Unstressed vowels in the root of the word: how to check?

Unstressed vowels in the root of the word: how to check?

Rules and exclusion of unstressed vowels in the root of the word.

The Russian language is one of the most difficult in the world, because it has many rules, features, as well as exceptions to them. Today we are raising the topic of insidious unstressed vowels in the root of the word how to check them and what exceptions are.

How to learn how to check the unstressed vowels in the root of words?

The catch of the Russian language often lies in the fact that we hear one sound, and we need to write another. And if the prefixes and endings are more or less simple, then many difficulties are connected with the root of the word. But if you know the rule of verification of unstressed vowels in the root of the word, then you will not have problems.

The rule of unstressed cool in the roots of the words of the Russian language
The rule of unstressed cool in the roots of the words of the Russian language

All words can be divided into three subgroups:

  • Words that can be modified by choosing a test word, and accordingly find out the desired vowel;
  • Words in which the vowel is fundamentally variable and here it is necessary to learn the roots and follow the pre -memorized rules;
  • The words of exceptions that are so many that it is unrealistic to learn them, but can be sought in dictionaries or in our below table.

How to learn how to check the unstressed vowels in the root of words? So, the first and most important rule: if the sound in the root of the word is unstressed and is heard doubtfully, then you need to change the word so that the stress falls on this sound. A striking example is the word "knit".

The stress falls on “A” and how to write the first vowel is not fundamentally clear, so we change the proposal to “knit”, where the stress falls on the “I” and now we probably know that we need to write “knit” with the help of a test word. This was an example with the verified vowel in the root of the word.

Now let's move on to the elusive variable sound in the root of the word. Here you need to be careful and pay attention to the suffixes, since in one case one vowel is written, in the other - the other.

And here it is important to learn a list of roots in which the variable is vowel, since the sound depends:

  • From what letter the stress falls in this interpretation of the word;
  • From the suffix "A" placed behind the root with a controversial sound;
  • From the letter that stands after the vowel we desired;
  • The format and meaning of the word, with the desired letter.
Root in the first meaning Example for this root Root in the second meaning Example for this root
ter The teacher asked to erase chalk from the board. tyr Mom washed every day.
cos He tried to touch her hand. cas This does not concern you.
burned The artist burned a drawing on a regular piece of wood. zhig The teacher himself burns out the paintings on the tree, and teaches this to his students.
der Everything was so itching so that it seemed to me, I will fuck things in the middle of the street. dir Lilia liked to bully classmates, as they easily joined her game.
lodge It seemed that putting money in the bank was the best of ideas. lag It was difficult for his father to rely on children, but the situation demanded that.
chet Today is a plus, and tomorrow the deduction is the golden rule of the casino. cheat Read a lot - live thousands of lives!
measures At that moment, it was the best solution. world It is as difficult to learn how to freeze, as well as learn to speak.
blast Her wings are able to shine like a fairies. blist Marie dreamed of shining on the points of the Middle Ages.
ber The kid said - I’ll remove it, and after a while the surprised mother found the perfect order in the nursery. bir Learning to quickly remove is the task of every teenager.
steel I stretch the bed. style Carefully cover the bed - acquired skill over the years.
per Max decided to lock the naughty dog \u200b\u200bin the barn. feast Do not forget to lock the house when you leave.

And, of course, we forget the three magical words of the exception! This is a firing (in the understanding of the firing of ceramic products), a combination (at the same time you can combine absolutely everything without exception), and combine, including.

And if you thought that the alternating vowels were exhausted, then there is no at all. In the event that vowels change in the root " i "and" A "with them, in, then they are always written with "and", in the presence of suffix "a".

Root in the first meaning Example for this root Root in the second meaning Example for this root
zha He tried to unclench his hand, but it was too late. bench press It is useful to squeeze and unclench the wrists with the simulator for hands.
nya He wanted to understand why he, why now? nIMA Many wanted to do yoga, after a popular show.
i The author of the quote should be mentioned. mine Before training, it is important to knead muscles.
cha Everyone wanted to start, but I offered to wait for the teacher. rank In order to start, it is not enough to just want.

And in conclusion in this section, we add the last rule on this topic: writing vowels in the roots of addicts. Everything is simple here: we always write the vowel that we hear. But if there is no stress on the root, and the root of “creat”, “mountains”, “clone” - we always write with “o”. For example, to create.

But in the roots of “smelting” and “zar” we always write “a”, for example, the float. Important, exceptions: floating sand, utensils, swimmer (derivatives from it). Unstressed vowel in the root of the word: dependence on the letter following the vowel

In this section, we will consider unstressed vowels in the root of the words, but in cases where they are dependent on the letters following them. These roots must be learned by heart.

  • “Skoch” - we always write “o”, for example I will jump out;
  • “Rope” - we always write “a”, for example to ride;
  • “Rasch” - we always write “a”, for example grown;
  • “Ros” - we always write “o”, for example, we grew up;
  • “Raste” - we always write “a”, for example to grow.

But in this rule there are words of exceptions that we collected in the table

Words of exception from the rules
Industry Rostist growing Sprout Leap
Spearable Drinking Rostov Download Rostislav

Unstressed vowels in the root of the word: when writing the letter depends on the meaning of the word?

Another rule that covers the issue of unstressed vowels in the root of the word. In this case, the vowel directly depends on the meaning of the word in which this root is indicated. There are only two of them, and, therefore, it will not be difficult to remember.

Root in the first meaning Example for this root Root in the second meaning Example for this root
IOC (in the meaning of water and other liquids) He was wet through the rain. Poppy (in the meaning of immersion in water and other liquids) Dip the leg into the water.
ROVN (in the meaning of a flat surface, etc.) A flat surface of the lake. Equal (in the meaning of equality) The equation is simple.

And do not forget again about the words of exceptions that must be learned by heart.

Words of exception from the rules

Equally To destroy in meaning - to red Plain
To be affected Level

Unstressed vowel in the root of the words: unverified words

In conclusion, the rules of unstressed vowels in the root of the word we give a table, which contains a complete list of words of exceptions with an unverified vowel. To facilitate the search for the necessary word, you can use the search function via Ctrl+F.

List of words with unverified vowels in the root of the word
orange balloon stained glass interest swarming meteorology
agronomist talking great information correct metaphor
applaud den fabulous ignore corrector minimum
watercolor unprecedented lobby information continent highway
appeal crimson lobby dependent azure mechanics
adventure huge option incident lilac milk
vanguard herbarium the vinaigrette communicable lottery meridian
almanac gymnasium student vacancy kommersant linguistic machine operator
academy state expressive component cherish motive
agitampania genius veteran comment obsession tangerine
absolute hectare delight companion adverb miniature
vanguard hot virtuoso compromise reluctantly smell
anomaly hypothesis vaccine amount demonstrate border
road hypnosis dynamic compensation panorama original
document horizon brown constitution landscape concerned
director brilline careerist corthia visit ornament
declaration railway calendar the corridor startling stole
thoroughly want sway criterion palisador stunned
conduct interest combination peasant fern define
diagnosis tomorrow career correction foamen claim
the president situation character irritate hurried experiment
privilege scholarship choreographic craft small exposition
procedure stereotype characteristic decide correct element
thunder dog characterize real goned masterpiece
overcoming interview human mode destroy expensive
priority solemn equivalent restore satisfactorily quotes
region traditional label review appear competent
conscience philharmonic seminar sympathy philology cow
fight fragmentary phraseologism tV series philosophy to polish
system surname preliminary sovereignty ceremony

Also, for the complete disclosure of this topic, we recommend watching a video lesson.

Video: unstressed vowels in the root. Selection of verification words

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