Immortal regiment: search for a soldier, veteran, participant of the Second World War by last name for free. How to find a front -line soldier by last name, name and patronymic, by rewards?

Immortal regiment: search for a soldier, veteran, participant of the Second World War by last name for free. How to find a front -line soldier by last name, name and patronymic, by rewards?

How to find information about a participant in the Great Patriotic War?

The large -scale growth of the All -Russian action “Immortal Regiment” caused a huge activation of interest in finding information about the front -line fate of soldiers. Not every soldier returned from the war and told the descendants about his heavy military campaign. Many of those who have waited for their native still looking for any news about him.

How to find a front -line soldier by the name of the name and patronymic?

The most powerful electronic project, created on the basis of data and with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, provides people with the opportunity to access archival documents with which you can find a soldier who participated in the Second World War, knowing his last name.

  • We start the search by going to the main page of the site Central archive on link.
  • On the left side of the page opened, click on " Memory of the people«.
First step
  • Next, we put it in a string Full name Seeking a warrior.
The second step
  • All the information available in the file cabinets will appear on this person.
The third step

This site makes it possible to trace the entire combat path of the part in which the war participant served on the map.

You can see:

  • The award sheet of the hero
additional information
  • What a feat did the soldier performed
For which the hero received the award
  • Other information available
Some additional information

Video: How to find the missing soldier of the Second World War. Trust TV channel (Moscow 24)?

Search for the Participant of the Second World War on the awards

Unfortunately, by number a reward will not be able to find a reward. All available resources use archival documents in which this information is not reflected.

Immortal regiment: how to look for a person, soldier, relative by last name in the archive?

  1. The site created by the all-Russian public civil-patriotic movement will help to find a veteran. Immortal regiment of Russia". Data updating occurs daily. Implement search can behere.
  2. For Moscow residents, a project was created " Immortal regiment - Moscow". It is collected and added every day about the heroes who lived in Moscow. We follow the link.
  3. Since 2014, on behalf of the President and the Decree of the Government of Russia, the project has been implemented " Memory of the people» — are looking forhere.

It contains an erected archive based on projects:

  • «Memorial» —   link
  • «The feat of the people» —  link

Other ways to find a veteran

  1. Information about the dead warriors are looking for on the site
  2. Project " Winners"Created for the 60th anniversary of the Victory, accumulated the millionth lists of living participants in his base. You can get the information of interest here.
  3. The search for the dead and missing people in the war will help to carry out a virtual monument « Remember pro».

In the case of an unsuccessful search for your hero, you can make a written request to access:

  • To the documents stored:
  1. AT   Rosarchiv
  2. On the portal «Archives of Russia«
  3. AT   Central archivex Ministry of Defense
  4. AT RGVA

Or resort to help:

  •   Red Cross Russia
  •   Red Cross (international level)
  • TsAMO For the recruiting of the conscript
  • TsAMO
  • If the veteran is buried in another country:
  1. We turn to Russian houses created by states in the EU. To do this, we collect in the search engine the name of this portal that is interested in the country. For example, a Serbian site in Belgrade
  2. We go to the reception to the Russian embassy of interest to the state.
  • We contact the detachments engaged in individual search.

If the search does not give a positive result, do not lose heart, continue to look for any information, maybe in some lost folder there is the necessary data.

To perpetuate the memory, to create a reliable database that does not allow falsify the history of war, strengthen the patriotism of the younger generation, with the help of heroic exploits of veterans, is the main goal of all projects created to search for victory heroes.

Video: Book of Memory

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Comments K. article

  1. Of course, my grandfather was missing in 1942. And nothing, nowhere is said and written, except notification from the front. Skill of their nameless warriors of the heroes! And they can’t find and not find them! It's a shame and sorrowful, and most importantly ashamed! It is a shame in front of his grandfather, that he was between heaven and earth, and he does not have a monument, there is no stars, there is nothing! Nothing except a notice in which he specified is missing. What scattered him on the battlefield during the battle of Vyazma, it was so! And now he is not anywhere in the archives. But I have it, he was in the children, his wife! He will forever remain in his memory, in eternal memory, As an nameless. And how many such guys who scattered on the battlefields! Eternal memory to you, dear you are our ordinary soldiers !!!

  2. Kajigaliev Abdilman

  3. member of the Second World War

  4. My grandfather, Dydochkin Vyacheslav Arkhipovich, was called up on 07/14/1941. And 07/30/1941 his 6 daughter was born, and there were 8 children in total. According to the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, grandfather went missing in May 194. It will take into account the materials of the Kalinin RVC of the Kalinin region in 1947. Mom was looking for her father until the last days. I remember in the 1960s they listened to the programs on the radio about the search for their relatives missing during the Second World War with reliable to hear a familiar surname. In the last conversation with her mother, she asked to continue to look for her father, maybe he died, and most likely apparently died, there were no reports from the unit. I would very much like to find a place where you could come and bow to him. He is one of those who brought Victory Day. It is not in vain that the war will not end until the last soldier is found. And I hope that there is a place where my grandfather rests. Sorry for the chamber letter, but the memory of the grandfather is alive and his great -grandchildren go to the Immortal Regiment with a photo of his grandfather.

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