big general weakness on the length months maybe arise in result excess recommended dose
Option external sites eyebrows and interbert areas
Asymmetric location corners mouth
Numbness some regions faces and violation articulation speech

AT case not qualified execution injections and hits needle in nervous endings maybe to step manifestation side effects, but such cases enough rare in practice.

Cases anaphylactic shock at conducting injections Botox not observed, but at yourself costs have funds first help.

« Botox» dosage

  • At therapy blefarospasm and hemifacial spasm
    For therapy blefarospasm substance introduce in region upper centuries and in external departments round muscles
  • Peculiarities introduction botulinum toxine to you must explain specialist and places introduction he must know especially exactly
  • Primary dose botulinum toxine from 1.25 before 2ya5 Units acting substances for everyone points introduction. General dose used medication not must exceed 25 Units
  • The first manifestations effect botulinum toxine they come on the length the first 3x days, a your own maximum they reach in flow 14 days after execution procedures
  • Action this injections it lasts near three months, after what, maybe, would need repeated application botulinum toxine
  • At condition insufficient effect from injections, at conducting next procedures dose can increase maximum in 2 times, but this is not always gives desired effect
"Botox" dosage

At therapy crooked spastic character.

  • Solution botulinum toxine introduce in those muscles, which have the greatest voltage. Dose introduction not must exceed 50 Units at 1 administered
  • At this dose used funds in certain muscle is different his own quantity application. Spasm certain muscles calls curvature neck in appropriate sides6u, because place introduction drug at treatment this pathology selected respectively symptoms
  • Clinical changes regulations neck and removing spasm they come on the length 14 days. Maximum effect arrives in flow 6 weeks after conducting procedures
  • Duration actions drug 12 weeks
  • Treatment localized spasm muscles at Cerebral palsy
  • At therapy given diseases and administered botulinum toxine in defined points, dose 1 injections not exceeds 6 units, a total not must exceed 200 Units

How and in others cases clinically effect arrives in flow 2 weeks, acts means on the length 3x months.

Then procedure requires repetition.

All nuances introduction drug botulinum toxine, in those or others cases diseases, doctor must exactly know and explain patient possible effects and complications.

« Botox» overdose

  • Manifestation symptoms overdose drug can advance on past several days. Such a patient requires constant observations doctor on the length several days
  • Necessary make sure in absence u patient symptoms general weakness or paralysis muscles
  • Manifests itself this is condition weakness, diplopia, ptosis, maybe violation swallowing and paresis breathing muscles, what maybe end enough deplorable
  • Most dangerous manifestation is offensive paralysis all muscles organism.Similar states demand resuscitation events




« Botox» reviews

Looking through reviews about drug, at use in correction mimic wrinkles can mark following. Means enough effective and found in own time enough wide application. However on the the moment, comparing all per and against, many refused from his use.
At therapy spastic diseases, given means often is the only one output for relief symptoms diseases.

Video: Botox: harm or benefit?

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