Arthritis and arthrosis: What is the difference, what is worse? The first signs and symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis, diagnosis: Description. Which doctor treats arthritis and arthrosis of the joints?

Arthritis and arthrosis: What is the difference, what is worse? The first signs and symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis, diagnosis: Description. Which doctor treats arthritis and arthrosis of the joints?

From this article you will learn what arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases associated with joints are. How to treat them, and which doctor to contact.

Rheumatism is one of the most famous diseases of modern society. This disease can affect almost all internal organs and joints. Rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthrosis, polyarthritis - what is it, the first signs and how are they different? Look for answers to this question in this article.

What is rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, polyarthrosis, rheumatism?


When a person is diagnosed with rheumatism, he first does not understand what it is. Why is this disease progressing and what varieties it has. Let's look at more.

Rheumatoid arthritis - inflammation of the peripheral joints:

  • Fingers
  • Wrists
  • Elbows
  • Knees
  • Foot

Both parts of the body are damaged. The joints are destroyed, a persistent inflammation of the synovial tissue of the joint appears. As a result, bone erosion appears and its deformation occurs. Inflammation may spread into the heart, light and nervous system.

Rheumatoid arthrosis
Rheumatoid arthrosis

Rheumatoid arthrosis - a change in the joints of such joints:

  • Ankle
  • Feet
  • Knee joints
  • Hip joints

When the disease progresses, osteoarthrosis is formed, in which motor functional abilities are impaired. With this disease, the cartilage, bones and soft tissues occurs. These irreversible phenomena lead to severe deformations.

Rheumatoid polyarthritis - affects such joints:

  • Brushes
  • Stop
  • Wrists
  • The elbow
  • Knee

Internal organs, muscles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands are also affected. The disease develops according to the type of symmetry, if changes occur in the joints of the fingers, then on both hands and so on. Such a disease is one of the most disabled. Women are such a diagnosis more often than men.


Rheumatoid polyarthrosis - Degenerative dystrophy of the joint. His slow destruction occurs. Leads to partial or complete immobility. Such joints are affected:

  • Upper and lower extremities
  • Fingers
  • Knees
  • Elbows

The disease manifests itself with severe pain, which is difficult to cope without drugs. This disease is dangerous in that destruction does not make themselves felt for a long time. There is no edema, redness of the skin, a change in the temperature regime, but the disease can already progress in the body.

Rheumatism is inflammation of the connective tissue in the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Such joints are affected:

  • Knee
  • Ankle

Heart lesions with this disease are called as follows:

  • Rhound -Prancarditis is completely damage to the heart.
  • Rheumomyocarditis is a change in the myocardium.
  • Rheumocarditis is a change in heart tissues.

It is worth noting that rheumatism can be localized in other internal organs and systems:

  • On the skin - erythema, hemorrhages, pallor of the integument.
  • Inside the walls of small blood vessels-mental disorders, disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, muscle weakness.
  • Respiratory organs - shortness of breath, cough.
  • Eye - retinal defeat, decrease or complete loss of vision.
  • The digestive tract - liver, kidneys and other gastrointestinal organs.

Rheumatism is a terrible ailment that needs to be treated in a timely manner. If this is not done, then it can lead to complications and even deplorable situations.

What is the difference between arthritis from arthrosis?

The difference between arthritis and arthrosis
The difference between arthritis and arthrosis

Patients with arthritis and arthrosis complain of discomfort in the joints, limited mobility in the painful area. But between these two diseases there are characteristic differences. What are they?

Here are the changes that occur with arthritis:

  • The disease affects the synovial membrane and liquid, articular capsule.
  • The temperature rises.
  • Redness appears in the area of \u200b\u200binflammation.
  • Paired pain - simultaneously in two similar joints.

The degradation of the joint does not occur, since the internal structure does not change due to the disease. Inflammation of the cartilaginous tissue occurs, which provokes an infection, injury or impaired exchange process.

Physiological processes for arthrosis:

  • Internal changes in the joint occur.
  • The cartilage is worn out. This happens with age. The synovial fluid is not restored, which means that there is no nutrition of cartilage. It is thinning, without receiving a recharge.
  • There is no inflammation. The temperature regime in the patient is normal.
  • There are no swelling and redness.
  • There is no steam pain. As a rule, only one worn joint suffers.

For more details, see the differences on the main features in the table:

Differences of arthritis and arthrosis
Differences of arthritis and arthrosis

With arthritis and arthrosis, a person becomes unpleasant to perform simple actions. Tilting, bending knees, lifting the legs - all this is accompanied by severe pain. It’s even difficult for a person to just sit on a chair or go down the stairs.

The first signs and symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis

The first signs and symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis
The first signs and symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis

Despite the fact that arthritis and arthrosis are different diseases, they have general symptoms and signs. It is these states that you need to pay attention and at the first “bells” contact the doctor. The first signs of arthritis and arthrosis:

  • Discomfort when walking
  • Painful sensations in the inflamed area
  • Limitation of mobility of the problem area

Both of these diseases violate the usual course of human life. He cannot climb the stairs, at the end of the working day, it is difficult for him to even move. After sleep, you need to "disperse" so that there is an opportunity to just move. A person suffering from arthritis or arthrosis cannot just get out of bed in the morning and go. It takes time to get used to pain and only then can you start moving.

Arthritis and arthrosis: What is worse, worse?


Both of these diseases are unpleasant and cause a lot of pain and trouble. But which is worse and worse - arthritis or arthrosis?

  • Arthritis is an inflammatory process. It can be cured and preventing undesirable consequences. But it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner until erosion of inerta tissue and other complications began.
  • Arthrosis - These are age -related changes inside the joint. The cartilage wears out and thinks. The synovial fluid that nourishes the tissues is not restored. All these are irreversible consequences.

Arthrosis usually get people in old age. This disease is much worse, proceeds more painful. But you can alleviate the patient's condition a little. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Arthritis and arthrosis: Diagnosis

Arthritis and arthrosis: Diagnosis
Arthritis and arthrosis: Diagnosis

Diagnosis of these diseases includes different procedures and measures. First, the doctor examines the patient and asks questions about the infectious diseases and serious injuries. Then the degree of the course of the disease is evaluated.

Diagnosis of arthritis includes the following procedures:

  • Blood test for the amount of uric acid and on the presence of antibodies to streptococcus of group A.
  • Ultrasound joint examination.
  • Radiography.
  • CT scan.
  • Arthroscopy.

All these procedures help to get a clinical picture of the disease in full.

Diagnosis of arthrosis consists of measures that are carried out in several stages:

  1. Assessment of joint mobility by a visual way. The doctor asks a person to make several movements. In the joint area, ossified areas are visible.
  2. The doctor diagnoses visually how limited in the movement, whether there is a crunch when a position changes. At this stage of the disease, the muscles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe painful joint are atrophied. X -ray helps to see bone growths.
  3. At this stage, a pronounced joint deformation is visually evident and in the image of the X -ray.

The doctor can also prescribe a synovial fluid analysis. It helps to see whether there is inflammation or not. Synovia histology is carried out. With arthrosis and arthritis, when evaluating blood indicators, special attention is paid to the indicators of ESR.

Which doctor treats arthritis and arthrosis of the joints?

Doctor diagnoses arthritis or arthrosis
Doctor diagnoses arthritis or arthrosis

If the first symptoms of arthritis or arthrosis appear, you must immediately contact a doctor. If this happens for the first time, then you should make an appointment with the therapist. This general practitioner will evaluate the patient's condition, prescribe general blood and urine tests, and only then direct to specialized specialists.

The treatment of arthritis and arthrosis of the joints is engaged in such doctors:

  • Rheumatologist
  • Orthoped Traumatologist

Early diagnosis and treatment will help to avoid complications and return to normal life. In the case of arthrosis - this will relieve the condition and avoid the progression of the disease and the appearance of irreversible changes that can lead to disability.

Video: Arthritis and arthrosis - what is the difference between these diseases of the joints. Their symptoms

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you for the article. Terrible disease

  2. To talk about what is better and what is somehow not correct, since we are talking about diseases and brings people a lot of suffering. My grandmother also has a joint disease and I see how the poor suffered from pain. Recently pierced her a course of Alflutop injections, well -being improved significantly, granny is smiling and pancakes bakes every morning)))

  3. I don’t know what is worse, but the problems with the joints do not add any joys, for sure. She herself suffered with her knees not so long ago, only after the injections of Alflutop managed to breathe freely - and the joints of the joints passed, and the painful sensations left. For several months I have already been safely living.

  4. Thank you for the article.

  5. This cannot be compared! Both are painful! I know by myself. I thought I was around in the country in the spring. Ah, no !!! Diagnosis of arthrosis. The treatment is long. But positive. The first advice from the doctor to lose weight as far as possible. Exclude salt and smoked meals. Passed the Creotyrapy course. I do special exercises at home to strengthen joints and ligaments. Now I drink the next Honda Glucosamin course. Everything in the complex helps to live without pain. And lead a rather mobile lifestyle.

  6. Flexotron Solo helped me a lot with my sick knees. This tool “resuscite” the liquid inside the joint, reduces friction, restores mobility. I will repeat the procedure in a year.

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