Argan oil for hair how to use? Argan oil for hair: beneficial properties, use

Argan oil for hair how to use? Argan oil for hair: beneficial properties, use

A detailed description of the properties of argan oil, effective masks with argan oil in the composition are offered.

More recently, few people heard about argan oil in our country. And in Europe it gained popularity not so long ago. Let's learn more about this product.

Argan oil benefits and harms

Now Argan oil is one of the most expensive vegetable oils. This is due to the fact that the unique composition of this product has no analogues among other vegetable fats.

Get oil from nuclear bones of argan tree fruitswhich grows in Morocco and Algeria. Locals call the plant “iron tree”, as well as the “tree of life”.

The beneficial properties of the oil are due to its composition, which includes:

  • vitamin complex, preventing aging: A (has a pronounced anti -aging effect), E (intensively moisturizes the skin), F (has an anti -inflammatory effect)
  • unsaturated fat acids (linoleic, linolenic, oleic acid), which contribute to the renewal of cell membranes
  • carotinoids (carotene, xanthofill) that protect the body from the development of tumors
  • badge, which retains youth of the body, increasing its immunity
Argan oil is widely used in cosmetology
Argan oil is widely used in cosmetology

The listed elements make argan oil a real “living” elixir that helps to cope with many problems of the body:

  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • helps strengthen the protective functions of the body
  • has an anti -inflammatory healing effect
  • improves brain activity
  • reduces cholesterol
  • prevents the development of sclerosis
  • improves skin and hair condition
  • promotes a slowdown in aging

They get this product in the same way as many years ago, using manual labor. This process is complex, from 100 kg of fruits, less than 2 liters of oil are obtained. In addition, trees in dry climate can be fruitful not every year.
Argania oil, depending on the level of its purification, are used in different fields:

  • in cooking-the product has a slightly nut or pumpkin-seven taste, the aromas of spices are caught. Daily use of this oil on an empty stomach contributes to reduction of cholesterol in the blood, improving the process of metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and potency
  • in cosmetology since ancient times, Berber women used this oil as a diet, moisturization of curls and skin skin. And this helped the ladies for a long time preserve their youth and beauty in such adverse climatic conditions. Now argan oil is widely used in many cosmetic products
  • in medicine, it is used in the treatment psoriasis and other skin diseases, as the preventive and complex treatment of Alzheimer's disease, osteochondrosis, arthritis, various eye diseases, with irritations of mucous membranes

There were no harm from the use of Argania oil. However, theoretically, it can cause damage to health in the case individual intolerance or allergic reaction.

Video: What is argan oil?

Argan oil for hair use

Unique components of argan oil make this product an excellent hair care product. It is no coincidence that eastern women in conditions of dry climate and scorching sun have chic thick curls.

This miracle-butter in a nobility affects the condition of our hair:

  • contributes to the fact that the hair feeds and is moisturized from the inside
  • eliminates peeling Dry, excellent moisturizing the skin. Promotes dandruff
  • affects the hair bulb, strengthening it, thereby preventing the loss
  • acts as a powerful tool, stimulating growth hair
    performs a reliable protective function from ultraviolet radiation
  • it has a normalizing effect of the structure of the hair in the condition of increasing or lowering humidity, which helps to maintain the smoothness of your curls
Argan oil is very useful for hair
Argan oil is very useful for hair

In order to improve the condition of the hair, this unique product can be used differently:

  • use ready -made hair care products (shampoos, balms, etc.) made on the basis of Argania
    Modern cosmetic products offers a wide selection of such tools, which are represented by entire line care lines. Such manufacturers such as Argaria, Schwarzkopfessional BC, Pantenepro-V, Orofluido
  • apply oil on The entire surface of the hair
    Before the next wash of the head, take 1-2 tsp (depending on the length and density of the hair) oil (preferably warm), rub in your palms and distribute over the entire surface, wrap your head with polyethylene and put on a warm hat. After an hour, wash your head in the usual way. If your hair is very dry and brittle, you can apply oil on it after washing instead of a balm. Of course, such methods of using the product are not very economical, since the cost of oil is very high. However, the results of this are worth
    rub in the skin under the hair
    Dip the fingertips in a bow with slightly warm oil and gently rub it with light massive movements. Wrap your head with a towel, rinse no earlier after 2 hours. You can even leave the mixture on your hair all night
  • lubricate split ends hair
    After you wash your head, apply a few drops of argan oil to wet hair ends, thoroughly distribute your fingers. Dry your head without washing off. You will notice how, after this procedure, the hair will get a healthy shine and become obedient, and the tips that have previously been stone will stick together. In addition, your curls will be under reliable protection against UV - radiation and other adverse weather conditions
  • mix with your shampoos or air conditioners you like to use
    Before applying the detergent to the head, mix it right in the palm of your hand in the amount of half or 1 teaspoon and wash your hair, as usual
  • add to a variety of home preparation masks for hair care
    When preparing homemade masks, pour 1-2 tablespoons of wonderful unique vegetable fat there. This additional tool will significantly increase the beneficial properties of the mask
  • apply to the crest Just a few drops of a miracle - oil and slowly comb the strand behind the strand
    In addition to giving shine and obedience to the hair, this procedure will give you incredible pleasure, especially if you add a drop of your favorite essential to the base oil

Video: Argan hair oil

Hair masks with argan oil: recipes

We bring to your attention several proven recipes for wonderful masks for hair care with the content of our unique product. It is very simple to cook them, the main thing is to do it regularly. Turn your hair!

  • Mask number 1 - It is used to treat dry brittle hair. He nourishes them well, moisturizes, gives them shine and obedience.
    Mix the following ingredients:
  • argan oil - 2 tsp.
  • olive oil - 2 tsp.
  • the yolk of a small chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • honey - 1 tsp
  • vitamin E - a few drops

Having applied the mixture to the hair, distribute it along their entire length. Keep 30 - 60 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

  • Mask number 2 - It helps thin dull hair to be more obedient and strong.
    To prepare it, take:
  • argan oils, olives and almonds - 1 tsp.
  • shalofei essential oil (you can take ylang-ylang)-drops 5-6

Make a homogeneous mixture from these oils. Apply it over the entire surface of the hair. Put on your head a plastic cap or simple cook, and put on a warm old hat on top. Let the mask stay on the hair all night. Wash your head with shampoo in the morning

  • Mask number 3 - It is recommended if you have oily hair. Mix well:
  • 3 tsp Oils of grape seeds
  • 1 tsp argan oil
  • 1 tsp Avocado oil
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 4 drops of tea tree essential oil
With argan oil, you can cook a lot of healthy hair masks
With argan oil, you can cook a lot of healthy hair masks

First rub the nutrient mixture in the skin on the head, and gradually distribute it on the hair along the entire length. Wash with the mask applied for about an hour, and then rinse using your shampoo

  • Mask number 4 - It is used in cases of hair loss. It affects the hair follicles well, strengthening them and making them strong.
    It includes:
  • 1 tsp Argania oils
  • 2 tsp burdock oil
  • 1 tsp Strong pepper tincture
  • 2 ampoules of pharmacy vitamin group B

First connect the oils together, then pour vitamins there. Rub the resulting composition in the hair roots well. Wrap with cellophane, wrap yourself with a towel heated with an iron on top. You need to keep this mask for approximately 2-3 hours, and even better-generally keep it all night. Rinse your hair with shampoo, thoroughly pushing the roots.

  • Mask number 5 - Helps restore the hair damaged by a hairdryer or ironing, giving them a shine and lost strength.
    Mix well:
  • quail egg - 3 pcs.
  • argan oil - 2 tsp
  • honey - 2 tsp
  • vitamins A and E - 4 drops

Lubricate the hair with the cooked mixture, slightly beat with your fingers. Wrap something warm. After an hour, rinse off without the use of shampoo (quail eggs will successfully replace it).

  • Mask number 6 - Promotes to eliminate dry skin on the head. Take:
  • argan oil - 1 tbsp.
  • pharmacy vitamins A and E - 5 or 6 drops each

Pour vitamins into our oil, rub your fingers into the skin with your fingertips. You can not wash it off. If the effect of oily hair is observed, after an hour - two rinse.

Masks with argan oil will give your hair shine and softness
Masks with argan oil will give your hair shine and softness

The listed recipes will help you return the lost strength and beauty of the hair, subject to the following conditions
Use quality oil, do not buy it from unverified manufacturers.

All ingredients for masks should not be cold. Oils before use heatusing a water bath.

Pamper yourself with masks weekly at least one or two times. Regularity - The most important condition for obtaining a positive result in the treatment of curls. There is no need to regret the time to maintain the health and beauty of your hair.

Video: masks with argan oil

Argan oil reviews

Elena, 24 years old
Daily use of the iron caused severe harm to my hair. They became dull and as if inanimate. A friend advised to lubricate them with Arganov oil. Of course, prices for him are biting, but I decided to try it all the same. After several times, my hair became obedient and sparkling. I treated my hair like this: in the evening I applied the product warm completely on all my hair and went to bed for the night.

Andrey, 25 years old
I noticed that when my head, my hair began to fall out intensively. The argan oil began to rub, mixing in half with tincture of peppers. I don’t know what helped in the end, but the hair no longer falls out.

Svetlana, 36 years old
During a visit to Morocco, I met a local girl - a guide. She had delightful hair, which, it seemed, did not act either a dry wind or heat. I could not resist and asked her what kind of caring she was using. She spoke about Argan’s oil. I bought a bunch of this oil, since it is not very expensive in Morocco. Now I smear them a face and hair. The hair has become strong, and it looks much thicker. The result was noticed by all friends.

Reviews about argan oil are only positive
Reviews about argan oil are only positive

Olya, 21
By nature, I have thin blond hair. The tips always split, although I periodically cut them. Began to apply Argan oil on them. I really like! Hair looks much more healthy. It is especially pleasing that this oil does not paint my light curls, like other similar products. I recommend to everyone!

Video: Reviews about argan oil

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Comments K. article

  1. Yes, argan oil is very useful! I have a hair mask with this oil, however, after washing the hair and milder and lighter comb. A good thing, if it is necessary to carry out a complex to restore damaged hair (I also dye and straighten it).

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