Astrology: the influence of planets on the life and fate of man. What is the influence of planets on human energy centers?

Astrology: the influence of planets on the life and fate of man. What is the influence of planets on human energy centers?

In this article, we will consider the influence of the planets under which a person was born on his chakras and character, life and fate.

Astrology occupies a special place in the life of every person. At the time of the birth of a person, the location of the heavenly luminaries assigns to us a zodiac sign and prophesies plans for the future. It is indisputable that under the influence of celestial bodies, the state of our health and our life is adjusted. Astrologers give a lot of arguments, how strong the influence of the planets on the life and fate of man.

Each heavenly luminary is a huge source of energy with powerful magnetic fields. We are subject to the positive and negative impact of space objects. At the time of birth, each person is already prescribed for each person and his planetary type is determined.

Possessing information, we can correctly plan certain events of our life, rationally use our strengths and properly spend our energy. Avoid unpleasant problems and attract good luck to your side.

The influence of planets on the life and fate of man

Our solar system includes a huge number of space objects. The key link of the system is the central star - the sun. It is around it that eight planets are located, having the most powerful influence on our lives.

The activity of the Sun is subject to strict time intervals and periods. Planets concentrated around the Sun have a certain sequence of their location. Their size, structure, speed of rotation determine the influence on the life and fate of a person.

The influence of planets
The influence of planets

The sun is a source of light for all living around. The sun's rays fill our everyday life with warmth and life, but sometimes have a negative effect. The sun has a great influence on our health.

  • The deficiency of sunny light worsens our well -being. Mental indicators are reduced.
  • The mood and resistance of the body to negative factors worsen.
  • From the first days of life, we become dependent on ultraviolet radiation, which affects the work of our immune system.
  • Sunny storms cause blood pressure in weather -dependent people.
  • Heart function is disturbed, which leads to exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases.

The influence of the sun and the moon on the life and fate of man

The sun and moon are two heavenly luminaries that have the main effect on the physiology and temperament of a person.

In astrology, the sun is the first determining indicator in the construction of the fate of a person. The location of this star at the time of birth forms our individual qualities. In each horoscope sign, this star is for about a month, having a different influence. During the period of solar activity, some signs are charged with energy, others have many obstacles.

  • People under the positive influence of the sunhave huge potential and inexhaustible energy. The image of a person of the sun, astrology prescribes such qualities as leadership and determination, responsibility and goodwill.
  • According to external data, these are stocky blondes with an expressive look. Sunny people always remain in the spotlight and reach the desired heights.
  • Are authorities for others, attracting the power of their actions and thoughts.
  • The desire for the sun fills us with the energy of happiness, opens up new opportunities, paves the way for success.
  • Participating in any process, they plunge into it entirely, use the maximum of their capabilities. They are self -sufficient and do not need anyone's patronage.
Direct influence
Direct influence

People under the influence of the moon have characteristic external signs.

  • They have a light skin color and a tan for them a real problem. The close arrangement of the moon to the Sun has an impact on the aquatic processes of the environment and the aquatic balance inside a person.
  • Therefore, it is believed that under the influence of the moon, water in the body is delayed, which leads to the fatality or completeness of the human body.
  • This type of people is prone to constant emotional experiences and unrest.
  • They do not come to quick contact with others, they are close to the state of loneliness.
  • For them, it is comfortable in the world of fantasies and illusions. Their positive quality is developed intuition. People of the Moon are ready to delve into small things and details.
  • They are interested in studying everything related to mysticism, religion, philosophy, astrology.

The influence of Mercury on the life and fate of man

People with the patronage of the planet Mercury Very sociable. Always open to communication, they are happy to share their knowledge and skills.

The influence of Mercury
The influence of Mercury
  • The external signs of this type of people include low growth and thinness. They lead an active lifestyle.
  • Due to constant inconsistency within themselves, such people are excessively fussy.
  • Their pronounced quality is curiosity. Without their knowledge, nothing happens around.
  • Mercury constantly grab onto the implementation of several processes. They will never sit in one place.
  • They often complicate their lives with unnecessary inventions and deceit.
  • Such people subject any information to their doubts and do not have a constant point of view.

The influence of Venus on the life and fate of man

The category of people born under the sign of Venus fills the world around the world with love and beauty.

The influence of Venus
The influence of Venus
  • Their appearance is the wide hips and the grace of movements, this is how Venus affects the life and fate of man.
  • Venusians lead a calm measured lifestyle. They strive to enrich their inner world with all the joys of life.
  • They do not commit extreme actions and do not need vivid violent emotions. They try to radiate good and positive mood.
  • It is important for them that everyone is good, so they are always ready to help.
  • This type of people does not tolerate their negatives to others, accumulating it within itself, which is fraught with unpredictable consequences.
  • Venusians are hard to perceive any changes. Stability and comfort are important to them.

The influence of Mars on the life and fate of man

They are very energetic people under the auspices of Mars.

  • They are constantly filled with energy and the desire to do something. This type of people does not know how to restrain emotions and splashes all their thoughts on others.
  • Burned from the half -turn in various situations, but also quickly and calm down. They always fulfill their promises and honor increased responsibility for the actions.
  • They will never put up with injustice around. It is important for them that everything happens according to the rules.
  • Their desire to correct something, to overcome, to defend them gives them life strength and energy.
  • They like to live in a quick rhythm.
  • They drive everyone around them and accelerate the events.
  • This helps them achieve their goals.
Mars affects human energy
Mars affects human energy

Their feature is the inconsistency of actions. They often perceive the requests and actions of others in hostility. But at the same time, they quickly cool and make contact.

Jupiter's influence on the life and fate of man

Weekdays people born under the auspices of the planet Jupiter Filled with a holiday and fun.

Jupiter gives people fun and energy
Jupiter gives people fun and energy
  • In such people, energy is in full swing. People of this type fill their lives with bright colors. They want to enjoy life.
  • Often organize mass events and surround themselves with a large number of people.
  • The Jupiters are very hospitable and kind to people. The physique of this type of people is prone to fullness.
  • Their desires are always large. They will never be content with small. Instead of tomorrow, they always choose today.
  • They like to be an example for others, to instruct people on the true path. They are ready to take patronage over everyone.
  • Study their strategies and tactics - this is how it affects their life and fate of Jupiter. They like to give gifts and make wide gestures. But at the same time they will not forget to mention that you owe them.

The influence of Saturn on the life and fate of man

Category of people, saturn under the auspices of Saturn are little emotional. They plan their lives and do nothing spontaneously.

From Saturn, people are endowed with weak emotionality
From Saturn, people are endowed with weak emotionality
  • Everything is laid out on the shelves. Their actions are consistent and systemic.
  • They control every step and action.
  • Astrology appropriated features such as a high and thin physique, an elongated face and very restrained behavior. Observing the cold -blooded expression on the face, they carefully observe what is happening around.
  • Do not give in to temptations and control their emotions.
  • Under c with a puffing on their life and the fate of Saturn, They are uncomfortable, following someone's indication.
  • They strive to lead others, to be at the head.
  • Such people will easily make a sacrifice, for the sake of achieving what they want.

The influence of Uranus on the life and fate of man

People, born under the auspices of the planet Uranus Very extraordinary natures. Among them are many brilliant and talented people.

  • They are not ready to be in someone else and negatively perceive the administration of patrons. This type of people needs freedom of action.
  • They strive for uniqueness, do not want to be like the rest. Often they try themselves in new activities, train their abilities and skills.
  • They have very well developed imagination and fantasy.
  • Such people are accompanied by luck in all endeavors - so positively affects life and fate uranium.
  • Leadership qualities are pronounced in them, they attract others to themselves.

The influence of Pluto on the life and fate of man

Under the influence of Pluto is born, strong people in life are born.

The strength of people under the influence of Pluto
The strength of people under the influence of Pluto
  • They are charged with energy and conduct active activity. They are very hardworking, purposefully achieve their desires.
  • Pluto carries a cruel destructive force that needs to be able to control. Under the patronage of this planet, confident people who strive for stability and a wealthy life are born.
  • They are distinguished by their ingenuity and resourcefulness.
  • They are able to easily control a large number of people, lead a crowd.

Human energy centers

Around the human body, an energy field is concentrated, reflecting the state of our health, our inner experiences, our mood. Inside the physical body of a person, seven energy centers are distinguished, which interact with planets and exchange various types of energy. Each of the chakras is located along the spine, has its own color, name and purpose.

  • Chakra Mulaladhara. This chakra is endowed with red energy. In men, it is located at the base of the spine - the coccyx, in women it is concentrated in the perineum area. This chakra determines the duration of our lives and makes up for the daily need of people.
  • Chakra Svadhishan. It is endowed with orange energy. It is located in the pelvis area. Responsible for sexual reproduction and sexuality.
  • Chakra Manipura. This chakra is endowed with yellow energy. Its location in the zone of the solar plexus. This chakra provides the work of the gastrointestinal system.
  • Chakra Anahata. It is endowed with emerald energy. It is located in the middle of the chest near the heart. It controls the heart and respiratory organs.
  • Chakra Vishudha. This chakra is endowed with blue energy. It is located in the lower part of the neck, in the larynx. The chakra is responsible for our communication with the outside world.
  • Chakra Ajna. It is endowed with energy of dark blue. The chakra is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose bridges between the eyebrows. She controls our memory and organs of vision.
  • Chakra Sakhasrara. This chakra is endowed with purple energy. Located in the crown area. This chakra distributes the resulting energy over the body of a person.

What is the influence of planets on human energy centers?

In Vedic astrology, the planet is positioned as inspired bodies that control their energy. Human energy centers should be in harmony with planets. Working with chakras will build proper interaction with the energy of the planets, exclude diseases and troubles, bring harmony into human life.

Interaction of chakras and planets
Interaction of chakras and planets
  • Chakra Mulaladhara interacts with the planet Saturn. She is able to protect a person and give confidence in the future. She excludes unnecessary doubts and fears. Fills the body with vital energy. Normalizes the work of immunity and the musculoskeletal system.
  • Svadhishan chakra is under the control of Jupiter. It gives a person attractiveness and charm to attract the opposite sex. Increases the likelihood of conception and the birth of a healthy baby. Builds bright relationships in a couple. Libes from lust and envy.
  • The chakra manipura is controlled by Mars. She determines our well -being and place in society. Helps control people with the power of the word. Gives confidence in the future. Pushes to the implementation of ideas into life.
  • Anahata chakra is controlled by the energy of the planet Venus. She arouses a readiness for relationships in a person. Promotes the manifestation of exalted emotions and feelings. Harmonizes the internal state and inspires. Awakens mercy and maternal qualities.
  • Chakra Vishudha is influenced by the planet Mercury. She reveals creative potential in man. Develops an understanding of the beautiful around. Builds communication between people.
  • Chakra Ajna interacts with the planet Moon. She trains the work of our memory. Develops intuition and telepathic abilities. Controls nervous overexcitation and provides a calm sleep. Develops self -discipline and control of its own emotions.
  • Sakhasrara chakra is influenced by the sun. Helps to gain new knowledge and realize their abilities. Improve your skills. Develops the desire for high ideals. Eliminates a sense of anxiety and causeless tension.

Each person is influenced by the energy of various planets. Each has its own rhythm of life, its own character, its own achievements and failures. Take into account the activity of heavenly luminaries and predict events in your life.

Video: the influence of the sun and planets on a person

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