Sores in the nose of a child: causes, treatment, species. Treatment of purulent, dry and weeping sores in the nose in children

Sores in the nose of a child: causes, treatment, species. Treatment of purulent, dry and weeping sores in the nose in children

An article about sores in the nose in children and treatment methods.

The sores in the nose of a child who do not pass for a long time often force to see a doctor. Parents wonder what affects the appearance of various sores on the nasal mucosa and how to save the baby from them?

The child is concerned about pain, itching, bleeding, sometimes purulent secretions. But the danger of such an unpleasant disease is that there is a risk of severe complications.

Violation of microflora and the functioning of the nasal mucosa, which lasts more than 5 days, cause not only unpleasant sensations. The process of restoring the epithelium of the mucosa is disturbed.

Itchy sores are often the result of mechanical damage
Itchy sores are often the result of mechanical damage

In young children, itchy sores often appear as a result of mechanical damage. They can stick hard objects in the nose or injure the mucous membrane with nails.

Pathology indicates the development of hypertrophic or atrophic rhinitis, which only an otolaryngologist will help to get rid of.

Sore nose with colds

A cold child suffering from a runny nose swells, and the mucous membrane is inflamed. Acute rhinitis flows against the background of different sores in the nose.

With the atrophic form of rhinitis (especially painful), the mucous layer of epithelium and blood vessels dries, which leads to “wovers” in the nose.

A cold and rhinitis sores are often used by sores in the nose
A cold and rhinitis sores are often used by sores in the nose

Disorders of the nose microflora are characterized by cracks in the nose, under it, which appear at the slightest touch.

Chronic runny nose, sinusitis also provoke the appearance of sores in the nose. Drops and sprays to eliminate the runny nose for a long time do not affect the state of the mucosa in the best way: it dry out due to the total bitterness of blood vessels and is easily injured.

Drops from the runny nose do not in the best way affect the state of the mucosa
Drops from the runny nose do not in the best way affect the state of the mucosa

With strong protracted rhinitis, capillaries in the nose may be damaged, which contributes to the formation of crusts. If you remove them, sores form on the mucosa. Such wounds in the nasal cavity appear with an allergic runny nose.

A cold causes herpes in the nasal cavity. It manifests itself with ulcers on the tip and on the wings of the nose, which are accompanied by burning and itching. The disease can be repeated after hypothermia. Herpes is good to be treated with various ointments.

Purulent sores in the nose of a child

During a runny nose, the mucous membrane is damaged due to constant mechanical damage, friction with a nasal. If mucus constantly flows from the child’s nose, then the infection can easily join a runny nose.

Sinusitis provokes the appearance of purulent accumulations affecting the sinuses. Together with the infection that penetrated the nose, pain and high temperature come

Pathogenic microbes that form a boil easily penetrate the nose
Pathogenic microbes that form a boil easily penetrate the nose

Tissue adjacent to the hair follicle can be inflamed due to a decrease in the body's immune defense. Pathogenic microbes that form a boil easily penetrate the nose. Furunculosis sometimes spreads to the whole body.

Prostious to children who have intestinal disorders or weak immunity. Another variety of purulent sores in the nose is the sicosis of the nostrils, the course of which is complicated by the fact that hair bags are inflamed. Fabric follicle may become inflamed.

Sicosis is often found on the upper lip, chin. It causes a staphylococcal infection. Sicosis is sometimes accompanied by eczema, which complicates the diagnosis of the disease.

Wetting sore nose in a child

It happens that a child’s skin blushes and a small pimple appears, and a wet wound in the nose also occurs. The sore is whitish along the edge, resembles a burn with a bursting bubble. A trip to a dermatologist with such a sore is inevitable.

Before visiting the doctor, you can lubricate the patient with ointments with ointments: facorceine and erythromycin ointment, making a sample for sensitivity (apply to the inside of the forearm and wait a couple of hours)

At the doctor's
At the doctor's

Dry sores in the nose

With a cold and acute rhinitis, parents use drops for the nose to treat children. From them, the mucous membrane dry out, which is the cause of sores in the nasal cavity or on the partition.

Excessive dryness of the nasal mucosa causes atrophic chronic rhinitis. The disease proceeds against the background of bloody sores in the nose. The patient's nose is laid, itching is felt

With a wet wound in the nose you need to go to the doctor
With a wet wound in the nose you need to go to the doctor

Crusts and sores in the nose of a child

Boxes in the nose are formed due to the accumulation of a secret substance. It hardens, as a result of which growths that have an unpleasant odor appear. It is difficult for a sick child to breathe. The crusts that appear are yellow-green or brown.

Boxes in the nose appear for various reasons. However, this process is caused by the coating of the nasal mucosa with certain formed substances.

Hygienic cleaning helps to get rid of inconvenience in the nose for a while, but after a while discomfort appears again. This may indicate pathological changes that should be immediately treated

It is difficult for a sick child to breathe
It is difficult for a sick child to breathe

Treatment of sores in the nose of a child

Pores in the nose in children appear for various reasons. This can be mechanical damage, weakening of the body, a decrease in immunity, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The doctor will find out the cause of the disease

Treat sores in the nose with a decoction of medicinal herbs

The sores in the nose of the child are treated in the following ways:

  • boil medicinal herbs (chamomile and others) and do inhalations
  • use a spray for the nose of bioparox, which has antibacterial properties
  • folk methods using beetroot drops, kalanchoe drops, which restore and disinfect the mucous membrane

Effective in the fight against sores in the nose of magnetolaser therapy, drugs of drug electrophoresis or ultraviolet irradiation of the nose area.

The mucous membrane after use of physiotherapy is disinfected, blood flow is accelerated. As a result, the regeneration of the nasal mucosa improves.

In children, very often “wings” appear in the nose after they digit with a toy, scratch the mucous membrane of the nose with nails or a sharp object. After mechanical damage, an infection is layered on the abrasion.

If the cause of the sore nose in the child in this, then disinfection of the damaged surface with a weak solution of antiseptic (miramistin) will help get rid of trouble. After an antiseptic, use a healing Solcoseryl ointment, calendula ointment or sea buckthorn oil.

When the sores appear in the nose after a cold and the cold, the treatment is as follows:

  • cure a runny nose that provokes irritation with frequent smoking
  • treat the inner surface of the nose with a decoction of medicinal herbs, healing ointment

Adults must monitor the child so that he does not pick up the nose constantly. Such addiction is fraught with the formation of pustules. In the room where the child is located, air humidity should be maintained within 45-60%.

But “wuck” in the nose of a child may appear for other reasons:

  • he was incorrectly inhaled
  • used certain drugs
    herpes or other disease begins to develop

Therefore, before treating with the help of folk methods, show the baby to the doctor if the sore does not pass within a week.

Sores in the nose of a child: ointment

To treat sores in the nose, a child is used by a healing ointment of Bepanten. If a purulent infection develops in the nose, then antibacterial ointments are used

Bepanten is effective in the fight against sores in the nose
Bepanten is effective in the fight against sores in the nose
  • Herpes in the nose is treated with antiviral agents (herpevir, acyclovir)
  • Restore the mucous membrane after ulcers and erosion will help Solcoseryl

Such ointments will help to eliminate the dryness of the mucosa:

  • "Rescuer"
  • "Vishnevsky"
  • Oksolin
  • Ichthyol ointment
  • "Viferon"

A doctor should prescribe an ointment to a child. Only he will be able to determine the exact cause and explain how to cure a sore nose so that there are no complications.

Sores in the nose of a child: cream

For a long time, impenetrable sores are treated even by Dardia Lipo Hands, which is intended for sensitive dry skin. Cream helps Sudoku.

Constant sores in the nose, reasons.

  • The causes of the constant appearance of sores in the nose of a child or under the nose are very often a staphylococcus gold infection. Bacteria attack the baby mucosa and multiply quickly. Treatment and effective drugs in this case will select an ENT, on a visit to which it is not recommended to delay
  • The doctor prescribes antibiotics necessary for effective treatment, which will accelerate recovery. To restore the mucosa affected by staphylococcal infection, special drugs will be required. It is also necessary to use them on time, according to the recommendations
  • Next, means of washing the nasal passages consisting of sea water are prescribed. They are absolutely safe even for infants and are necessary so that the respiratory canal does not attack the infection again
  • You can rinse your nose with a decoction of calendula or chamomile. To do this, take a pinch of dry grass (it is sold in pharmacies), pour it with boiled water, leave it to infuse, and used for washing
  • Sometimes to combat “wacks” in the nose are used drops for the nose. Repetition of infection can be avoided if inhalation based on a grass solution. Children with frequently repeated sores in the nose need to strengthen immunity. In this, beekeeping products help them well.

Parents of the baby, whose sores appear in the nose, should keep in mind that the restoration of the mucosa after treatment takes a lot of time, and the infection itself does not pass quickly. Therefore, in treatment, patience and clear adherence to the recommendations of the doctor are important.

What to do if sores do not pass in the nose?

So that in the future the sores in the nose do not appear, parents must strengthen the child’s immunity, protect him from colds, give polyvitamins, thanks to which the body is not subjected to infections and viruses.

Frequent walks in the fresh air contribute to strengthening the body. In the house it is necessary to moisturize air, more often wet cleaning.

The child should stop picking in the nose, as this can injure the mucous membrane. If the sore of the nose appeared again, then be sure to lead the child to the doctor to find out the reason for her appearance

Video: Treatment of ulcers In the nose

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