Arcoxia: the effect of the drug, indications and contraindications to the use of the drug, method of use, safety measures, overdose, side effects, interaction with other drugs

Arcoxia: the effect of the drug, indications and contraindications to the use of the drug, method of use, safety measures, overdose, side effects, interaction with other drugs

In this material we will get acquainted with the action of the drug Arcoxia.

“Arcoxia” is a medical medicine that belongs to the pharmacological group of non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, namely COXibs.

"Arcoxia": the effect of the drug

Etoricoxib is the active substance of this medical product. In addition to it, there are also auxiliary components, for example, cellulose, calcium hydrophosphate, etc. The medication is available in the form of tablets, which may contain a different amount of active substance - 30 mg, 60 mg, 90 mg, 120 mg.

Arcoxia 90
Arcoxia 90
  • Arcoxia effectively eliminates pain, relieves inflammation, and also lowers the temperature.
  • In patients with a chronic joint, the medication significantly improves the general condition of the body and partially eliminates pain.
  • In patients with a systemic disease of connective tissue, which is manifested by chronic inflammation of the joints of the Arcoxia relieves inflammation, reduces pain, and also significantly improves mobility.
  • In patients with bouts of gout, the medication reduces pain in the joints and relieves inflammation.
  • In patients with a chronic progressive ailment, which is manifested by inflammation of the joints of the spine, this drug significantly improves the general condition, reduces pain in the back, joints, relieves inflammation and returns mobility.

"Arcoxia": indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

"Arcoxia" is prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of the following ailments:

  • Chronic disease, which is manifested by inflammation of the joints, spine.
  • Diseases in which metabolic processes are disturbed in the human body and, as a result, uric acid salts are deposited in the joints.
  • The systemic disease of the connective tissue, which is manifested by constant inflammation of the joints.
  • To relieve pain after surgery, which was carried out on the teeth, gums, etc.
There are contraindications
There are contraindications

It is forbidden to use the Arcoxia medication for treatment in such cases:

  • In the presence of allergies or intolerance to any component from the composition of the product.
  • In the presence of an open ulcer or bleeding in the stomach.
  • If people previously in the use of aspirin or NSAIDs allergies, burning, itching, runny nose, etc.
  • During gestation and feeding the baby with breast milk
  • If there are problems in the liver.
  • If the renal clearance of creatinine ‹30 ml / min is calculated
  • In the presence of inflammation in the intestines.
  • In the presence of an ailment, which is manifested by the inability of the heart to pump a sufficient amount of blood.
  • If the patient has high pressure.
  • If the patient has coronary heart disease.
  • Children who have not reached 16 years of age.

"Arcoxia": interaction with other medical drugs, features of use

This medical drug can react and interact with other drugs. At the same time, a decrease in the effectiveness of any of the medicines or, on the contrary, its increase, may be observed.

In addition, the uncontrolled simultaneous use of the Arcoxia drug with other drugs can provoke a deterioration in the patient’s condition, so you can treat this medication only after consulting with a specialist and under his control, as well as in the dosage, which will be indicated for them.

Interacts with other drugs
Interacts with other drugs
  • With particular caution, “Arcoxia” can be used to people who have problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, those who have peptic ulcer.
  • It is also extremely careful for people who have a tendency to develop cardiovascular ailments.
  • People who have problems with the work of the liver and kidneys, impaired functions of these organs can be treated with the drug Arcoxia exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. At the same time, experts must constantly observe the condition of patients and their life indicators.
  • The medication contains lactose, so people who have problems with its tolerance should not be treated with it.
  • During the bearing of the baby, as well as during the period of feeding it with breast milk, it is strictly forbidden to use the Arcoxia medication for treatment.
  • It is also important to note that this medicine can cause drowsiness, dizziness. Therefore, during treatment, they should refuse to drive transport and other mechanisms.

"Arcoxia": way of application

The dosage of the medicine will depend on the disease that is treated:

  • With an inflamed chronic joint disease, the medication should be taken once a day. In this case, the recommended dose is 60 mg.
  • With a systematic disease of connective tissue, which is manifested by inflammation of the joints, as well as with a chronic progressive ailment, which is manifested by inflammation of the joints of the spine, the medicine must be taken once a day. In this case, the recommended dose is 60 mg.
  • With acute gout, the medicine must be taken once a day. In this case, the recommended dose is 120 mg, and the maximum duration of treatment is 8 days.
  • After surgical interventions of the dental nature to relieve acute pain, it is recommended to take Arcoxia once a day in a dosage of 90 mg. The maximum duration of treatment is 3 days.
  • You can take the medication regardless of eating. However, you need to know that on an empty stomach tablets act much faster, it is important to know those who need to quickly eliminate pain, etc.

"Arcoxia": overdose and side effects

An overdose of the Arcoxia medication occurs quite rarely. However, with intentional or accidental adoption of a large amount of drug, an overdose can still occur. In this case, you need to remove the remnants of the product from the body as quickly as possible and seek help from a doctor.

Side effects of taking the medicine "Arcoxia" may be as follows:

  • Possible infections: respiratory, urinary tract.
  • Blood and lymphatic system: anemia, a decrease in leukocytes, platelets in the blood.
  • Immune system: anaphylactic reactions.
  • Metabolism: swelling, problems with appetite, its absence or strengthening.
  • Psyche: hallucinations, increased nervousness, anxiety, depressive states.
  • Nervous system: sleep disturbance, headache.
  • Vision: impaired visual function, inflammation of the outer shell of the eye.
  • Hearing: Hearing deterioration.
  • Cardiovascular system: rapid heartbeat, angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, increased pressure.
  • Respiratory organs: cough, nosebleed, shortness of breath.
  • The stomach and intestinal tract: abdominal pain, bloating, stool violation, open ulcers, bleeding in the stomach.
  • Digestive system: impaired liver functions.
  • Skin: swelling, itching, rashes, bruises, bruises.
  • Kidneys and urinary system: impaired renal function.
  • Fatigue, drowsiness, cramps, muscle pain.
  • Changes in indications in urine analyzes, blood.
Has many side effects - a doctor’s consultation is necessary
Has many side effects - a doctor’s consultation is necessary

"Arcoxia" an effective medication. However, despite its effectiveness, the medicine has many contraindications for use, as well as side effects. Therefore, in the event that the treatment with the Arcoxia medication in a short time does not give the desired result you need to seek a doctor’s consultation and revise the dosage of the product, it is possible to replace it more suitable for you.

Video: Arcoxia - ascent to the top

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