Bishophyte gel for joints: composition, form of release - how does the product act? What are the contraindications of Bishophyte? Side effect of the drug, video instruction

Bishophyte gel for joints: composition, form of release - how does the product act? What are the contraindications of Bishophyte? Side effect of the drug, video instruction

The article describes in detail how the drug Bishophyte acts on the health of the joints, what contraindications have and how to use it correctly.

Mineral of natural origin - Bishophyte is mined by drilling. Initially, it looks like an oily solution, then it is processed. For the convenience of using patients, the finished product is sold in the form of a gel. And the gel itself is used for local treatment of various diseases of component tissues, spinal column.

The drug has in useful components, these are such as: iron (Fe), sodium (NA), bromine (BR), chlorine (CL), etc. Therefore, the product is used for medical purposes. Still, the product has a strong effect on inflammation of a different nature. This is due to the process of its long -term formation. Bishophyte is something like minerals that form in the Dead Sea. More precisely - it is similar to them only by the process of emergence, but it more strongly manifest the characteristics in the treatment of various ailments, unlike other minerals.

Bishophyte Gel: Composition, what types of drug are there?

As mentioned earlier, the composition of the mineral includes many useful substances, therefore, its effectiveness in therapeutic effects on patients is determined. The tool contains the following elements:

  • Magnesium (mg), sodium (Na), iodine (i)
  • Bor (b), potassium (k), calcium (CA)
  • Iron (Fe), silicon (Si), bromine (b)
  • Vitamins PP, lithium (LI), copper (CU), titanium (Ti).
Panacea for the joints - bischofot
Panacea for the joints - Bishophyte

Even the composition of the drug includes excipients that can provide the desired density of the product and long -term conservation. In particular, these are the ingredients like:

  • Water, glycerin, preservatives
  • Gel -forming substances, triatanolamine.

It has already been said that the bischofit is in the form of a brine, so it is initially mined, and then they produce a gel. The doctor can prescribe both forms to the patient, but to use more conveniently a remedy in the form of a gel. The gel form has a number of positive characteristics and advantages in relation to the brine:

  1. When applying to the epidermis, the processes of blood flow movement are activated in this area where the drug is smeared.
  2. The gel does not irritate the epidermis.
  3. The product contains additional ingredients that improve the condition of the skin.
  4. The panacea is perfectly combined with other drugs, and it is allowed to use in physiotherapeutic procedures.
  5. The gel is enough for long -term use, as it is economically consumed.
Gel Bishophyte with magnesium
Gel Bishophyte with magnesium

Bishophyte gel for joints: how does it work?

The Bishophyte mineral is a natural panacea, and it would have a whole storehouse of useful components. It is mined in the form of oily liquid by drilling wells at a depth of almost two kilometers. For example, in the Poltava source, the total mineralization is about - 360 g/l. After mining it, pharmaceutical manufacturers are treated.

Thanks to this, all trace elements and beneficial substances are preserved in the original product. In Poltava wells, a bischophyte with a high content of MG is mined. This component helps to cope with inflammation of muscle tissue, articular surfaces, bone materials. It is also needed to maintain the immune system.

Mineral Bishophyte for joint therapy
Mineral Bishophyte for joint therapy
  • Magnesium - This is one of the active substances for the formation of bone material, it positively affects the cells of the nervous system. The component positively act on the process of heart function, vascular system. Thanks to him, the peristalsis of muscles improves. If the body is normal in the body, then the patient is calm, and there is no risk of thrombosis, cheatmia of hypertension. Magnesium has anticonvulsant, analgesic effects.
  • The remaining substances that are in the product have an anti -inflammatory effect on the lesion of joint tissues, the antibacterial effect on the skin. Potassium normalizes many processes in the cells of the body tissues, iodine Improves fibrinolytic reactions in the bloodstream. Bromine It has an impact on the states of excitation, inhibition. Sodium Balances reactions at the cellular level.
  • With swelling, the Bishophyte gel gives a positive effect. Because he is able to narrow the vessels. Inflammation pass after the regular use of this gel. After several applications, many patients observe a positive effect, the regeneration of different types of tissues occurs, blood supply is enhanced. The latter contributes to a quick recovery.
  • Thanks to all this, a general improvement in mood is further, a person’s dream is normalized. The gel composition is effective for the treatment of articular surfaces, cartilage fibers, muscle tissues, bone materials. It can also be used to treat coughing attacks - this is a universal drug.

IMPORTANT: The composition based on the gel shape can be stored for a long period of time, unlike a mineral solution.

Bishophyte gel for joints: when pprovided, how to use?

Balneological gel is used for therapy of progressive diseases of the joints, cartilage fibers, bone tissues. If more specifically, then the drug is effective in:

  • Arthrosis, all forms of rheumatism, radiculitis
  • Osteochondrosis, heel spud, damage to muscle fibers in patients with cerebral palsy
  • Inflammation inside the bone, articular surfaces of the spinal column
  • Lumbago (pain in the lower back)
  • Dystrophic changes in the internal organs.

This tool works effectively not only in the fight against joint diseases, but also acts for problems with the central nervous system, bischofit is used for cosmetic procedures. He eliminates cellulite.

How to use a gel?
How to use a gel?

IMPORTANT: The drug works as an antiseptic, use a gel to reduce pain for pathologies of joints, spine, it stimulates the immune system, treats cough.

Mode of application:

Gel Bishophyte is used locally, externally - directly on the focus of inflammation of the joints or muscle tissue. It is used in combination with other measures of therapy. There are many drugs based on a mineral from different manufacturers. For greater efficiency, they add auxiliary components such as fir, lavender, golden mustache, trench and others. These extracts increase the effectiveness of the gel, provide deeper penetration to the focus of inflammation.

It is easy to use the product, it is enough to rub the gel into a painful part of the body three times a day, the course may depend on the severity of the disease, doctors recommend using the gel for two weeks. Next, the drug is used if necessary, after a certain period of time at the discretion of the attending physician.

Bishophyte:contraindications, side effects of the drug

The mineral has a positive effect on inflamed joints, but drugs based on this natural doctor have contraindications:

  • Tumors of various etiologies (both malignant and benign).
  • Do not apply gel to patients who have supersensitivity to the active components of the gel.
  • You can not spread the gel if there are wounds, abrasions in the pain zone.
  • Allergenic reactions, at least one component from the composition of the gel.
  • In case of disorders in patients with heart rhythms, progressive angina pectoris, impaired blood flow of the second and third degree.
  • During pregnancy.

If the drug is used by a woman during lactation, then it is necessary to do this under the constant supervision of a doctor. Children are prescribed gel also under strict control, starting from the age of nine. Older patients are recommended to use bischofit with caution.

Side effects

The gel can cause side effects:

  • Allergies on the skin
  • Other signs of allergenic reactions (runny nose, cough, etc.)

At the first such manifestations, the drug must be canceled.

Joint treatment
Joint treatment

Gel - is considered a universal product. It is used by patients with different pathologies. Thanks to effectiveness, the product quickly eliminates the patient from pain and inflammation, which is why it is popular among patients and doctors. But still, this is a drug and it has a rather active effect, therefore, you should consult a medical specialist before you begin to use it.

Video: Bishophytic gel for joints

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