Hair roots, scalp are sick. Why do hair roots hurt on the head? What to do if the hair roots hurt?

Hair roots, scalp are sick. Why do hair roots hurt on the head? What to do if the hair roots hurt?

Headache attacks are a fairly common phenomenon that has different etiology.

All, without exception, people experience regular or quite rare pains in the head caused by certain reasons - fatigue, lack of sleep, infectious diseases, cerebrovascular disorders, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, etc.

In addition, some encounter another unpleasant condition when the pain concentrates on the surface of the skin near the hair of hair.

Why hurt the scalp at the roots of the hair?

A variety of pain and the causes of this phenomenon can be different. In medical practice, there is a terminology denoting this condition: headache of tension, cephalgia, “helmet of a neurasthenic”. In almost all cases, similar symptoms are observed:

  • Pain at the time of touch
  • Pain in the basal zone
  • Strengthening the pain during combing
  • Itching, tingling and burning
  • The feeling of "goosebumps" on the skin

Pain features can first occur imperceptibly, gradually intensifying, localized in one zone, most often on the top of the head or temporal shares, or cover the entire head. Sometimes the illusion of the contingent of the invisible ring occurs.

Scalp and hair of hair

The reasons for this ailment are divided by doctors into 3 main groups:

  • Physiological
  • Cosmetic
  • Emotional and psychological

The roots on the head are sore: reasons

Physiological causes associated with individual differences in the functioning of the body, as well as the behavior and way of life of a person.

Weakening of immunity, violation of the diet, sleep, bad habits, insufficient physical activity, vitamins deficiency can negatively affect the condition of the hair and scalp.

Cosmetic causes caused by the wrong choice of cosmetic detergents and care products. The chemical composition of many shampoos, balms-steamers and masks from a mass market can cause serious deterioration in the condition of the scalp and hair:

  • Allergic reactions
  • The appearance of peeling and dandruff
  • Violation of the water-fat balance of the scalp

Emotional and psychological causes Reflect the characteristic features of the human psyche and its ability to stability in stressful situations. Impulsive and Primnically unbalanced people are more often susceptible to this type of pain. The premises to the occurrence of pain are:

  • Constant mental and emotional stress
  • Up -charm mood swings
  • Stress states
Painful sensations when touching the hair and combing

Why do hair roots hurt after the tail?

  • Women and men with long, thick hair often face the manifestation of cephalgia. The reason for this is hairstyles in the form of a tight “horse tail”, as well as tightening hair with hairpins, studs, hoops
  • With too large tension, the roots of the hair and the scalp are discomfort and excessive tension, which leads to pain, itching and burning of the scalp, and then - hair loss
Wearing a "horse tail" causes scalp pain in the basal zone

Why do the hair roots on the top of the head hurt?

  • The causes of pain in the basal zone on the crown can be an incorrectly selected headdress. Inappropriately, a hat or a tightly tied scarf can squeeze the head too much, thereby violating blood circulation in the surface layers of the scalp and subcutaneous tissue
  • The pain, as a rule, is localized on the crown, sometimes in the forehead, and continues for some time after the removal of the factor provoked it
  • Also, the cause of hair root can be the absence of a headdress in the cold season. Low temperature causes vascular cramps and impaired blood flow in the subcutaneous layer of the head
The absence of a headdress in the cold season causes vascular spasms and scalp pain

Why do hair roots hurt when the hair is dirty?

  • Every day using objects such as massage brushes and hair combs, many do not attach importance to their condition. But it is precisely these leaving and hygiene items that are most often in contact with the hair and scalp and can injure them
  • The jagged sharp edges of the combs and brushes apply small scratches to the skin, so that the infection gets into the microcracks
  • With insufficiently frequent washing of the head and the absence of disinfection of combs in the skin layer, inflammatory processes begin, causing pain and hair loss
Inflammation of the skin of the head due to inappropriate combs and brushes

Why do hair roots hurt and hair falls out?

  • Whatever the causes of pain in the hair roots, all of them cause a deterioration in blood circulation in the subcutaneous layers, and, as a result, insufficient flow of oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles
  • There is a violation of the nutrition, the hydration and elasticity of the structure of the hair decreases. As a result, the hair becomes dry, brittle, thin and falls out

What to do if the hair roots hurt?

  • The most affordable tools for pains of the scalp are ordinary massage, which can be done independently. This method of exposure can be used if pain is caused by fatigue or external factors
  • Massage is carried out with light circular movements with fingertips for 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening
  • 1-2 times a week, you can additionally use natural oil-almond, burdock, olive, castor combing the beneficial effect of massage with the nutritional properties of natural oils
  • If the cause of the pain lies in the use of inappropriate cosmetics, you should replace cleaning and care products by giving preference to products from organic cosmetics. Another way out will be the preparation of shampoos, rinses and healthy masks at home
Head massage for pain at hair roots

Hair roots hurt: treatment

  • The drug treatment of cephalgia is to take drugs that enhance blood circulation and prevent vascular cramps
  • In parallel with such funds, the doctor can recommend a complex of vitamins and minerals, balanced nutrition, physical activity and stay in the fresh air
  • With emotional breakdowns and problems of a psychological type, you should seek a consultation with a neuropathologist and a neurologist, which will prescribe an additional examination and complex therapy

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