Atoris 20 mg: Instructions for use, price

Atoris 20 mg: Instructions for use, price

With an increased number of lipids, use the drug Atoris 20. Learn about the rules of admission from the article.

Atoris is a drug created to lower the amount of lipid in blood plasma and cholesterol. The main active substance in this drug is called atorvastatin, and in “Atoris 20” it contains 20 mg.

Why are the Atoris 20 is prescribed: how to accept?

With the use of “atoris”, the process of the appearance of mevalonic acid is suspended due to the blockage of the corresponding enzymes and cholesterol is suspended.

As a result of such an effect, Atoris fights atherosclerosis, is a prevention for the breakdown of atherosclerotic plaques and generally improves hemodynamics.

“Atoris” is well absorbed by the body - in the stomach and intestines, and its effectiveness absolutely does not depend on food intake. It is excreted from the body naturally, through the intestines, and only its small fraction - up to 2% - are excreted through the kidneys.


“Atoris 20” is available in the form of 10 tablets with a coating on one blister, in a pack of them can be 3 or 9 pcs. Put the drug in a dry place, eliminating the ingress of sunlight, at ambient temperatures from 15 to 25 ºС - this is how it can be stored for two years.

IMPORTANT: Before using Atoris, it is necessary to switch to food with a reduced lipid content, and adhere to it until the very end of treatment.

Dosage "Atoris 20"

Doctors prescribe atoris 20 to people suffering from primary hyperlipidemia (types IIA and IIB) and homozygous family hypercholesterolemia (in case of an increase in cholesterol).

  • As a rule, Atoris is taken once a day, but the decision on how many days and in what doses the drug should be used, the attending physician will tell you.
  • Traditionally adult patients They prescribe 10 mg per day, and after two weeks they conduct a lipidogram to find out how effective the treatment turned out to be. If the doctor is dissatisfied with the result, then he will gradually increase the dosage (up to eight times) with a break between each such increase over 14 days.
Large packaging
Large packaging
  • The maximum effect of the "atoris" taken can be observed 4 weeks after the first administration of the drug.
  • Teenagers and children over the age of the age of the age of Atoris are also prescribed 10 mg per day, and if necessary (according to the results of lipidogram), they double the dosage, withstanding a 28-day break between increasing the amount of the drug.
  • For the elderly and those who have the kidneys incorrectly, the dosage of the drug is not adjusted. But those suffering from improperly working liver must take the drug very carefully and monitor the amount of lipids and the general condition of the body.

IMPORTANT: You can’t take atoris and grapefruit juice at the same time!

Side effects from the reception of "Atoris 20"

According to the information of the drug manufacturers, the negative reactions of the body on its use are extremely rare. But sometimes a person can be observed:

  • Violation of digestion (loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, improper outflow of bile, pancreatitis and hepatitis).
  • Drops of nervous (insomnia, dizziness, headaches) and musculoskeletal (muscle pain and weakness, convulsions, myositis) systems.
  • Allergic reactions (itching and rashes, up to Quincke's edema).
  • Hyper- or hypoglycemia.
  • Chest pain.
  • Sexual dysfunction.

If you suddenly felt worse, taking atoris 20, immediately inform your doctor about it: you may immediately stop its use.

It is important to avoid side effects
It is important to avoid side effects

It is strictly forbidden to use Atoris 20 to patients:

  • With increased sensitivity to its components.
  • Suffering from lactase deficiency, galactozemia and violation of the digestibility of glucose-galactose.
  • During acute renal diseases.
  • With ailments of skeletal muscles.
  • Pregnant women and lactating breasts.
  • Children up to the age of ten.

Under increased medical supervision, Atoris 20 is prescribed to people with alcohol dependence (including in the past), patients with liver diseases and those who work with dangerous mechanisms and drives the car. Price from 360 rubles. up to 1200 rubles. Depending on the size of the package.

It is still unknown what the consequences of excessive use of the drug can be. Be that as it may, if you accidentally greatly exceeded the prescribed dose, wash your stomach immediately, drink the enterosorbent and consult your attending physician.

Video: Instructions for atoris 20

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