The gods of India: list, names, brief description

The gods of India: list, names, brief description

In this topic, we will talk about Indian deities.

India is a country in which many religions and thousands of gods exist and peacefully coexist. Almost every village has its own patron. The names of some gods are known only to historians and ethnographers.

Others are so widespread that in the bench you will often see on sale their figures that people acquire and use as talismans. By the way, they can not only be picturesque figurines, but influencing our life with figures with proper use. Therefore, in this topic we will consider the variety of the gods of India.

The gods of India: the variety of ancient deities of Hinduism

Despite the huge divine aggregate of about 80% of the population, Hinduism professes, the name of which translates as a “eternal path” (according to some sources - law or religion). And this is quite justified, since the direction comes from the Vedic civilization, and its postulates are recorded in the Holy Book of the Vedas. In addition, the gods of India found admirers of about 1 billion of the planet, which put the Indian religion in 3rd place in the rating.

There is a general division by locations:

  • he heads the top of the pyramid of the Troika of the “leaders” of the Indian pantheon, which becomes the general basis for everything - this Trimurty;
  • but then there is a separation on the cardinal points that need the supports and rods of the defense of the deity - Lokolap;
  • they come from them general Indian gods;
  • also, they occupy a significant step Vedic deities;
  • and there is also a group Avatarov Vishnu.Perhaps they were taken as the basis of the film by James Cameron.
Many religious diversity
Many religious diversity

Of course, we will not be able to consider everyone. But we will certainly study the most important. Let's start, of course, from a leading triple.

The many -sided god of creation - Brahma

  • He personifies the triad of the main deities and acts as the creator of the entire earthly. There are several versions of its origin.
    • According to the first legend, Brahma is of cosmic origin and is born in the primitive ocean of floating gold eggs. And his remnants after the birth stretched throughout the universe, and creating it in this way.
    • Another legend ascribes to him the appearance of a lotus flower, which also has a connection with water. Due to this connection of water origin, he is still called “kanja”, which is translated as “born in water”.
    • But there is another connection - this is a connection with Vishnu (we will return to it below). According to the first version, he put the name into these primitive waters, and according to the second theory - the deity grew out of his navel. True, at the initial stages of the formation of the universe.
  • The appearance of Brahma is wildly peculiar - he has all important parts of the body 4 - or rather, hands and faces, but only two legs. Often, this amount is tied to a close relationship between the main cardiophage of the world in order to observe everything. According to the second version, this is a reflection of the fundamental parts of the Vedas. But this also speaks of the basis of man - mind, mind, ego and self -confidence.
  • His outfits are bright, colorful and red, as is often characteristic of the Indian people, with many gold additions. In general, gold emphasizes the importance or participation in the creation of the Universe.
    • Additional attributes we can see rosary (material substances), a book (naturally, knowledge) and a beard, which acts as a symbol of wisdom. By the way, all their heads depict a crown, like a talisman of supremacy. He also often sits on a lotus or swan.
Many -sided sage
Many -sided sage

A comprehensive supreme deity or keeper Vishnu

  • This is a powerful and formidable keeper of the universe. A very important person among the honorary three, because it also plays a fundamental role. Moreover, even the root of his name sounds like “fill”.
  • He originated in the water, which is his abode. There is a close connection with Brahma, because it grew out of the navel, which is a lotus of this deity. But also Vishnu is the harmony of the world in the fight against evil. This is a life cycle from the scorching sun to pouring rain. Although there are some assumptions that he had previously occupied a secondary step.
  • It is depicted in blue, blue or black colors, with four hands, which means four cardinal points, that is, undivided power. At the same time, in his hands holds a blessing shell, a protective chakra of the supreme power, a symbolic lotus and a weapon in the form of a mace.
  • It is his form that fills the world with many different forces in the form of avatars to protect all living things. Therefore, it has 1000 names. By the way, it is called the avatar when climbing the Earth in the form of an earthly or animal appearance. In general, Vishnu has 10 transformations:
    • Matsya - in the appearance of fish;
    • Varah is a wild boar;
    • Vaman is a dwarf;
    • Kurma - in the form of a turtle;
    • Parasharama descends in the appearance of a person with an ax, which is the hero of the epic Ramayan - Rama;
    • there is also a lion-Narasimha;
    • the legendary Dashavatar Krishna, who is worshiped as an independent deity;
    • Buddha is also included in this list, being the founder of Buddhism;
    • and finishing in the list is the avatar of the future - Kalki.
Dozens of transformations and thousands of names
Dozens of transformations and thousands of names

The third higher deity of the entire cycle - Shiva

  • The initial names were orera. It is also the Supreme God, who followed order in the universe. He is formidable and gracious at the same time, destroying human illusions and giving hope for patronage. This is a two -faced appearance of creation and destruction. By the way, it is Shiva who acts as the creator of the other two gods of the triad.
  • Shiva is often depicted sitting in a lotus pose with pale skin, but with a blue tint. Hair is twisted into a pyramidal bundle. Often in his hands a smoking tube is depicted, a jug with nectar of immortality and other ritual objects. You can also find a dancing deity.
  • He has four hands and three eyes, one of which is located in the center of the forehead. It has a fiery look, forcing everyone to tremble to whom it is turned. But millennia ago, he was depicted in the form of a three -headed creature. By the way, it is often illustrated by hermaphrodite and often has a body divided in half in terms of gender.
  • He has snakes as a necklace and bracelets, and a tiger or ivory skin is thrown on his shoulders. To emphasize your power in your hands, you can often see Trishul or a trident.
Contradictive embodiment

But the secondary deities are no less famous and interesting.

Giving existence and knowledge - Sarasvati

  • He is the wife of Brahma, who provided him with support and help in the creation of the world. Previously mentioned in the hymns as the goddess of the river, was a protective figure and healer. Now in her power, knowledge, music and art. It is usually illustrated by a marvelous beauty in white with gilding sari, who sits on a bright swan or in a lotus. Sitar often holds in his hands, which gives her the power of knowledge of each sound.
Not only spiritual, but also external beauty

The embodiment of grace, femininity and beauty - Lakshmi

  • This is the wife of the second important deity Vishnu. It is believed that she accompanied him in all incarnations, complementing his creations in the fight against evil. After all, he acts as a deity of happiness, light and good luck, as well as wealth and prosperity. A fairly famous person who is often used in a symbolic image. The well -known Indian holiday of Svetali, during which thousands of lanterns are lit, are held in honor of Lakshmi.
  • She is dressed in traditional red sari and decorated with a lot of gold. In addition, in 4 hands, in addition to the lotus, you can see pots with gold and coins. Thus, it shares prosperity. But this very beautiful and prominent woman increases birth rate and fertility.
The goddess that will share a particle of joy and warmth
The goddess that will share a particle of joy and warmth

The many -sided wife of Shiva

  • Davy “The Great Goddess, blessing and cruel, personifying high female power," containing the whole world in its bosom. " He has many forms, since the husband also combined conflicting facets in himself, and also has many names - Tara (goddess of wisdom), Radha (beloved Krishna), Pithivi (the goddess of the earth) and others.
    • The most popular woman of Hinduism is Durga.This is one of the forms of Shiva's wife. Despite the fascinating dance of 8-10 (and sometimes more hands), it is quite formidable. Although such a disposition is necessary to establish order and peace. Also personifies the cult of the mother goddess, uniting and destroying the creative forces of nature. She is sitting on a lion or a tiger with a weapon of retaliation in her hands.
    • Revived spouse Parvati. This is one of the wives of Shiva. According to legend, the first wife of Shiva - Satti, who committed self -immolation, was revived in her image. It is depicted as a beautiful woman with the usual number of limbs. It is considered a good form of Davy.
Many -faced, extremely popular
Many -faced, extremely popular

Elephants head on human appearance, which gave tremendous popularity - Ganesha

  • He is considered the god of wisdom, the patron saint of science and arts. He is known not only in India, but in his native territory they are very honored. And before you start reading or writing something, they always seek help or even advice. This is the son of Shiva and the good form of the wife of Parvati. Moreover, near their child there are very interesting theories about the very origin and appearance of such a look.
    • One of the most popular versions - his father deprived him of his head when the baby did not let him into his wife's chambers. But in order to calm his wife, he created his head with an elephant.
  • It is depicted in red and yellow, while one tusk is absent. It can have many hands that depend on the image. After all, it is sometimes drawn in the form of a rat or dog. But we are used to decorating ivory figures with a human body our desktop, providing inspiration, success and good earnings.

A kind of young man as a fruit of love, and for love - Kama

  • The son of a protective deity and his wife, who acts like a buying, giving love to others. In addition, rituals are held in his honor to raise health and increase attractiveness. It has a pronounced green color of the skin (but not always), and he appears by a rider at the parrot of bright colors. In the hands of reed onions and arrows from flowers. Bees can boil around that personify passion.
A young man with an interesting appearance
A young man with an interesting appearance

The eastern side of Divine India - Indra

  • This is the lord of the Heavenly Kingdom and all the gods, but later gave way to the leading triple. Also, like Zeus, he acts as the patron saint of thunder, rain and lightning, so in the image in his hand he has the corresponding symbol. It stores the eastern side of the world.
God of lightning
God of lightning

Defender of the South-West- Agni

  • Its name leads to another characteristic feature, like fire. So it is - this is his patron. Moreover, he, like Prometheus, acts as an intermediary between the gods and people. It is depicted in a symbolic red robe, while having 6 eyes with two heads and 7 hands per body. Often illustrated with fire and smoke.

Keeper of the North - Cubera

  • An important person because it personifies wealth. He comprehended self -discipline and self -cleaning, therefore it is often depicted with a harsh face. Despite a cold stay, it is depicted with a yellow-golden skin color on a white noble lion. A diadem with multi -colored stones shines on the head, and earrings shine in the ears.
Protective treasure
Protective treasure

There is in India and the god of hell with a suitable name - Pit

  • In parallel, this is the god of death and justice. Therefore, he controls sinners in purgatory until the next reincarnation. It is considered the discoverer of the road to the afterlife. Despite the ferocious character, protects the warm side of the world. It is depicted in various blue shades on a black buffalo. Often has 4 hands, one necessarily holds a mace, and the second - Arkan for catching sinners.
God of justice
God of justice

Hanuman - Monkey God

  • He patronizes these animals, which is why they are considered sacred in India. It is usually depicted in full growth, or in monkey pose, with a golden crown on the head. It is very revered in rural cultures and personified as a mentor in sciences.
The revered deity of scientific activity
The revered deity of scientific activity

The keeper of the West - Varuna

  • This is the god-soda of an omniscient and punitive character. It is one of the great pantheon. This is a divine protector from sins and injustice. Moreover, according to legend, he finds the guilty, punishes them, and then releases them. It has as a riding animal of Varun, which corresponds to the name, and the snake lasso holds the hand.
A very frightening deity
A very frightening deity

The Hindus of all directions strive for unity with God, the veneration of all living things on earth, through the awareness of the unity of being and the desire for peace. “Whatever the temple, then faith,” they say in India and are completely normal about the fact that any person can believe in his God, can create his own sect or even his religion. Or start preaching faith that no one has heard about before.

Video: Indian deities and mythology

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