Balenciaga - brand history, development: review. Spirits Balenciaga - List of aromas: Review

Balenciaga - brand history, development: review. Spirits Balenciaga - List of aromas: Review

The Balenciaga brand is very famous all over the world and in our article we will tell you how it appeared and talk about the popular aromas of this fashion house.

The Balenciaga brand is popular all over the world and it was founded a little more than 100 years ago in 1918. It was created by the Buckwear Clothing Designer Christobal Balenciaga. This fashion house experienced ups and falling, but in the end it was able to become one of the most chic houses at the beginning of the 20th century. It was here that the female silhouette was changed and instead of tight -fitting things came up with dresses of hoodies, free skirts, sleeves and so on.

History of the creation of the brand Balenciaga: Review

Christobal Balenciaga
Christobal Balenciaga

Cristobal Balenciaga loved to sew with Detvo. This was transmitted to him from his mother, who was a seamstress in a small fishing village. However, it would be impossible for a poor village boy to get into people, but he managed to find a sponsor who supported him. This allowed him to successfully act and finish the prestigious Madrid school for tailors. Those man was the Marquis de Cassa-Torres. It was thanks to her that Balenciaga mastered skill and after school was able to open his own business. Which he did.

Since 1931, the tailor has already served royal families, and a couple of years later, together with Pedro Rodriguez, he founded the ESIA fashion house in Madrid, and a little later in Barcelona. But it did not work out for a long time, because the civil war began and the house had to move to Paris. Although, for an excellent master, it was only on hand to work in the world capital of fashion. So this can hardly be called a disadvantage. In addition, having begun to work on Parisian catwalks, they began to learn more about Balenciag. And from that moment he began to be considered the best couturier.

Balenciaga was completely opposite to Dior. The fact is that he adapted to the silhouettes of the girls, and did not try to change them. Among his customers were such popular personalities as Elizabeth Taylor, Jacqueline Kennedy and others.

Balenciaga sincerely believed that each fashion designer is unique in its own way and be a kind of sculptor, musician, philosopher and artist in one bottle. He considered his models to be real muses and works of art, which had to be made magnificent and emphasize their beauty. Fashion is a relative concept and it always changes, but art is eternal. In all collections, 1-2 models were fully created by manually designer.

Despite the fact that Christobal’s ideas were considered the overcoming ideas of society, everything picked up his ideas. So blouses without collars, jackets with a voluminous back, tunics and other things that are in our lives have so far began to appear.

The masters have always had where to develop their imagination. In 1947, Balenciaga began to create his first aromas. At first, the perfumes were called Le Dix, and after a couple of years La Fuite des Heures appeared, and after six years later, Quadrille.

The activities of Balenciag were to everyone and many even tried to engage in it themselves. By the way, the fashion designer also had followers - Paco Rabann and Emanuel Ungaro.

In 1958, Balenciaga received the Order of the Legion of Honor. And after 10 years, he retired. Many fashionistas, as well as numerous fans experienced a deep shock. For example, Countess Mona von Bismarck sat at home for 3 days. In 1972, Balenciaga died.

14 years after the death of the fashion designer, the Frenchman Jacques Kondier acquired a license for clothes and perfumes to revive the brand. So, a year later the name of Balenciaga returned, but still it was no longer as good as before. Only in 1997, a creative director was found for a fashion house, which became a designer from France, Nicolas Heskier. The house began to rise from the ashes and then they began to notice it and accepted it well. Already in 2001, Gucci Group added a brand to the listen list.

Aromas Balenciaga: List, Review, Description

Balenciaga B. Balenciaga Skin

Balenciaga B. Balenciaga Skin

Sensual composition, filled with pleasant impressions and careless places. It differs in airiness and allows you to reflect the whole essence of a modern woman.

The aroma has elegance, and also captures its passionate motives. In the foreground is always emotionality and attractiveness. It was for this that fans so loved this composition.

The perfume is distinguished by the fact that it is unobtrusive. In it, green tea, bergamot, balsamic soy and delicate lily of the valley are so interesting in it. The aroma penetrates the deepest places of the soul and all this thanks to the note of the heart. The culmination is the notes of the Kashimir tree, Ambrett, vetiver and white cedar.

The product bottle is completely transparent and resembles crystal. This air design is emphasized by a beautiful cap with a metal edging.

Balenciaga B. Balenciaga

Balenciaga B. Balenciaga

This aroma has a light and romantic character. He creates indescribable emotions and it is impossible not to notice it. Such a perfume will definitely make the man tremble.

The usual feature of the Balenciaga house is aristocracy and perfect compositions. The basis of any solution is the harmony between different components - body, clothes and emotions. This pyramid was created by Dometelle Bertier, who decorated the aroma of floral notes. This allowed her to highlight the sensuality and femininity of composition with deep wood notes.

The bright upper notes of the perfume are represented by the valley, violet and green peas. It may seem that the aroma is quite strange, but it is worth it. In the note of the heart, a white cedar and sweet iris are already revealed. But in the end, the basic notes from Ambrett and the Kashmir tree are revealed. They are reserved for a velvet and pleasant train.

The bottle is represented in the classic shape of the hexagon and has an unusual color. The color of the color was based on wet marble. A transparent cap with an arch completes the entire composition.

Balenciaga Paris

Balenciaga Paris

The presented aroma combines cool freshness, sunny warmth and sweet aroma of flowers, only blooming in the garden. Despite the fact that the aroma seems easy, it hides so many emotions that arouse the desire to live and create. This composition is suitable for luxurious women who have charm and charisma. You can’t pass by them just like that.

The fragrance pyramid is quite interesting. At the very beginning, a combination of cloves and patchouli is heard. Next, the aroma of cedar from Virginia is revealed. At the same time, the train combines notes of green leaves and sheets of violet.

This unforgettable aroma is ideal for a meeting, a solemn event or a romantic walk.

Balenciaga Florabotanica

Balenciaga Florabotanica

Thin aroma filled with sensuality. It is intended for young girls who have romance and independence. They know their price and are easily able to conquer any man.

The aroma is Kirsten Stuart. It is she who is the embodiment of tenderness, which inspired perfumers to create these beautiful spirits.

The notes of the composition are combined in such a way that penetrating them, you feel an euphoria that can compare with love. The high feelings that overwhelm the owner of the aroma are revealed in a beautiful smile and good mood. She will infect all those around him.

The upper notes are revealed by peppermint transfusion, which is the main tone of the whole composition. In the heart note, cloves and red rose are ideally combined. Well, in the end, the unwritten classic is a vetiver and amber.

No less interesting is the design of the bottle. It is made of organic glass expressing pure feelings of a woman in love. On the sides of the edge of the red color. Thus, they express passion and expression, and a black and white cap suggests that the composition is made in a classic style.

Intense Balenciaga B.

Intense Balenciaga B.

This female aroma has become the embodiment of freshness, which is felt during a walk along a wet alley. A sophisticated aroma creates a feeling of romance and a slight autumn thoughtfulness.

In these spirits, woody notes are clearly heard, which soothe and give a feeling of peace. The pyramid has a deep and rich timbre. The owner always remains sensual and mysterious, and therefore even more attractive.

The entry of the aroma is represented by blueberries, soy and strong green tea. Then it is replaced by a white cedar and tropical Mahagoni. This combination allows you to create the feeling that you are in a dense green forest after the rain. By the way, in order to enhance the effect, ozone molecules were added to the composition of perfumers.

The burgundy bottle exquisite in appearance is made in classic form. It is she who is a recognizable symbol of the ruler. A transparent cap ends and confirms the elite origin.

Rosabotanica Balenciaga

Rosabotanica Balenciaga

A magic composition from a popular brand that is suitable for dreamy girls. Fresh and transparent, it creates a feeling of attractive and natural aroma of the skin. The aroma is floral and the rose stands out in it. Another highlight is a barely noticeable grapefruit. Natural wood notes, amberous and patchouli complete the image.



There are aromas that are always popular regardless of time and fashion. This is just such a composition this aroma is presented. He appeared back in 1973. The formula contains all the most exciting, exciting and giving boundless heat.

The first notes are revealed by citruses and currants. There is also a green note in them. Flower motifs are pronounced in the heart note. And the wood train, which creates a unique aroma, will never allow you to go unnoticed.



Sweet floral perfume. Its very first note consists of bergamot and citrus fruits. Fruits are replaced by a chic floral whirlwind, in which jasmine, rose, orchid and cloves are felt. Ilang-ylang and cinnamon fit perfectly for them. The aroma has a rather interesting and very rich foundation, which is expressed by Ambroy, Vanilla, Pachuli and Civit. Despite the fact that the perfume was created in 1982, it still remains popular and is suitable for lovely ladies who love to conduct seductive conversations.

Balenciaga Le Dix

Balenciaga Le Dix

This is the very first fragrance, which was represented by the fashion house in 1947. This is a very interesting flower-chip aroma that was a bright novelty in those years. And to this day, it remains the standard of perfumes.

The pyramid of the aroma begins with the coriander in combination with peach, bergamot and lemon. The heart is filled with floral arrangements that will definitely not leave indifferent, but in conclusion is the cibtral in combination with other components. All this allows you to get an interesting and unforgettable aroma that is suitable for the most sensual girls.

Balenciaga Rumba

Balenciaga Rumba

Classic aroma with eastern-day notes. It has so much passion and fire that you are simply lost in them. The name of the aroma also speaks of this. In a complex pyramid of aroma, berries and fruits are ideally combined, among which there is a drain of Mirabel. A luxurious bouquet of flowers with a shade of spicy cloves is revealed in the heart. The warm base makes the aroma not only deep and completed, but also very persistent.

Balenciaga Michelle

Balenciaga Michelle

This perfume is more like a good memory, from which it becomes very warm. The aroma was created in 1979, but to this day is in demand. It begins with a coconut note with a combination of wagons and peach, and its continuation is flowers. The base turned out to be wood-vanilla, and it is distinguished by nobility. The barely perceptible musk makes the composition more interesting and more attractive. The perfume is more suitable for women who are used to overcome difficulties and not be afraid of them.

Video: My perfumes. Paris Balenciaga. Fial aroma

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