It takes with knitting needles for spring, summer and autumn for women: schemes and description. How to knit a voluminous beret, gerda, braids, openwork, fans, with leaves, tp (nako), braid, pumpkin with knitting needles for a woman?

It takes with knitting needles for spring, summer and autumn for women: schemes and description. How to knit a voluminous beret, gerda, braids, openwork, fans, with leaves, tp (nako), braid, pumpkin with knitting needles for a woman?
Features of knitting with knitting needles of the female berets by Gerda, Found, with braids, patch viscous, English elastic, openwork.
The variety of female hats inspires us to create delicate images. And if the first are made with your own hands, then you feel especially comfortable in them.

Perhaps it will never lose his fans. It’s easy to tie it and there is always something to choose from.

Please note - almost every fashion magazine necessarily contain photos of various female berets.

Both beginner needlewomen and experienced want to look beautiful in hand -made products. Continuing topicknitted knitting needles head goths We will analyze the nuances of knitted berets.

Gerda takes the knitting needles: scheme and description

Herda in a mannequin beret beret
herda in a mannequin beret beret
An interesting knitted knitted model of the female beret Gerda has a number of features. Therefore, all needlewomen who want to connect it should be attentive when reading a scheme with a description.

Gerda takes it attractive by a combination of braids crossed in different directions. So it is suitable for cold weather.

  • yarn-2.5-5 skeins depending on the mass, thread thickness
  • knitting needles - circular or plates No. 3.5 and 5, auxiliary of any diameter
Operating procedure:
  • tie the control canvas with an elastic band and the main pattern to accurately determine the right number of loops for the recruitment and at the place of knitting cos,
  • perform an elastic band 3x3 to a height of 4-4.5 cm in the main number of loops,
  • go to knitting the main pattern and expansion of the beret canvas. Perform the recommended crochets by lifting the lengths between the hinges, having previously crossed these breaks,
  • to turn the braid, use auxiliary knitting needles either before, then at work,
  • if you selected the yarn what is indicated for the model from the magazine, you will get 8-10 wedges. If another-up to 14-16,
  • be sure to wash the finished beret in a cool field and let it dry on a horizontal surface.
A detailed scheme of work and a description of Knitting Bereta Gerda are presented in the photo below.
Detailed scheme and description of work for knitting bereta gerda
detailed scheme and description of work for knitting bereta gerda

And several options for drawings and schemes for them for knitting bereta gerda:

Samples of drawings for knitting bereta gerda
samples of drawings for knitting bereta gerda

How to knit a volumetric beret with knitting needles for a woman?

A voluminous knitted beret with a pompom on a smiling girl
a voluminous knitted beret with a pompom on a smiling girl
The volume of the knitted needles of the beret is given to the pattern:
  • braids
  • interweaving loops
  • the loosen of the knitting of elastic bands
And also the secret lies in the thickness of the thread. The larger it is and the freer you sit on thick knitting needles, the loose and more voluminous it will turn out.

There are two ways to knit such a headdress:

  • vertically from the bottom up without a seam
  • separately a dome and a base that are sewn together
Consider the second option for a head volume of 56 cm. It will be interesting to beginner needlewomen.
  • Perform a control sample with an elastic band 1 front 2 wrong and achieve a density of 13p. x 18r.,
  • Dial loops for knitting the dome in the amount of 91 and knit with knitting needles No. 4-4.5 with an elastic band 1x2 to a height of 23 cm. Use circular with fishing line or stocking knitting needles,
  • Evenly make reduces of 30 loops on the entire canvas,
  • After 5 cm, repeat the reduction of loops by another 30 pcs.
  • At an altitude of 30 cm from the beginning of knitting, pull the thread through all the remaining loops and pull them off, cut the thread,
  • For the box, dial 13 loops and distribute them as follows: 1 hem, 1 wrong, 9 facial for pigtails, 1 wrong, 1 hem, 1 hem,
  • Cross the hinges of pigtails at an altitude of 9 rows,
  • When the fabric of the head is equal to the head of the head, connect the loops of the last row with the first or close them and sew them,
  • Sew the box to the dome, evenly distributing its loops to get the same volume in a circle,
  • The finished product carefully wash your hands in warm water and leave to dry on a horizontal surface.

Description of one of the options for voluminous female berets is presented below:

Detailed description of knitting a female beret with cones
detailed description of knitting a female beret with cones

Takes with braids with knitting needles: diagram and description

Knitted by knitting needles with braids on a blonde
knitted by knitting needles with braids on a blonde
The female beres with braids connected by knitting needles is especially popular. The craftswomen are so inventive that they came up with a lot of variations with crossed loops:
  • straight braids along the entire canvas in the amount of 9-12 pcs.
  • originating on the loops of the elastic band,
  • with branches and turns,
  • with expansion and narrowing of paintings with braids,
  • with a vertical location,
  • those present only on the base.
See the schemes and descriptions of knitted women's berets with braids in the photo below.
Description of knitting a female beret with braids, option 1
description of knitting a female beret with braids, option 1
Description of knitting a female beret with braids, option 2
description of knitting a female beret with braids, option 2
Description of knitting a female beret with braids, option 3
description of knitting a female beret with braids, option 3

Summer openwork takes with knitting needles: scheme and description

An opening summer -related summer -tied woman takes on a woman
an opening summer -related summer -tied woman takes on a woman

In the hot season, the female beret is also relevant. Choose an openwork pattern for him and tie with a natural thread with knitting needles, for example, 100%cotton.

Fulfill the box:
  • openwork elastic band
  • crochet
The width and height of the beret dome can vary depending on your preferences. Most likely you will not want to knit it too magnificent, because the rapport of the pattern is 6-8.

Detailed descriptions and schemes of knitted women's berets see below in the drawings.

Drawing scheme and description of work for knitting a summer women's beret
drawing scheme and description of work for knitting a summer women's beret
Type and layout of an openwork pattern for knitted female beret, option 1
type and layout of an openwork pattern for knitted female beret, option 1
Description of work for knitting a female openwork beret, option 1
description of work for knitting a female openwork beret, option 1
An openwork pattern for knitted female beret
an openwork pattern for knitted female beret
Type and layout of an openwork pattern for knitted women's beret, option 2
type and layout of an openwork pattern for knitted women's beret, option 2
Type and layout of an openwork pattern for knitted women's beret, option 3
type and layout of an openwork pattern for knitted women's beret, option 3
Description of work for knitting a female openwork beret, option 2
description of work for knitting a female openwork beret, option 2

Beres from the mohair with knitting needles: diagram and description

Ready female beret from a mohair tied with knitting needles
ready female beret from a mohair tied with knitting needles
It takes from the mohair it turns out warm, looks elegant and not boring. This thread gives airiness to the product, but if you choose an openwork pattern, it may be lost. That is, there will be a slight hint of it on the beret canvas.

The most simple knitting is relevant for the beret from Moher - the front surface. Therefore, if you only plan to pick up the knitting needles and tie a headdress for yourself, feel free to take the mohair threads.

The procedure is simple:
  • tie a 2x2 elastic band to a height of 5 cm,
  • in the last row, increase the number of loops by 30%,
  • knit a straight canvas to a height of 23-25 \u200b\u200bcm,
  • divide the loops into 6-7 or 8 equal parts-clines,
  • in each or through a row, knit 2 loops together at the end of each wedge,
  • Pull the thread 6-7 or 8 final loops.

Brites with an English elastic needle: Description

Knitted female berets with an English elastic band on a mannequin
knitted female berets with an English elastic band on a mannequin
The English gum in knitting is simple, and the finished product with it is voluminous and pretty. Another plus is the speed of knitting, which will be appreciated by beginner craftswomen.

A feature of knitting a beret with this pattern is work on 2 knitting needles followed by stitching the product.

  • 1-2 skein of yarn. The smaller the meter, the greater the consumption,
  • knitting needles in thickness equal to the diameter of the thread and 1 set, which is more than one and a half size,
  • scissors
  • needle or hook
Work description:
  • having measured the volume of the head and linking the control sample for determining the future dimensions of the beret, dial the loops and connect them into the rings, extending the penultimate loop through the extreme,
  • knit 1x1 with an elastic band of at least 3 cm,
  • add 25-30% of the loops in the last row of gum so that there is no hole from the crochet. The best way is to break the lower row loops,
  • continue to work on knitting needles of a larger diameter, performing a drawing of an English gum,
  • after 13-15 cm from the place of the boxing to the dome, go to the knitting of a regular elastic band and the gradual decrease of the loops,
  • final 7-10 loops pull the thread,
  • sew the finished product with a needle or hook.
The scheme of the English gum on the knitting needles below.
Scheme and detailed demonstration of knitting English gum
scheme and detailed demonstration of knitting English gum

Takes with leaves with knitting needles: Scheme

The pale blue knitted with knitting needles takes with leaves and a scarf to it
the pale blue knitted with knitting needles takes with leaves and a scarf to it
The pattern of leaves looks pretty on the female beret and is suitable for both warm summer and cold autumn days.

From the nuances when choosing leaves as the main pattern for knitting a beret, we note:

  • combine them with braids on the box or as stems on the main canvas of the beret,
  • carefully calculate the number of loops so that each rapport of the drawing is visible on the finished product and does not suffer when the loops are reduced,
  • if you like berets with a minimum volume, knit 7-8 repetitions of the pattern diagrams, if with the maximum-10-12,
  • when knitting the bottom, go to the front loops or select the schemes of smaller leaves,
  • the center of the beret, made in the form of flower petals, looks original.
For inspiration, see several patterns of patterns of the leaves presented below in the drawings.
Knitting pattern patterns leaves, option 1
knitting pattern patterns leaves, option 1
Knitting pattern patterns leaves, option 2
knitting pattern patterns leaves, option 2
Knitting pattern patterns leaves, option 3
knitting pattern patterns leaves, option 3
Knitting pattern patterns leaves, option 4
knitting pattern patterns leaves, option 4
Knitting pattern patterns leaves, option 5
knitting pattern patterns leaves, option 5
Knitting pattern patterns leaves, option 6
knitting pattern patterns leaves, option 6

Takes with knitting needles with a gastard: scheme

Donyshko knitted beret with a girdle viscous
donyshko knitted beret with a girdle viscous
Pandal knitting is perhaps the simplest and most understandable for the needlewoman of any preparation and experience.

To make it look especially interesting, take the jacquard yarn.

Of the convenient features of knitting by berets, we denote:
  • work on two knitting needles
  • the same knitting loops of the main canvas
  • evenness of edges without twisting
  • sufficient knitting density for the winter model
The scheme of work on the creation of a beret with a panting viscous looks like this:
  • after setting the right number of loops, knit the first row with facial, and then 5-7 cm with an elastic band 2x2,
  • fun the last row is the wrong way, among which you raise new 28-30 loops,
  • continue to work with a gastard for another 8-10 cm,
  • divide all the loops into 6 equal parts-clines and mark them with markers, for example, with a black thread,
  • at the beginning and end of each wedge, knit 2 loops together, reducing the total number of loops by 12 pcs.
  • repeat the decrease every 2 rows after the loops were knitted together,
  • final 12 loops knit a couple more centimeters without decreasing the gastard.
  • pull them with a thread and continue to sew the product from the crown to the rim.

Takes fans knitting vehicles: diagram and description

Women's beret, tied with knitting patterns
women's beret, tied with knitting patterns
The needlewomen are often called the same pattern in their own way. For example, one fan in one is a peacock tail for the other. Their common is a drawing on the product. By the way, it takes with such a pattern suitable for you for warm spring or autumn.

Like the pattern “leaves”, “fan” has a rapport - the number of loops on which it is knitted. Therefore, focus on it and carefully form the total number of beret loops.

The pattern of the "Packed Tail" pattern looks like this:
Samples and schemes of the fan pattern, or peacock tail
samples and schemes of the pattern "fan", or "peacock tail"
The order of the beret is as follows:
  • tie 1x1 5-6 cm with an elastic band,
  • evenly increase by a third the total number of loops of the future beret,
  • continue to work with a “peacock tail” pattern, performing 7-9 rapports,
  • upon achieving the height of the product, when you tied 8 fans, break the canvas into the wedges and start decreases at the end of each of them,
  • after completing another 6 fans, pull the remaining loops with a thread,
  • if you worked on 2 knitting needles, sew the canvas, crochet,
  • water it in warm water, put it on a plate and leave it until completely dry.
A detailed scheme and description of knitting with knitting a beret with fans are presented below in the picture.
Description of work on knitting beret with a fan
description of work on knitting a beret with a pattern of "fans"

Takes NAKO (tpu) with knitting needles: Description

Women's knitted knit
women's knitted knit
The original appearance of the beret as well as the order of knitting will like skilled needlewomen.

At the end, you first knit the dome from the middle of the canvas, and then the rim, sewing it or raising the loops from the finished part of the headgear.

Work description:
  • type 16 loops and knit except the bromic 3 wrong, 8 facial, 1 front, 1 wrong, 1 front,
  • all even rows - according to the drawing,
  • starting from the 3rd row at the end after the wrong side, add the cloak,
  • continue to knit an expansion after the wrong loop at the end of the row while reaching 14 loops,
  • in parallel, carry out crossing the braids every 8 rows,
  • reduce a large triangle from the front surface by 1 loop in each front row due to knitting a new triangle-clin,
  • in total, you should tie 6 wedges, which beautifully follow one of the other,
  • from the brown loops of the strip with braids, pick up the loops for the rim so that they are a third less,
  • knit 1x1 or 2x2 with an altitude of 7-8 cm,
  • the finished beret in warm water and put on a balloon for complete drying.

Takes a braid with knitting needles: diagram and description

Cute knitted knitting a large braid takes a pattern
cute knitted knitting a large braid takes a pattern
The knitted beret with a pattern of the “braid” will delight you with warmth and comfort on cold winter days. It will be especially to the taste of needlewomen who love braids and interweaving in their products.

The scheme of the “braid” pattern depends on the rapport. It is performed on 4, 6, 8 and so on loops separated in half for crossing.

The scheme of the braid looks like this:
Knitting pattern pattern of a braid, option 1
knitting pattern "Wicker", Option 1
Knitting pattern pattern of a braid, option 2
knitting pattern "Wicker", Option 2
Knitting pattern pattern of a braid, option 3
knitting pattern "Wicker", Option 3
And the order of work depends on your knitting preferences:
  • from gum to the crown
  • from the crown to the elastic band
More models in the first way, more, therefore, we will consider it:
  • tie a rinch with an elastic band 1x1 or 2x2 7-8 cm high,
  • increase the number of loops by half,
  • the following 4 rows are followed by facial
  • depending on the chosen rapport, perform crossing the loops in one direction to the end of the row,
  • the following 4-6 or 8 rows perform facial,
  • cross the loops in the other direction to the end of the row,
  • repeat the previous 3 steps before the decrease of the loops. This is convenient to do 5 cm until the end of work,
  • after knitting a row with crossed loops, tie 1 row with facial,
  • then repeat *4 persons., 2 together out. , 2 out.* Until the end of the row,
  • the next - 4 persons., 2 together out., 1 out.,
  • after - 2 persons., 2 together out., 2 out.,
  • 2 persons., 2 together out., 1 out.,
  • 2 persons., 2 together out,
  • knit all the loops for 2 together with the faces while the canvas will be reduced to 20 loops,
  • pull the free thread of the yarn through them twice and tighten well.
Additionally, decorated with large beads or brooch, decorate with large beads.

And also a description of the work on knitting with knitting a beret with a lady's pattern:

Description of knitting with knitting a female beret with a wicker pattern, option 1
description of knitting with knitting a female beret with a pattern "braid", option 1
Description of knitting with knitting a female beret with a wicker pattern, option 2
description of knitting with knitting a female beret with a pattern of "braid", option 2

Takes a pumpkin with knitting needles: diagram and description

Knitted by knitting needles takes a pumpkin: view from three sides
knitted by knitting needles takes a pumpkin: view from three sides
An interesting version of a female beret in the form of a pumpkin, or hedgehog needles.

To knit it, take 2 colors of yarn, which are combined with each other, for example, dark and light brown or purple and pink.

The main part of the beret is a dark yarn, and the bright perform several rows in front of the bottom and all the bottom.

The beret pattern is the teeth consisting of 2 facial and 1 wrong loops. Around the latter, you will first need to add 6 loops, and then reduce them.

  • yarn with the addition of wool 2 colors
  • circular knitting needles No. 3 and 4
  • scissors
Operating procedure:
  • tie a rim of 90 loops with a double elastic band at a height of 6 cm,
  • distribute the loops for knitting 30 teeth and perform a row without increments,
  • on both sides of each wrong side, add 1 loop by stretching from the previous row,
  • added in the previous row, knit the loops with the wrong and again raise on both sides of the front on the loop,
  • now do the island from the wrong side and crochet from the row with facial, be sure to add on the loop on both sides of the main front drawing,
  • repeat the buildings of the canvas loops until the moment when they are around 6 around the main wrong loop,
  • now gradually, by a row, knit the decrease according to the mirror scheme,
  • upon achieving the initial number of loops - in this case, 90 perform the wrong 5 rows, then the row with the faces and again 5 rows by the wrong ones,
  • divide the canvas into 6 clines sectors and reduce 1 loop at the end of each of them. Knit the bottom of the face,
  • the final 6 loops tie up 6-7 rows and pull it with a thread.
To your taste alternate the color of the yarn during knitting a beret-tykva.

So, we examined the nuances of knitting female berets in various ways, patterns, techniques.

Choose your favorite model, buy yarn and spend the benefit of autumn evenings! Easy loops for you!

Video: How to knit the female beres "Gerda"?

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  1. Thank you!

  2. Thanks!!!!!!!!!

  3. Thanks!!!!!!!!

  4. Interesting article. Thank you. I advise.

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