Botox for hair: before and after. Hair straightening with Botox

Botox for hair: before and after. Hair straightening with Botox

Boxing manufacturers for hair. The healing procedure is described by Botox.

Botulotoxin are known to everyone with injections for skin rejuvenation. This is a poison that blocks the functioning of muscles and does not allow transmitting signals to the nerve endings. But in addition to the treatment of wrinkles, Botox is used to give the hair softness and shine. The hair product is absolutely in no way connected with botulinum toxin.

Hair treatment with Botox

This is a fairly new procedure invented by the Arab hairdressers. The healing cocktail itself consists of vitamins and proteins, as well as Inter-Silan molecules. This substance when connecting with water swells, filling the voids in the hair thread. The procedure resembles keratinization, but is fundamentally different from it.

  • Botox molecules wedge into the hair structure, saturating them with vitamins and proteins
  • Thanks to this, the curl is strengthened not from the outside, but from the inside
  • Effect of effect 6 months
  • In this case, you can stop the rapid loss of strands
  • After the procedure, the curls are perfectly styled and retain shine for a long time
Botox from Loreal
Botox from Loreal

Botox's pros and cons of hair

The procedure cannot be considered safe. First of all, this applies to damaged scalp. Doctors note that Botox healing can cause the opposite effect and instead of thick hair you risk bald. But the percentage of such cases is negligible. Basically, after manipulation, the hair is very different from their previous state. They do not split, do not be confused and very shiny.

Pros of the procedure:

  • Great effect
  • Safety
  • Ease of use, which allows the procedure at home
  • Long effect
  • The ability to purchase a fund in a pharmacy

Of course, there are shortcomings:

  • High price
  • The need for periodic repetition of the procedure
  • The presence of contraindications
Botox for hair
Botox for hair

Contraindications for Botox for hair

Of course, the first time it is better to carry out the procedure in the cabin. So, you will see the procedure for applying mixtures and understand the technique. The hairdresser will ask you a few questions, since the product has contraindications:

  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Menstruation
  • Klimax
  • Violations in the work of the central nervous system
  • Wounds and abscesses on the head
  • Seborrhea and itching of the scalp
Hair after Botox
Hair after Botox

Hair straightening with Botox

Unlike keratin straightening, Botox is not used to level curly curls. In the process of manipulation, the hair is restored and saturated with moisture. Accordingly, naughty and sticking curls become smooth and even. Therefore, many confuse Botox alignment. After manipulation, the curls really straighten.

The procedure for conducting the procedure:

  • The hair is washed with a soft detergent
  • A liquid with intra -isla molecules is applied to the curls with a syringe with a syringe
  • It falls into the voids of the hair thread and fills them
  • Further, a remedy from another bottle is applied to the hair - this is a vitamin cocktail itself. It includes vitamins A, E, hyaluronic acid, wheat proteins and proteins
  • After that, they can put a hat on the curls and put you under the hair dryer
  • If the curls are in terrible condition and stick out in different directions, the specialist with the help of an iron smoothes hairs, sealing the composition inside each thread
  • Next, the product is washed off, and the hair is dried
Hair after Botox
Hair after Botox

Botox for curly hair, photo before and after

If you want to completely get rid of curly, make keratin straightening. Botox will not remove completely beautiful curls. The tool will only smooth out the untidiness of the curls, remove the scales of the string tips. Accordingly, the product is ideal for girls who love their curly hair, but they are not satisfied with the dullness and fragility of hair.

Botox for curly hair
Botox for curly hair
Botox for curly hair
Botox for curly hair

Botox for thin hair, photo before and after

Botox for thin hair is just a find. Due to the presence of Inter-Silan in the molecule, an invisible frame is formed on the curls. The molecule from the syringe falls deep into the hair, where it swells, making the hair susceptible to nutrients. After applying the serum of vitamins, the intra-sylain molecule “sucks” vitamins into the hair. It turns out that the curls become more voluminous and heavy. Hair thickness increases visually.

Botox for thin hair
Botox for thin hair
Botox for thin hair
Botox for thin hair

What to choose for hair: Botox or keratin?

It all depends on the initial state of the curls. The fact is that if you want to completely align fluffy hair, choose keratin. With it, you can achieve the perfect smoothness of the hair.

  • But if you have beautiful curls or straight hair, devoid of shine, use Botox
  • In the process of keratinization, the curl is enveloped in an invisible film that “seals” dry and split ends. The effect lasts up to three months. With the help of keratinization, you can completely align strongly curly curls
  • During Botox, the hair is saturated with vitamins from the inside, so the effect persists from three to six months
Hair after Botox
Hair after Botox

Botox for hair during pregnancy

In general, there is no botulinum toxin and its compounds in the product, respectively, no substance will bring harm. But in contraindications it is indicated that pregnant women should not resort to the procedure. The fact is that Intra Silan is not yet fully studied by the molecule. Perhaps, through wounds and microcracks into the skin, it penetrates into the body. Even the slightest extraneous formations will be able to harm the baby. Therefore, it is better to refrain from the procedure.

Botox for hair during pregnancy
Botox for hair during pregnancy

How much does Botox for hair last?

Regarding the validity of the substance, the effect is usually saved 3-6 months. It all depends on the frequency of washing the head and the use of other curls. It is advisable not to dry your hair and wash it less often. So, you will save the Inter-Silan molecule inside the hair.

Initially, Botox is an advertising move, which was the first to use the French. In some, the effect preserved only 10 ramps of hair. Accordingly, when washing the hair 2 times a week, you will completely bring the means after 5 weeks.

Effect after Botox
Effect after Botox

Hair care after Botox

Hairdressers do not give any special recommendations after the procedure. But the Inter-Silan molecule is quite active and with frequent drying changes its structure. From the linear it becomes branched, which gives the curls volume.

  • Do not use shampoo with lauryl sulfate sodium for washing hair. Read the composition of the detergent, otherwise you very quickly say goodbye to the effect
  • Wash your hair less often and dry it with a hairdryer
  • Try not to use styling tools. They are not prohibited. When using them, the effect will quickly disappear
Hair care after Botox
Hair care after Botox

Botox hair treatment: tips and reviews

  • First time do the procedure in the cabin
  • Try to ask the hairdresser about what kind of company he uses
  • The most expensive and effective is the means of the Japanese company Honma Tokyo
  • The easiest way to use the Hungarian remedy of Callos at home, it does not require drying and stretching with an iron
  • The most popular is Botox from Loreal. Its price is acceptable, and the composition contains lactic acid and a mass of vitamins

Unlike all other means, the substance of Kashmir Keratin Hair System still contains a small amount of botulinum toxin. Botox locks all the beneficial substances inside the hair.

Be very careful with this product, use gloves and do not overexpose. Thanks to this tool, 70% of keratin molecules remains in the hair thread forever. True, the price of the product is simply cosmic

Set for Botox
Set for Botox

How to care for hair after Botox? Video

There are no special indications for hair care after Botox. But if you want to extend the effect of the procedure, use the tips of a professional.

Video: hair care after Botox

As you can see, the leading hairdressers invented Botox for hair without botulinum toxin itself. Since of all the funds available on sale, only the Kashmir Keratin Hair System of the Israeli company contains Botox molecules that can “seal” keratin in the balance for almost life.

Video: Botox for hair


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