Box bandages: what are needed for, differences. How to tie bandages for boxing on hand step by step: scheme

Box bandages: what are needed for, differences. How to tie bandages for boxing on hand step by step: scheme

The task of boxing bandages is to primarily ensure the safety of the hands during the strike. This is an additional protection not only for the bones of the upper limbs, but also for the joints, protecting them from displacements, sprains, dislocations.

To deliver an effective blow, the boxer’s hand must be correctly and reliably protected. This function is performed by gloves. But they would not have coped with the force of a boxing strike if they had not been worn on another protective layer - from bandages.

What are boxing bandages for?

  • What are boxing bandages for? The bandage imposed on the hands additionally contributes to the absorption of sweat, which increases the service life of boxing gloves to everything else.
  • It is important to the boxer himself learned to bandage his hands, because he, like no one else, feels how tight a bandage is pulled. If the tension is weak, then the bandage is possible, and this is fraught not only with uncomfortable sensations, discomfort, but also possible injury to the hand. Too tightly superimposed bandage can lead to numbness of the hand or its edema.
The boxer bandages himself
The boxer bandages himself
  • Besides, tied a boxing bandage, fixes the fingers in the joints, building them in a single row. This contributes to a boxer of a stronger blow. That is why boxers bandage their hands before putting on gloves, not only in fights as part of the competition, but also in training battles.

What are the bandages for boxing?

  • The standard width for the boxing bandage is 5 cm. It is of great importance the material from which the box is made for boxing. It has long been used by the classic medical options from gauze and cotton - they cope well with the absorption of sweat, but are absolutely not elastic, which is so necessary for the proper tension of the bandage.
  • Therefore, today they are more often used cotton bandageshaving elastic properties and the “stretch” effect. A gel bandage is also used, which is made of material neoprene, also quite elastic, protecting the hand well and shock -absorbing a blow.
High -quality material is important
High -quality material is important
  • There is a so -called one "Mexican bandage", more elastic than cotton, but also less durable. And another option, used mainly in the process of training is shinggartrepresenting a kind gloves "without fingers". In battles, they are practically not used, since they do not fix the brush in the right position and are not a support for it.
  • The loop is attached to the bandagewhich is put on the thumb, in addition, it is equipped velcroWhat is even more reliably fixed by the bandage. When winding the bandage, it is very important to accurately lay it in full accordance with the lines of the hands and wrists, without saying and not allowing free “chatting”, a loose fit of the bandage to the skin.
  • Bints from elastic materials fully meet all these requirements.

The length of the bandages for boxing: what are they?

  • Each official competition is established boxing bandagewith which boxers wrap their hands under the glove. When training, the boxer himself decides how many meters need to be “wound” in his hands.
  • When choosing the length of the bandage (it is calculated as the distance connecting the loop worn on the thumb, and the opposite end of the strip), the athlete must take into account several factors: in what way he will bandage his hand, how large his fist is, how much free space is contained in its gloves, which The load is assumed for fists and on the hands in general, etc.
  • The more turns kUMPUR (this is how the boxing bandage is called that correctly) the athlete plans to make, the longer he takes the tape, because it is necessary to pull off the hand in the fingers, palms, and wrist area.
There are 3 main lengths
There are 3 main lengths
  • At the same time, the more the glove sits on his hand, the greater the footage of Kumpur the boxer can wound to protect his hands. And with each turnover of the bandage, the degree of protection against injury increases.

Speaking about the length of the boxing bandage, they note the minimum necessary length from 2.5 m. Then follows the option a meter longer, i.e. 3.5 m, and a bandage over 4 m long is almost professional bandaging with a maximum degree of protection.

How to tie bands for boxing?

The most popular ways used by boxers are direct and cross -shapedor just a “cross”.

  • In the first method boxing bandage First, wound on the wrists, and then go to the joints of the fingers, followed by the return to the wrist and fixing with Velcro.
  • In the “cross”, the main attention is focused on the fingers of the fingers, which contributes to a lower risk of injury. In this case, the beginning of bandaging is on the wrist, then the brush is wrapped, and then the phalanx of each of the fingers, thereby fixing them tightly and building them in the line.

How to tie up boxes for boxing step by step: scheme

The main method is the initial winding of the wrist, and then the fingers, starting with the large.How to tie bands for boxing:

  1. The loop is put on the thumb, and the bandage is drawn on the brush from the inside.
  2. Boxing bandage It is wrapped in a wrist 2-3 times, while it is necessary to ensure that it fits tightly and the folds do not form.
  3. We again hold a bandage on the inside of the palm And we wrap the spread fingers at the bases, thereby fixing the lower joints.
  4. We alternately pass the fabric through each finger (i.e., draw a bandage between the little finger and the nameless, nameless and middle, etc.), wrapping the brush after each turn between the fingers.
  5. Having fixed each finger in this way, we wrap the bandage on the wrist, and then on the thumb, wrapping it on each side.
  6. The index finger and large, circle with the number 8, and wrap the rest of the bandage on the wrist and we fix it with Velcro.

Reinforced binting of the brush is used by boxers who injured the brush. They wrap their fingers with curls, and then remove, thus getting a ring that is folded along.


Then such a “pillow” is fixed on the knuckles with the remaining bandage. Make two rounds of bandage on the wrist, after - on the base of the lower joints of the fingers, and each finger separately. Such fixation softens the pain of the blow.

How to tie bands for boxing: what is important to know?

  • How to tie bands for boxing? It should be remembered that not all fingers need to be bandaged, but only the lower part of their first phalanges.
  • Boxing bandage I should not pull the hand, squeeze it.
  • For better memorization and consolidation of skills, you need to start learning bintation with a kumpur with the hand that is a working one for you.
  • To make sure that the bandage is applied correctly, you need to squeeze and unclench the fist.
  • If the kumpur tightly tightens the fist in the first case, and there is no squeezing - in the second, then you did everything correctly and your hand is reliably protected.
Take it correctly
Take it correctly

In order for the bandage to serve you for a long time - after training or battle, carefully turn it with a roll - this way of storage is the best, protecting bandage from deformation.

Video: The best ways to tie bands for boxing

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